Tater Bug
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Everything posted by Tater Bug
Dr. Gerald Kirshenbaum - Considering Dr. Kirshenbaum
Tater Bug replied to Shesha's topic in Weight Loss Surgeons & Hospitals
Dynamo.. I totally agree with Woofay... pat yourself on the back..only a hand full of M&Ms... those and Kisses are my weakness. And yes.. easily a bag would be gone in an afternoon/evening. Sounds like you have a good plan laid out in front of you. I am doing better today so far. I do better when I have something to do. This last weekend in the evening was terrible. I have lots of work to do outside..but not motivated to do any more crafts or things on the inside. So.. thats when I want to eat. I am on my lunch break now but I already ate my beans and cheese from Toco Bell. OMG that tasted so good and it alreay comes in a small contanter so I dont have to measure (and try to be good and stay out of it). But.. now that work is slowing down... its still month end for me so we have to stay until everybody has there work done... Well..now.. I am going nuts. Thank goodness for this site and that I have access at work. I am really finding out when I was eating. I never realized that if there was nothing else to do I would pig out... you should see all my pen caps! My dentist is going to have a fit. I also have given up gum... and I am missing that something awful too. I guess that I shoud up date my ticker thing but at this point I am afraid that I will gain those extra pounds that I had lost back so it might as well stay. Oh my fill cant come soon enough! You guys are my friends and you all help so much! We can do this! We just hit our first speed bump is all... What are you doing for excercise Dynamo? -
Dr. Gerald Kirshenbaum - Considering Dr. Kirshenbaum
Tater Bug replied to Shesha's topic in Weight Loss Surgeons & Hospitals
Oh my goodness... How is everyone! :typing: Wow Shesha... what an thing to go threw! Are you going to come back to Co and have Dr. K fix it? Do you know how something like that happens? Sorry.. I am really really behind on the happens here! Woofay and Dynamo! Hey!! I have been thinking of you!! Anita.. how you healing??? Feeling???? Been thinking of you lots too! I am feeling much better. I worked a ton Thrus and Fri.. and by Friday I was sore.. not too painful sore..but moving slow sore. Got home and slept. This weekend did a lot walking..(went too several antique shops.. I dont like to shop but at thrift store, junk store, antique stores or Home Depot/Lowes and Hobby Lobby.) Then.. when I got home.. went walking around the neighborhood. So.. my belly feels fine.. but my feet are sore. You would think I would remember to wear tenny shoes or something better then flip flops. But.. it is habit.. I am either barefoot or in flipflops. Oh well. I was on clear liquids a lot longer then I should have been,, but after being in so much pain and so swollen... I was just flat out afriad to try anything else. Well.. had cream soups... and smoothies... and then yesterday had 2 chicken tenders. I chewed a lot.. my goal is at least 50 chews per small bite.... but... I wasnt very successful... I could only make it to 37ish. I had lost 18 pounds:clap2: ... but.. after yesterday and today.. I am back up 3 pounds:eek: :think . I feel terrible! So.. I am not going near my scale any more! Besides.. I cant tell where I lost it to begin with! The only place I could see a difference was my hands. I am following all the rules... I have been measuring out my food... and nothing to drink before or after.. which is easier then I thought. (WELLL... inless I take a bite of something spicy.. then.. I have to drink...or I will pass out from the pain of hot mouth... yes.. I am a huge chicken on hot food). I am FINALLY able to actually take a swollow of water... not just a sip. :faint: But I feel no restrictions. I have my IDS protein *YUM* so I am not tired.. I HATE EVERY PROTEIN SHAKE I HAVE TRIED. Thank goodness I only have samples! I only have to suffer threw each one once! YUCK! I am tempted to see if anyone wants the rest of my samples and I will just stick with the IDS and tasteless protein powder that I add to all my food. SO.. if anyone wants a great deal on about oh... 50-60 bottles of protein powders... let me know. I guess that they really aren't bad. My hubby and kid like them. I know I am bad... I wont finish one that I open so they do for me. They say that they taste a lot better then they would have thought.. but I am extremely picky eater. :hungry: Any how... sounds like all of you who havent had a fill yet are in the same boat as me... no restrictions..and eating. I feel bad eating. I haven't experience PBing or slime or any of that. I came close last night I think... was the first time I ate out... and I got a thing a whipped