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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by NJMommy2Four

  1. NJMommy2Four


    I am noticing I am having the most trouble when trying to eat in the morning. I have also been having a problem with mucus. When I am getting sick , most of the time I am throwing up mucus that has trapped the food I ate. Also things I could eat a few months ago I can't eat without problems now. But again most of the time the mucus is the problem. Is anyone else having issues like this?
  2. NJMommy2Four


    Wow! Thanks everyone. It defiantly seems like what you have all described. I did ask the Dr about it, he said the mucous is too thick to go through the band. I am taking Zyrtec to help with post nasal issues hoping it will help. But generally when I get sick (or need to clear the tube) I am getting the slime. And recently I noticed it was happening more when I first get up. I'm gonna try the hot liquids first thing and see if that helps. I haven't wrapped myself around the Protein shake yet. But I'm guessing this is going to have to be added to by daily diet. My nutritionist said she prefer I eat my protein not drink it. But as I am eating a lot less I know I am not getting my daily protein amounts in.
  3. NJMommy2Four

    I hate mornings

    I'm having the same issue. If I try to eat anything with subsistence in the morning or when I first get up I am getting sick!
  4. NJMommy2Four

    so nauseated :(

    At GNC they suggested adding a banana to the shakes to help with flavor or my BF's doctor suggested to get the plain Protein powder and add it to Gatorade. Now he is having hydration issues so he told him to use the regular Gatorade but the G2 is low calorie and low in all the bad stuff, and I'm sure you can add it to other beverages that you like. v8 light? v8 smoothie light? diet drinks? I like the Vitamin Water XXX zero and Propel Zero (grape). again good luck, you just have to figure out what works for you. I think the company Bariatric Choice will send you one sample of their products.
  5. NJMommy2Four

    so nauseated :(

    PureProtein sold at Walmart $20 big giant container. My BF was drinking them before his gastric sleeve surgery. Online they have premade shakes in all different flavors. Cookies n Cream, Mint, Choc, Vanilla
  6. NJMommy2Four

    1st fill tomorrow.....scared!!!!

    my Dr numbs with lidocain first then does the port while looking under fluoroscopy. He doesn't believe in doing it blind. But as mentioned before all Doctors are different. It takes about five minutes. I was so scared when I had my first too. You'll do great!! Good Luck!!
  7. NJMommy2Four

    Weight Loss Standstill

    It's almost been 4 months since my banding. I had one fill in January and I have only lost 20 lbs. Is anyone else at a Standstill with their weight loss? I had some Insurance issues so I can't go for another fill until March. I've also bee having some sick issues? Food seems to be backing up, but I think I am eating to fast and its making me get sick. There is also a mucus issue. Trying not to be too graphic, but is anyone else having these issues?
  8. NJMommy2Four

    Increased hunger!!!!

    Same here, trying really hard not to give into the monster!! Although when I get ravenous I get a quick slap in the face cause I get hiccups soooooo bad it hurts!! But I feel like I can eat anything. Breads and doughy things are the worst but I can eat pizza??? grilled chicken from a salad was OK but grilled chicken from McD's today gave me hiccups. There seems to be no rhyme or reason to what I can and cant eat. My nutritionist said to increase my Protein. and that I am to eat my protein not drink it. Also really stick to the not drinking with meals, It washes it out of the upper pouch. the food needs to sit in the upper pouch for an hour to help crave the hunger.
  9. NJMommy2Four

    Help....I have flu...6 days post op 11th

    I just had my surgery Nov 7 and my son has been sick 3 times with the stomach flu since Dec 14. I got it but did not have the vomiting. My DR said if I get it to call them immediately or go to the ER if vomiting persist. The act of vomiting can slip the band and since you just had it and the sutures have not had time to heal I'd be even more careful. Hope you all get better real soon!! This flu thing sucks!! Any type!! Carol
  10. NJMommy2Four

    I'm from ne philly

    I'm in Jersey right over the bridge, Where in NE Philly? I went to Northeastern Hospital School of Nursing in Port Richmond a few years ago.
  11. What he meant by ATKINS is HIGH Protein. My nutritionist says the main part of the meal should be protein. And you need to eat your protein not drink it unless you have an adjustment. Protein makes you feel full longer. She said eat a salad is OK but eat salad with your protein not protein with your salad!! You need to become a meat eater, but lien meat. and leafy greens too I think? Go to the Atkins website and you can get a free sample sent out to you of some of their bars. There is also a frozen line which may give you an idea. But I'd watch the actual frozen meals because of the sodium they contain. I however, did get the chicken Alfredo one to try. Chicken (the whole chicken is good minus the skin) also cook it without the skin. Tuna (and other fish like salmon) pork loin, center cut pork chops. Greek yogurt (but this goes through quick like a liquid) I like the OIKOS strawberry and she suggested the new dannon light greek. I did not like the chiabani one. I'm just starting out and recently spoke with my nutrition nurse who gave me all these ideas. Hope it helps you too. Good Luck, you'll get yourself back to where you need to be! I'm learning this process takes a lot of patience (which I normally don't have) Carol
  12. My surgeons assistant told me to take GAsX and it helped. When I had a previous lapro surgery that gas pain hurt for over two weeks, with the GASX this time 2-3days!! Good Luck Oh and I actually used the ones from the Dollar Tree!!!
  13. NJMommy2Four


