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Everything posted by abbybeep

  1. I was sleeved 8/4. Since my surgery I have lost 50lbs. Sadly, it has been due to the fact that I continue to have complications. I am looking for some advice. On any given day, I probably take in between 100-200 calories at the most, only sometimes getting protein. I do try to eat and drink my protein, but after 2 or more hours in my stomach, I will vomit everything up, undigested. I've been to see my surgeon many times. He put me on Reglan, and I am only able to take a half dose once a day because I am a teacher and I have found that taking any more makes it so I cannot concentrate and my students are losing out. Even with the Reglan, I'm still vomiting. I vomit every single day, at least once. By the time I'm going to bed, I will even vomit liquids. It seems as though my surgeon's office has the mindset to just "wait and see." But after 8.5 weeks I am completely sick of this tactic. Every time I call to ask a question, I get the tone of voice that screams "what is it now?" I've been yelled at for eating the "wrong" things - (I admit my stomach likes to keep down oyster crackers - less than 1/4 cup per day... or maybe 4 pretzels measuring an inch by an inch, again in 1 day), but my nutritionist is so worried about malnurishment that she has been encouraging me to eat whatever will stay down! I am so depressed about this whole thing, and I feel so lost. Anyone that can help?
  2. abbybeep

    Looking For Advice

    Hello. I am pretty much the same as I have been for the past three months. I parted ways with my initial surgeon. I have a new surgeon now- either him or one of his collegues will do a revision surgery. He believes that my sleeve might not be salvageable, so they will most likely need to do bypass. :/ Not what I had wanted, but I will be happy to be able to eat and drink normally- and stop visiting prompt care for fluids!
  3. abbybeep

    Any Ithaca/syracuse Sleevers?

    I'm now seeing Dr. McDonald (I hope he will take on my case!). I saw him for a second opinion on my situation on Thursday and he had some great insight and I thought his plan was good. He said he would go in and see what my sleeve looks like now- and then if he can fix it, he will. If he can't, we will do bypass. The only thing I want to ask him is if my body doesn't do well with the bypass, what next? (DeSimone said that "some people just don't respond well to surgery.") Anyway, That's where it stands now. Hopefully we'll get the ball rolling ASAP! Looking forward to feeling better! Either of you have a date yet?
  4. abbybeep

    Drinking Water

  5. I was sleeved on 8/6. Since two weeks after surgery, I have had my period almost continuously. I get a random "day off" here and there, but it's pretty steady. Oh, and I am on the Nuva Ring, and I haven't stopped using it.... So regardless of the birth control, I am getting it. Has this happened to anyone else? I am having complications since surgery that's making it difficult to get in enough calories/water daily, but I thought that would stop me from having a period, if anything....
  6. abbybeep

    Continuous Lady Time, Anyone Else?

    I have an appointment and sonogram scheduled. Thankfully, the flow has slowed. I have been on Nuva ring for years- so I wouldn't think it would all of a sudden cause crazy things to happen, but who knows. I wish my surgeon's office would call me back with some info- I left a message on Wednesday or Thursday asking if this is something that happens after surgery or if it could be related (hormones going crazy with weight loss??) so I could have something to tell my gyno. Hopefully it's just a one-time deal! How uncomfortable! Haha.
  7. abbybeep

    Continuous Lady Time, Anyone Else?

    The day after I wrote this I started gushing! Bright red, TONS of clots (sorry tmi). This cannot be normal. I'm almost 3 months out and it's not like there has been a large build up bc I haven't had my period! I've had it continuously! I'm on provera now to try to stop the bleeding. I don't know if this has anything to do with the surgery... I've stopped losing weight and inches. Almost no change in 20 days. I can only guess it is because I'm not getting enough calories an water in each day. This was the single worst decision I ever made.
  8. abbybeep

    Any Ithaca/syracuse Sleevers?