taters (I added tasteless protein powder at the table).. but I did not pull out a small portion to the side. So.. I had one or two bites too many. I did not feel sick, but I felt that I had to move.... I barely waited til I got home before I went and walked about a mile and half. I would have walked more but it got to cold. I did not go prepared with a jacket because I just needed to move. Does this happen to anyone else? I hope that when I get my fill (Friday May18) that I will be back to feeling restriction and will know when to stop. Or at least feel full. Because I dont feel that now. I dont know if I feel hungery... but feel... oh... I dont know.. I dont feel hungery, but I feel like I should eat because there is nothing else to do!:help: Is that totally crazy?!?!?! I spend any extra time cleaning my house.. or working on hobbies.. but at night when there is nothing else to do... I feel like I should watch tv and eat. I am trying to be good.. but I must not be since I gained 3 pounds back in 2 days... GRRRR... I hope to be there on May 8 but there is another meeting that if my DH cant make I will have to cover so.. that sucks too... that I was looking forward to meeting ya'll.. and now there might be a chance that I cant. WAA WAA WAAAA.... I am such a cry baby tonight.. Well.... ALL OF YOU ARE IN MY THOUGHTS AND PRAYERS!!!!! YOU ALL ARE WONDERFUL BEAUTIFUL FOLKS!!!!!! GOOD NIGHT AND SLEEP WELL. -
Dr. Gerald Kirshenbaum - Considering Dr. Kirshenbaum
Tater Bug replied to Shesha's topic in Weight Loss Surgeons & Hospitals
Hey guys! It has been a tuff week for me. I was healing and moving so well after surgery, then I went to work on Monday and OMG... I have never felt so terrible! When I went to work in the am.. the only swelling was a little right over the large incession.. by the time I got home.. my entire abdomin was so swollen.. and I hurt more then I ever did after surgery. I took Tues off.. took lots of pain meds, wrapped my belly in ice and buried myself under the blankets and slept. Got the nerve to call in to work on Wed.. and slept all day again. I went to work today and I felt so much better. I actually did a little bit of my work standing.. well.. sorta standing.. I had my legs slipt so wide apart that I wasn't too much higher then my chair.. Good thing Im short. hehe. I am okay tonight.. just very very tired and a little touchy painish. It was a late night tonight at work and will be another long day tomorrow. I will try to make it to the May meeting..I would love to see you all! Take care all.. -
Dr. Gerald Kirshenbaum - Considering Dr. Kirshenbaum
Tater Bug replied to Shesha's topic in Weight Loss Surgeons & Hospitals
Hey guys.. Thanks for the awesome photos!!!! Its funny, I also asked Dr. K how everyone did on their surgerys and when he smiled he must have already knew about LBT. I have also been promoting his name with everyone I come in contact with that is interested in the procedure. It is really hard to impress myDH but.. from the very begiinning, my hard to win over guy was comfortable and trusted Dr. K with my life. You all are such awesome people! We will have to see if we can get together for someing.. games.. or a lunch thing... something! I feel so close to all of you! You guys are the best! Happy healing everyone! -
Dr. Gerald Kirshenbaum - Considering Dr. Kirshenbaum
Tater Bug replied to Shesha's topic in Weight Loss Surgeons & Hospitals
Hey guys!! Glad to see everyong is doing so well.. Sunnysea.. wow.. I feel so bad for you! What an time you have had! I am really good. Anita that is awesome that they let you go from the recovery room.. I had to wait for someone to take the iv out and since I had such problems the week before they wanted to make sure to give me anouther dose of antisickness meds. I have been feeling so good that i am sore now.. but its my fault. I have cleaned my kitchen and reworked my junk drawers, clean out my office, looked for and found my childs report card (I put it in a safe place but I made it so safe that it was safe from me.) But I finally found it, I went with DH this am to drop off the carpool of kids off at the school and talked with the teacher. Went back with him to pick them all up from after school and then went shopping for an outdoor recliner thing called "antigravity chair" OMG it is so comfy! will use it inside for now and then later will put in outside on my deck. So.. if I was curious as to why I am sore.. I just explained it to myself. Oh well.. I will take a nap and all will be better. Chow for now guys! God bless each and everyone of you! -
Dr. Gerald Kirshenbaum - Considering Dr. Kirshenbaum
Tater Bug replied to Shesha's topic in Weight Loss Surgeons & Hospitals
