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Tater Bug

LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Tater Bug

  1. When and where are the support meetings? Are they down by his office? DrewsLou Your before/after pics are AWESOME!!!!!! WOW..
  2. Tater Bug

    Shrinking Violets -- April 07 Bandsters

    Please add me to the list... I will have surgery on 4/13! I am so excited!!! I do have a question, I am having problems trying to figure out what to set as my long term goal!!! How silly! But I am! I have been trying so hard, for so long just to hit in the lower 200s that I cant wrap my brain around getting past that! SO.. 200 is my first mini goal and 199 is a day of celebration at a pottery place I can go paint at. Part of me is afraid that I wont make it to 199 so I cant even think of getting smaller then that. My doctor says that little goals are good. How did you guys figure out what to work towards? I dont want to short change myself by making an easy goal but I also dont want to set myself up for dissappointment if by being unrealistic. :help:
  3. Tater Bug

    Shrinking Violets -- April 07 Bandsters

    Hello all! I'm going to be an April Bandster as well.. just wanted to say 'hey' and I look forward to getting to know you guys! I can't wait.. I am so excited!!
  4. Tater Bug

    Newbie from CA

    Welcome Sadie to LBT! This is a great place to get info, encourangment and to express feelings. As for using Kaiser, I cant help much I am self pay. But I have been looking into this surgery for about 5 years.. and here I am.. FINALLY! I am on the path to a lighter me, a healther me! It took me 5 years to totally know for sure and in that time I also tried everything that I had not done before that time to loose weight. I was able to find a doctor that I could afford and that I feel 100% comfortable with. I am excited to be where I am at now.. so.. you just have to do some soul searching and 'homework' if this option is right for you. Best of luck on your journey and let me know how it goes for you!
  5. Tater Bug


    I have a BMI of 46 and I will have to be a High Protein low carb diet just 10 days before surgery. Not a liquid diet pre op. I was told it is so the liver shirks and weighs less so that the doc can lift if up as to place the band exactly where he needs it. Best wishes
  6. That is wonderful for you Woofay! That is neat that you dont have to wait another week or more. He is really getting busy! Umm... Paula really did not say anything about helping me a goal.. but.. I didn't ask either! It was only after I had all the consulations and was really on my way before I started to think about it.
  7. Tater Bug

    Post-Op Protein

    LadiJane3 & ReneBean THANKS SO MUCH FOR THOSE SITES!!!!! I looked into some other sites that sells the same things but by far these sites are the most reasonable (cheaper is always best!). Thanks again!
  8. Tater Bug

    Gastric banding and lapband..

    If you are self pay and are looking into some of the mexican doctors for the procedure you might want to look at Dr. Kirshenbaum in Colorado. I was looking into going to Mexico because of the cost but found this doctor and will end up being cheaper after figuring the cost of travel and hotels and all. www.lapbandrockies.com his site is very simple but he is awesome! Very knowledgable and easy to talk too.
  9. Hey Woofay! Congrats on being scheduled!!!! I was scheduled for the Thrusday before but changed because a couple is flying in from out of town and needed to be done on separate days so I let them have mine (they were both going to go on Friday I think). So then they were going to put me at 2:30 on friday and I had happened to ask if there was anything earlier in the day SO.. I am at 12:30! We're gonna be there at the same time!!! Maybe I will see you! I have been getting things ready for my pre and post op food. I have protein powder that I add to my cooked food but since I need a lot more protein on a more regular basis.. I am looking into the following websites: www.wlssuppliesl.com they have sample packages of the different types and flavors of the protein powder shakes. Also at www.dpsnutrition.net there are some IDS New Whey liquid protein shooters that I will be ordering.. one pack is 25 grams of protein raspberry flavor and there is also 42 grams of protrein in grape and orage. I saw on here that someone gets the 42 gr protein and laces it into propel water. They are made in a way so that they dont need to be kept in a refridgerator and are in a tube that is meant to travel anywhere. I plan on keeping at least one of these with me for when I go out for the day - plan ahead so wont be stuck trying to figure out what to do. That is funny about your husband... I was the same way and he had been asking and asking what I weigh and I never told him... just "too much". It is hard when they actually hear and know the real number! I am still having a hard time trying to figure out what to make my long term goal weight. I want it to be a 'goal' that I need to work for but not set it too high that I am afraid that I can't reach it. My first mini goal is to hit 200 or even better 199 by July 4th. Hopefully that is reachable. That's a good point about using our normal scales at home DrewsLou! How are things going for you?
  10. Tater Bug

    Gastric banding and lapband..

    I am not an expert but am pretty sure that they are.
  11. Tater Bug

    Post-Op Protein

    I am still trying different protein shakes out that I will like but I have been cooking with protein powder that doesn't have any taste to my meals for over a year now.. also there is a liquid protein thats out and I put that in smoothies.. kinda citrus flavor.. its good and when mixed with tea, smoothies, vanilla (or any flav. other then chocolate) protein shakes, it tastes real good. I know some people that will take a swig of it straight for engery.
  12. Tater Bug

    Virginia is for Lovers!