    My problems started right after surgery. When they were having me drink Clear liquids in the hospital, I was throwing pretty much everything up, no matter what. I had to stay and extra day (went in on Mon, out on Thurs). I was keeping a small amount of liquid down, so they sent me home. By Friday I really knew there was a problem because I would sip sip sip Water or Protein and then an hour later I would throw everything up, pretty much 4oz each time, which was supposed to be about the size of my stomach, meaning nothing was getting through. Monday morning I was hospitalized for dehydration and stayed an entire week. During this time they did an upper GI and determined I had a stricture in my stomach (narrowing). So on Saturday they went in and stretched it out. Monday morning I was released from the hospital. At first I felt better. I was able to keep most liquids down. Within a week, I needed a second dilitation (stretching), because I was unable to keep liquid down again. I felt better after the second, but sadly, about a month later I had to have another one... During that month I would still throw up every day. Sometimes I would eat a little something and it would come up 5 minutes later, other times it would be hours after. I never "cheated" by eating mushy food before I was allowed or anything. Although my sleeve was picky about liquid, I was able to drink enough to keep myself out of the hospital, but not protein. For some reason it would make me throw up foam (so does my Calcium supplement and miralax). After the third stretching, nothing changed at all. Sometimes I would randomly keep down food, mostly first thing in the morning. Since I had so many stretches, the gastroenterologist was (and still is) beginning to think that I have a kink in my stomach. They tell me it looks like a kink in a hose. At some point, towards the bottom half of my sleeve, it folds over on itself, making it difficult for food to travel through. Right before my third stretch I saw my surgeon and he thought we should stretch again and wait and see what would happen, even though it was the toward the end of Sept and I had surgery August 6th and had been without any significant nutrition since surgery. I was getting maybe 150 calories a day, max. And almost none was protein. I could eat oyster crackers (only a few) and I started drinking low sugar apple juice and full calorie Gatorade just to give me some calories. I was exhausted all the time. Just last week we decided to do one more stretch. It's scheduled for tomorrow afternoon. I saw my surgeon last Friday and we talked about some options for the future. He seems unsure of what to do. We could do bypass, but who knows if my body will heal strangely again. We could stitch my stomach to other organs to "hold it up" and keep it from holding. But there is no telling what will happen once I stand up. Also, I'm worried about potentially damaging those "other organs." We could put a stent in, but it may slip, and I had a gastroenterologist say he was pretty sure it would slip if we did one. So, I'm lost. However, I'm buying some time because (it's a serious miracle), starting a week ago tomorrow, things started changing. Every day I have been able to eat more than the day before (in terms of calories, not of quantity at a time). I eat over 300 calories a day now! That's a HUGE change (and it made me gain 5lbs!). I am still having the stretch tomorrow, just because I'd like them to go in and see if they can see any difference and I did throw up some water a bit ago for seemingly no reason... haha. I know this is really long. I think I wish I would have considered the possibility of having complications. I kind of dismissed the idea, to make myself feel better about the whole thing. I did this because I want to be a mom more than anything, and I knew at 250lbs and having PCOS it would probably be hard for me to have a baby and I wouldn't be the mom I wanted to be (playing and running around with my future children). I only had high cholesterol in addition to my weight. Now that I've lost 50lbs, I do feel better than I did before (I can put my shoes on without a struggle!), but it came at a HUGE cost. For 2 months I wished I had died during surgery instead of living in this hell. Sure, I think it's a great life-changing tool for many, many people (many more do well than have complications). I'm sure you will do just fine. Just make sure to have someone around to support you just in case things don't go the way they are supposed to. That saved me, for sure.
  9. abbybeep

    Any Ithaca/syracuse Sleevers?

    Good luck! I've heard good things about Dr. Simon
  10. abbybeep

    Any Ithaca/syracuse Sleevers?