Woofay.. I saw a thread on here from someone else who had a reaction to the tape.. Seems to me that they too took the tape off and used a small amount of benidril (Sp) cream around the redness but not on the incissions. I have tried to find that thread but of course now that I am looking for it I cant find it. That might help you though. just remember to get close but not touch your ouchies! -
Dr. Gerald Kirshenbaum - Considering Dr. Kirshenbaum
Tater Bug replied to Shesha's topic in Weight Loss Surgeons & Hospitals
It wont be long Mal.. you day is approaching fast! Woofay.. I -
Shrinking Violets -- April 07 Bandsters
Tater Bug replied to TracyinKS's topic in LAP-BAND Surgery Forums
Okay that was weird.. I am FINALLY Banded!!!! No pain, just some discormfort. I am on the other side!!!! And Offical. Now I am going to go take another nap.. Thanks you guys! -
Shrinking Violets -- April 07 Bandsters
Tater Bug replied to TracyinKS's topic in LAP-BAND Surgery Forums
Hey Tracey could you change my band date from 4/13/07 to 4/18/07? I had complications the first go around and had to go back today. But I am FINALLY -
Hey there! Sorry it took me so long to get back to you. I had to change my surgery date from Friday 13 to Wed. April 18. I had complications that was just a weird wild card. No ones fault or anything.. but Dr. K and his staff totally put my saftey above all else.. so we just had to do it a different day. I had surgery done is this am and am doing really well. not much pain, just still very droggy. The love, careing, and professionalism from Dr K and staff are far better then I ever could have dreamed of.. let alone actually experience! I am so happy that I went with him! To me, there is no one that can do a better job. My complication, I will tell you so you dont just wonder.. was something that the docs had never come across in their 17-23 years of doing this. The normal 'adult' breatheing tube that is used to incubate wouldn't fit. I had all the indications that it would but it wouldn't and by trying the first time with a normal one (like 99.99% use and always works) didn't my throat and mouth swelled shut. They easily could have forced the issue with smaller and smaller tube but just worked to get me breatheing on my own and worked me in this week. Today.. they knew what to expect and had things totally ready. (used a child tube, but mostly helped me to do it on my own.) Today.. I had no complications and everything went better then right the first time. I was rolled in at 930 and was awake and getting dressed at noon. Sat w/ iv in the recliners for a bit and was on the road back home at 1. Never did I feel rushed or anything. I did it all in my own timw.. under the thread for Dr.K some take lots longer and come around, or nap more in the recliners.. but I was ready to go... So.. as you can tell... I am recommending any one and everyone who is considering Lap Band to him. Exspecially since I had complications that first go round, how it was handled and every step of the way.. proves to me that I was in more then capable handss. I only wish that if I ever need any other surgeries in the future that his team could do it... I know.. that is far fetched but.. that is how impressed and how well they took care of me. :biggrin1: Best of luck on your journey my friend.. and if you have any other questions or anything please feel free to PM me. Keep me posted on your decision.
Dr. Gerald Kirshenbaum - Considering Dr. Kirshenbaum
Tater Bug replied to Shesha's topic in Weight Loss Surgeons & Hospitals
Hey Guys! 2nd time ended up being the best! It was funny, they knew who I was at check in and all the way threw without me telling them. I had mostly the same staff but for 3 people. This time I actually remember the OR room... last week I didn't remember much of anything! They let my family know after I was successful incubated. I know that my fam was pretty nervous about that. Was rolled back about 9:30ish. and was wake and getting dressed at noon. I like those recliners... I left and started back home about 1. I kept catching cat naps in the chairs. I dont have what I would call "pain"... just very droggy, and an uncomfortable feeling in my tummy. I feel so much better this go round then I did last week! and I didn't get sick!!!!! YIPPEEE!!!!!!!! Yes.. I even took a bucket with me in the car just in case.. but I didn't need it. So far not any sign of nausea.. I hope that it will stay that way. The nurses did go ahead and give me another shot of anit nausea meds right before I left because agian.. of how I reacted last week. Woofay, I totally agree that potholes suck!! We hit a few coming home and they were not fun. Lapdancer and Dynamo I am so happy to hear that things went well. Sorry Dynamo to hear that you had to use the anti nausea stuff, but thank goodness you have them and that they work! Angie... I am sorry that I missed you down there