    Hi guys! I live in Colorado now but was born and rasie in Va so I hope you dont mind me chiming in. I am pre op but am scheduled for April 13! I cant wait! Each doc is a little different as to what they want/expect for pre op diet. Mine wants high protein low carb.. southbeach style. Others that I know of want you on a liquid diet before hand. just depends on the doc. I am getting this lined up for after my surgery. Experimenting with different protein drinks.. I am liking some that dont have so high protein that I will need but I use protein powder now when I cook so can add that and I have come across a liquid protein! It doesn't taste bad.. I add it to my breakfast smoothies I make in the morning. I am sticking to my smoothies for breakfast now because I cant stand to eat in the morning. But that is it.. I figure that I will be tired of a liquid diet aftwards and dont want to get burned out on it before the surgery. So.. that is my answer to your question of starting the liq. diet before hand - but I would ask what does your doc recommend? Best wishes!
  13. Opps sorry.. did not mean to send that one twice. My finger got trigger happy on the mouse.
  14. Hi Angie! I am getting banded by Dr. K on April 13th! Its coming up! It's nice to meet another April bandster!
  15. Hi Angie! I am getting banded by Dr. K on April 13th! Its coming up! It's nice to meet another April bandster!
  16. Tater Bug


    Hi Eddie! Welcome! The best advice I can give is to research and read/respond to the threads on this site. I have learned a lot of info from folks' experiences and this is a great place to get encouragement! My mom had the full gastric bypass a few years ago and has done well with it but she has known many who have the bypass to gain some of the weight back and go have the lap band done on top of the bypass... so.. that tells me that (at least my way of thinking) that the band is a great way to go. It is not going to make me skinny but will assit me in getting my body where I want it. It is stated many times on this site and the doctors will tell you.. the band is a tool. I think that the support and encouragment given here is also a very important tool. I have not even been banded yet but the atmosphere here has already been beneficial to me.
  17. Tater Bug


    Where to post? I am also new to this site and still learning the ropes.. I have had my consulation with the doc and and the nutritionist.. I am scheduled to have surgery in April. I have been looking into WLS for about 4-5 years. My mom had Gastric Bypass about 4 years ago.. so.. I can try to help with your questions. There is a lot of good info on this site.. although I will warn you that you can end up staying up all night reading and responding to threads.. but you will learn from those who have gone before us!
  18. Tater Bug

    Hi! I'm new here...

    WOW... well first off, congrats on your weight loss! As for the rest I dont think that I can be of any help. The only thing that I know (which is not band related) is that at my place of work many people have been sick with the flu seems like for the past 2 months.. they get better then get sick again. Hopefully that is all that going on with you. I wish that I could be of more help to you, but all that I can do is cheer you on and send you my prayers which I will do. Let me know what happens okay? Thanks for the tip about the Gas X!
  19. Tater Bug

    Hello and thanks for the support!

    Welcome! I did the same thing as you.. I read a lot of the posting on this site before I got the nerve up to say anything.. This is a wonderful site! You will find a lot of helping info and helping folks to chat with. I cant wait to get home from work to sign on and see what's going on. Good Luck with your insurance I hope that it works out and you are able to get banded as soon as you can! Happy Posting!
  20. Tater Bug

    Can I make this work???

    The best way to get around it is to educate yourself and listen to what others tell about there experiences. I have ran across a couple of threads of folks that travel a lot and are banded. Many use this as a place for support... when down this is where to go to for a pick me up... when up.. here is to go to share and bring someone else up.. when scared/nervous.. the information and experinces of those who have come before help. Good luck on your journey and decision. Research a hand full of docs to find the best one for you.
  21. My 2 cents: DrewsLou - I am going to go with everyone else.. as active as you are your body is probably exchanging fat for muscle and muscle weighs more.. but do keep us posted as to what is said after you fax your stuff to Paula. Woofay - welcome! You will really like Dr. K! I was really nervous about my first consultation with him as well but between him and his staff they totally put me at ease and answered all my questions.. and I had a whole page and a half of questions! He took his time and was very detailed and used words that I could understand. He has pictures and a model too! I am so glad that I am going with Dr. K! Lap Dancer - Yippie! You're getting close! What products did you end up gettiing? Hope everyone is having a wonderful evening.. I am so happy that I found this site! I could not wait to get out fo work so that I could really sit down and check out what's going on with everyone! The excitement and support from (exspecially this thread) is the best! Everyone has made me feel welcome and even though I have not been banded yet - I feel so connected! Many of you have answered some questions and helped me out on things that I feel I should have known how to do and never once did any make me feel like an idiot. The openiness and willingness to share experiences and feelings just blows me away! Thanks again to everyone!
  22. How wonderful to be able to go to Mexico so often. I have only been once when it was a stop on a cruise and I enjoyed it much. Just wish that we could have stayed longer. So you're self pay as well?
  23. Mirrors are a little different I think more folks are superstitious about them... plus they're a pain to clean up after one breaks - hopefully yours was in a sealed thing... umm.. a "compac" sorry.. could not think what it was called. Looks like the April Bansters are growing in numbers! Enjoy your trip to Mexico Dynamo..
  24. Hey Machele.. that's awesome that the hotel gave you a medical rate! its always good to save where you can! Wishing you fast healing
  25. LOL!! I love Friday the 13's... plus.. as silly as it sounds. but being from the south and growing up by it I just had to check the Old Farmers Almanac. The 13th is a great day for a tummy area surgery plus it is listed under the "best times to" table stated for starting a plan to promote weight loss! I know.. I know.. silly superstitions but it has never lead my family wrong and being ol' farmers .. But I think that I do have a little trick-r-treat kitty w/ hat that would be fun to give Dr.K! Thanks for a cute idea! You will be having your surgery in Parker? I did not realize he did procedures there as well.. he sure does get around!

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