    I go back and forth on being happy about doing this and totally regretting it. If you look at any of my other posts, it'll look like I'm really negative about the whole experience, I would bet. I guess it is just because of all of the problems I have had since the surgery with not being able to eat anything without vomiting. My surgeon and I talked about converting me to a RNY last week when I saw him. Only thing is, we aren't sure if I would just hear the same way I did this time (which is causing all the problems). Anyway, I would say that just be sure this is really what you need & want. I knew it would be change, and I was ready to make the changes I needed to with eating, but I was not prepared for the difficulties I have been through the past 11 weeks. I thought it would be smooth sailing because I'm young and I had my gallbladder out a few years ago and I was completely fine with that! I guess you just never know what's going to happen... I wish I were able to tell you "Go for it! It'll be the best thing you've ever done!" but more and more I think "how could I have done this to myself?!" After all, it was my choice to have it done. Could I have lost the weight another way? I don't know.
  11. abbybeep

    Looking For Advice

    I am sorry that you are having a difficult time as well! It's so tough when there are no answers. Somehow, over the past few days, I have almost completely stopped vomiting, and am able to eat about 300 calories a day. So there is always hope. Don't give up!
  12. abbybeep

    Any Ithaca/syracuse Sleevers?

    Dr. DeSimone at Crouse here in Syracuse
  13. abbybeep

    1 in 200 die ?

    It really is important to consider ALL the risks involved, not just the death portion. I am 10 weeks out and I can't keep down food. I get between 100-200 calories a day, max. Not sure but it could be a kink in my sleeve, just the way my body healed. They tell you, "Death is a risk," but they never say "You could lose your ability to nourish your body." I ruined my life by deciding to do this surgery, honestly. Do your research, ask lots of questions, and do some serious soul searching before you decide to do this surgery.
  14. abbybeep

    Any Ithaca/syracuse Sleevers?

    I had surgery on 8/6. It's been a very long road these past two months, and I'm still having trouble keeping food down daily. I've lost 50lbs though! Everyone says that one day I'll be better and I will love my sleeve, so hopefully that is true. I'm thinking the worst is behind me. I know it might seem far away, since you don't have a date yet and aren't finished with all the tests and stuff, but it will happen before you know it!! If I can be of any help to you- questions you have or anything- please don't hesitate! My recovery isn't the typical, but I still might have some answers for you
  15. abbybeep

    Any Ithaca/syracuse Sleevers?

    Hello! I'm up in Syracuse! I don't think there are very many of us from the CNY area on here. Are you scheduled yet?
  16. abbybeep

    Looking For Advice

    What type of Protein enriched carbs are you referring to? I saw my primary doctor today and he took very detailed notes about everything that has happened so far. Instead of running off to another surgeon, he would like me to have an appointment with the doctor who did the stretching and ask the surgeon at the next appointment if maybe I should see a GI specialist. He wants to be an advocate for me. He plans on speaking with my surgeon directly and asking him for a plan for me. I feel better knowing he is on my side. I hope I get some answers next week when I have appointments and an upper GI series (barium swollow). Thank you everyone for your input! I appreciate it!
  17. abbybeep

    Looking For Advice

    I did forget to mention I have had three dilations where they went in with a scope and stretched. After the last one nothing has changed since before they stretched. The surgeon admitted i am only the second person to have complications. The other girl "started feeling better after 16 weeks." <-- surgeon's words. I don't know what will be left of me if I wait 16 more weeks! I feel like they don't believe me or something that I can't eat! I have been mostly been working with liquids. It's just so frustrating because I can't get in very much of those either!
  18. abbybeep

    Confused And Questioning.