today. I pray that things go as well or better for you then they did me, and since I had a very smooth run with it.. that would be awesome for you! Question guys.. right afterwards.. or well.. the day of.. did you find that if you took a normal or larger size sip of CL that it was umm;.. maybe a little discomfort". I cant figure out the correct word... not pain.. but not pleasant. It is easily avoided by taking small sips. I am just so used to chuggin' liquids that first larger sip was a shock. But am adjusting. Just wondered if anyone else ran into that. Well.. I think that I am going to go take a nap again. Thanks everyone for all the prayers, good thoughts, and love sent our way! We did it! Finally on the other side! To those who are coming up for surgery... it will be great! As always you will be in my prayers! -
anyone heard of dr alessandrini in tijauna
Tater Bug replied to tammydam's topic in Weight Loss Surgeons & Hospitals
check out "considering Dr. Kirshenbaum" under the doc/hospital tab He is very reasonable.. I was looking into mexico until I found him... just a thought. Best of luck on your journey! -
anyone heard of dr alessandrini in tijauna
Tater Bug replied to tammydam's topic in Weight Loss Surgeons & Hospitals
just a thought... I was considering going to mexico but ran into problems trying to find places in the us to do fills afterwards. I since found a doc in Colorado who after figuring the cost of travel and fills was cheaper to go to him for all of it. His site is really simple but he is wonderful! There is a thread here about him.. "Considering Dr. Kirshenbaum". Lap Band Surgery in Denver Colorado | Lap Band Surgeon in Denver | Gastric Band Surgery Denver | Bariatric Surgery I get baned by him tomorrow and I am so glad I went the extra step to see what I would do after banding for care. Best of luck on your journey! -
anyone heard of dr alessandrini in tijauna
Tater Bug replied to tammydam's topic in Weight Loss Surgeons & Hospitals
Just a thought... I was considering going to mexico but when doing research to see who I could go to afterwards in the states for fills I ran into problems.. so.. I have since changed my plan about going to mexico for the surgery. there is a doc in Colorado that is really reasonable and this way, after figuring in cost of travel and fills/followup.. he is much cheaper. His site is very simplistic but he is wonderful. Dr. Kirshenbaum in Aurora Colorado. There is a thread here under doctors/hospitals "considering Dr Kirshenbaum". Lap Band Surgery in Denver Colorado | Lap Band Surgeon in Denver | Gastric Band Surgery Denver | Bariatric Surgery I am going in tomorrow am for my band surgery.. and I am so glad that I found him! Just something to consider.. Best wishes -
Shrinking Violets -- April 07 Bandsters
Tater Bug replied to TracyinKS's topic in LAP-BAND Surgery Forums
Okay ya'll... I am yet again.. at the night before surgery. Take 2!!! Not sure if I posted here what happened to me. I was suppost to be banded last friday the 13th but I had complications. My airway swelled shut due to too large of a breathing tube. A freak thing actually... no ones fault and I feel totally comfortable with my doc and his team. So.. I am rescheduled for tomorrow. My throat is all better.. my tongue is still a little sore but heh.. should help me stay on liquids after I am banded right. Since Friday all I have eaten was jello and SF otter pops (like popsicles only they are in the long plastic sleeves... Did all the pre op things that I need to do. I am not as nervous as I was last time.. but in other ways I am also more afraid. Last week afterwards I got real sick... I am so afraid that I will get that sick again after being banded and I dont even want to think of that pain. But maybe that was due to all the other meds they pumped me full of so that I would breathe on my own... I am hoping that is the case that that I wont get sick again. I am excited.. to get rolling on this. Hopefully by this time tomorrow I will be on the other side of the welcome gates of bandland. Thanks, -
Dr. Gerald Kirshenbaum - Considering Dr. Kirshenbaum
Tater Bug replied to Shesha's topic in Weight Loss Surgeons & Hospitals
Hey Angie!! I will hopefully be awake enough and myself enought to spot you out. Tomorrow will be good! They are wonderful down there, hey if I can come back after what happened, anyone can do this! -
Dr. Gerald Kirshenbaum - Considering Dr. Kirshenbaum
Tater Bug replied to Shesha's topic in Weight Loss Surgeons & Hospitals