    So I had my 6 month follow up with my cardiologist today. My family physician and surgeon required I get cleared for surgery by a cardiologist, which I did. It has been a slow start but I am DOWN 25 pounds and my hypertension is NO MORE, my BP was normal with out medication!!! I was so surprised and happy when I read the new weight on his scale. My scale broke last week so I have not been able to weigh myself since having my first fill and didn't think I had any changes. I am down at least 5lbs since my fill last Thursday!! So HAPPY!! Carol
  14. NJMommy2Four

    Blocking people

    Why is anyone being nasty on here at all. This is a place for positivity!! This is not Facebook and I dont think we are a bunch of teenagers??? Not only would I block them I'd report them!!
  15. NJMommy2Four

    Something I feel the need to say

    You are exactly right the band is only a TOOL! If you want to have surgery that does all the work for you then there are other options out there. I too researched this topic for two years before I made the final decision to have the lap band. I needed something to help me but teach me in the process. It by no means is easy. This is an entire lifestyle change and makes you completely aware of your eating issues!! Good Luck keep up the good work and remember this only works as much as you put into it!! Carol
  16. My BF has AETNA too and it was the therapist that I called for him (which did not take my insurance, I am covered by the state ***) and she explained all this BS to me. She explained that the fee they charge is basically the fee for filling out the documentation needed for the surgeon. His insurance paid for part of the exam but not the other. She decided when I said I'd find someone else that she would take what the insurance did pay so he would still go to her. But this is also the exam that only offered a 400 questionnaire that had nothing to do with weight loss, it was just to see if you were mental or sane. For myself I called my *** and asked for a list of therapist in my area, out of a list of ten doctors NONE of them performed this service, fortunately one of them gave me the name of a friend colleague of hers that did offer the service. She was not in network but offered to do the exam for just over $100. She also did the exam that actually revolved around weight loss and my feelings and understanding of what I knew and expected and how I'd gotten to the point of needing surgery. It was far better then the service my BF got.
  17. Most therapist are not innetwork with any insurance companies. The insurance companies don't like paying for any mental health, yet require a mental exam for surgery. I had to shop around and found someone willing to do it for cheap. Also, my BF and I were going through it together with different insurances, the psych evaluation he got and I got were completely different. He had to fill out a psych eval which had nothing to do with Weight Loss Surgery, my therapist asked me a ton of question about how I felt about the procedure and what I expected. Both of us got our insurance approvals!! Another note: what they make you pay for is the paperwork not even the exam!!! So SHOP around, I paid $130 my BF was quoted $450 big difference to me! GOOD LUCK
  18. So I had my first fill today. I was terrified but it wasn't so bad. He put in 3.1cc in. It was neat to watch on the screen. So now I am restricted to liquids until Sunday. Not clears, just liquid. I did Cream of Chicken soup tonight, but I still feel hungry. I measured out aprox 6 ounces, the most the Doc said I should be eating in a meal?? I am hungry and don't know what to do. I want this to work and I don't want to screw it up. Any suggestions?
  19. NJMommy2Four

    Soft food?

    white Pasta expands and can cause stretching... I think my nutritionist listed wheat pasta as OK. Try the yellow box barilla it doesn't have the grainy texture other wheat pastas have. I'm trying gnocchi today, its a pasta but made with potato.
  20. you know when I was looking at the shakes at the store I didn't even think of sugar, I just assumed they would be better for me. I was only looking at the Protein portion. I also want to try the Atkins frozen meals but I am concerned about the sodium content. They have the highest protein over the other diet frozen meals, but the also the highest sodium. I am trying to find quick affordable portioned meals so that I can grab something while I make the family the dinners they like. My biggest issues with food, as I have learned is portion control!! now I have no other option but to control it.
  21. I am a big whimp when it comes to needles. I am having my first fill on Thursday. My surgery was 11/7 It's almost been 8 weeks since surgery. I am getting more nervous by the day. Doesn't help that I have to go by myself either!! The BF has to work and all the friends and family are busy that day. I am starting to really FREAK out!!
  22. NJMommy2Four

    Getting First Fill in 2 Days!!! SCARED!!

    The lidocaine sucked!! the rest was easy!! and my Dr kept joking with me, so it helped calm me down!
  23. Thanks J_Rob had some issues with the nutritionist we used, need to find another!! Little fuzzy on some of the do's and don'ts!
  24. Ok so everyone is suggesting protein shakes... what should I be looking for. I looked at the Atkins, Speacial K, and Slimfast are any of these good? I am so picky!! Are you guys buying special shakes? Using Carnation Instant Breakfast? What are my options here and what taste good?
  25. NJMommy2Four

    A disturbing article

    The article is about older surgeries. Everything gets better with time and technological advances. Also, this study is fixated on other countries, and in other countries surgical procedures are not as sterile as in the U.S. They don't mention all the complications, just some, how do we know that they weren't from infections due to breaks in sterility or doctors who aren't correctly trained in the procedure. The U.S. has a lot more regulations and inspections than other countries. I wouldn't pay much attention to this article, if you are really that concerned take the article to your surgeon and ask him about it. He will have the most current stats and maybe it will make you feel better.

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