    Don't get discouraged! I had complications and I did not have any nutrition for 2 weeks after surgery, even when I was at the hospital. Although it isn't the way to go- it ended up being okay. I would focus on keeping yourself hydrated. I know a lot of people on here don't like Isopure for a protein drink, but I get the grape kind (already mixed) and then I put it in a regular water bottle. This way I don't smell it before it hits my mouth, because I cannot stand the smell of the powders! Hang in there & good luck!
  19. I just have to say, this is ridiculous! I see answers to questions like this one and it makes me really angry and disappointed. It is a simple question that does NOT ask for judgement like so many are dishing out. Sometimes we want a certain food- we are human! All I want right now is a pickle. It has no nutritional value but I don't care! If I could have 2 pickles right now, I would eat them, for breakfast! Not every day, just today- just right now! Anyway, to answer your question, I am 3.5 weeks since surgery and my surgeon and dietician cleared me for "tacos" made with mini tortilla chips. Just make sure you chew chew chew!!!
  20. I have posted a few times about this topic, but I'm still looking for some sort of similarity between someone else, because I am losing hope that I will ever ingest food again (I am not exaggerating). Surgery on Monday, 8/6. By Friday, I can't keep any liquids down, so I go to surgeon's office. We find out through a barium swallow that I have a stricture. They think it is due to swelling so they send me home, hoping I can hydrate myself through the weekend. Monday morning, I'm admitted to the hospital for dehydration. All weekend it was a constant pattern: 1 sip every 10 minutes, then 30ish minutes later, liquid would come up. No pain. Monday, I rested and hydrated, minimal Fluid loss, as I was not allowed to drink. Tuesday, rest and hydrate, no plan of attack by the surgeon. Wednesday, Upper GI/ Barium Swallow - indicates that there is still a stricture, same size. Now, the surgeon says he is not sure what we should do because he believes it is too early to stretch it with a balloon because my stomach could rupture. I have been through hell here. They can't keep an IV in me, so I have to have a "pick line" through my arm and across my chest... I am trying so hard to stay positive, but I feel like I have no options. Can't go home without being able to keep liquids down (Currently 2 TBSP every hour), and it can take 3 months for the stomach heal... SO??!! Anyone have anything like this? Any words of advice? I'm getting zero nutrition. The past 10 days I have taken in NO calories of any kind. I'm worried I am losing weight too fast and in an unhealthy way. :/
  21. abbybeep

    On The Verge Of A Breakdown!

    I found out after my second stricture stretch today that I may have a kink right in the middle of my sleeve too. How did your procedure end up turning out? I am only 3 weeks out from surgery and I'm worrying I will never eat food of any kind again
  22. I'm so sorry you are going through all these terrible things. My surgery was on 8/6 and I have had some complications. I think it feels the worst when you can't find anyone who has a similar situation to yours. I have not been able to find anyone who got a stricture within the first five days, as I have. I have reached out on this site and others- and sometimes I feel more alone because all anyone is saying is "it gets better," and "one day you will love your sleeve." and all I can think about is "will I ever be able to drink Water again without throwing it up," as I sit in a hospital bed. Bottom line is- I was expecting something different too. They talk about the risks and everything as if they are not significant. They don't mention the horrible things that happen to the 1% of the population that has the sleeve becuse it doesn't seem relevant. So, here we are, that 1 or less than 1%, and we are miserable :/ know that you aren't alone in wondering "what have I done to my body??" just keep fighting the good fight- maybe youll find someone who had the same thing happen...
  23. abbybeep

    Stricture - Help!

    Lulugirl- I have been feeling so down and so upset over this whole thing. I mean, what else could go wrong!!?? But you know what? We are going to get better. Why? Because that's the only thing that can happen!! If you have been dealing with complications since July 9th- you can seriously deal with ANYTHING! The woman next to me in the hospital is 88. She is "not all there" and she can't hear well. She has a bad gallbladder and needs to go to rehab to build strength before she can go back home, where she lives alone. Today, she dressed herself completely and she said to the nurse, "I know I can do anything I set my mind to!" She is such an inspiration. She told me, "God doesn't give you anything you can't handle, honey." and I'm not really the type who relies a lot on my faith, but I thought- damn! She is RIGHT! She is 88 and determined as anything I have seen and if she can go through all she is at 88 and to think of all the years she has lived... Well then you know what? I can get through it too- and SO CAN YOU!! Good luck. You're not alone. Stay strong!
  24. Not silly at all! I know I asked about polish and my surgeon said not even that on my finger nails because of that awesome (haha not) thing you wear on your finger to monitor your blood oxygen level. Good luck with your surgery!!!

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