Awwweee Geez Guys.. I dont know if I deserve a pat on the back.. I am just excited that I dont have to wait for a month or so. I am still nervous but.. hey.. it has to go better the 2nd time around right? And the best thing is I wont even get the chance to eat carbs before surgery... I am still on popsickles to keep the swelling down in my mouth. My throat is lots better... and the cuts under my tongue look lots better too... man.. between Listerine and salt water.. OUCH.. but I do believe that those two helped my mouth heal better. Hehe.. I go to work tomorrow and then I will take the rest of the week off. How are you feeling Woofay? The soreness and tiredness getting better? How long did you take off of work? Lapdancer and Dynamo.. how you feeling? Is there anything you need? -
Dr. Gerald Kirshenbaum - Considering Dr. Kirshenbaum
Tater Bug replied to Shesha's topic in Weight Loss Surgeons & Hospitals
:clap2: This Wed!!!!!:clap2: Hey guys! I am re-scheduled for this Wed... April 18 at 9 am!!!! Dr. K is so wonderful! He called me over the weekend to check on me! We really do have a great doc! -
Dr. Gerald Kirshenbaum - Considering Dr. Kirshenbaum
Tater Bug replied to Shesha's topic in Weight Loss Surgeons & Hospitals
Lapdancer and Dynamo!!! Lots of prayers and good will has been and will continue to be sent your way! Everything will go wonderfully for you ladies! I have been nameing you out in my prayers every night I the first thing I did this am was to say another one for you. Looks like they might try to get me in at 9 am on Wed or 3 pm on Thurs. I am so hoping for Wed... that way if there are any issues it will be during the day... also not have to drive at night. My throat feels lots better.. not sore or anything.. my mouth is still.. but with popsicles and ice... the swellon is slowing going down. My DH (yea.. I finially figured out some abbrivations) is all worried because he cant get off of work on Wed... but my mom can take me down. Wed would be best for most of the work schedules as well as my daughters school schedule. So... keep your fingers crossed that I can get Wed. -
Dr. Gerald Kirshenbaum - Considering Dr. Kirshenbaum
Tater Bug replied to Shesha's topic in Weight Loss Surgeons & Hospitals
Hey all! I am a little better then yesterday. Odd.. even though they did not due the surgery.. I am so sleepy. I am up for a few hours then sleep for a few.. I cant tell if it is from all the chemicals that still might be tring to work threw my system or if it is also the trauma from my mouth and throat. The mornings are the hardest... but as soon as I have a popsickle or something cold it helps iwth the pain and the swelling. I will call tomorrow and see when i can get in for surgery.. I will let ya'll know when I find out. Thanks everyone for your prayers!!!! I appricate them so much! -
Dr. Gerald Kirshenbaum - Considering Dr. Kirshenbaum
Tater Bug replied to Shesha's topic in Weight Loss Surgeons & Hospitals
Thanks Lapdancer! I feel so good acting like such a little kid... I have had 2 flavor ice otter pops,, 2 really small bowls of jello and in a bit I think that I will go for a milk shake... I even have my daughters froggie slippers on... LOL Haven't watched cartoons yet.. but thats okay. I only used to like the Smurfs and Elmer Fudd and I dont know if they still play those. It is easier when I dont try to talk... but in my house.. that is almost impossible... but after something cold it is easier. I just hope that what happened to me doesn't make any one else more nervous. It just happened to be one of those wierd things. Bright side.. tonight I am going to soak again in my tub.. I love bubble baths.. so.. I am going to treat myself.. You will be very impressed with the facility in Parker.. I know I am! -
Dr. Gerald Kirshenbaum - Considering Dr. Kirshenbaum
Tater Bug replied to Shesha's topic in Weight Loss Surgeons & Hospitals
Hey everyone! Thanks so much for the prayers.. they are working. I feel much better everywhere but my mouth and throat, but not much can be done about that. After eating some toast it got better just felt like I had been drinking for hours. I think the swelling in my mouth is down a little, but cant really tell cause its was so swollen that I kept biting it myself. I plan on eating lots of icecream, pudding, jello, and popsickles, acutally.. I am having a flavor ice otter pop this am for breakfast. It helps iwth the pain and I hope with the swelling cause its cold. I really feel like a little kid who had thier tonsils taken out... all the cold "sweet treats". now I want to go watch cartoons... hehe. Thank you all for the prayers!!! I am feeling them. I am not as scared or as miserable as I was yesterday. The Doc know what they are going to do different next time.. either have me totally breathe on my own or if needed maybe use a very small tube/childs tube. Nothing ever goes easy for follks in my family, so I should have expected something. Dr.K said that they will work me in after a week or so after the swelling is gone... and right now... I am not scared to give it another try. I was yesterday, and I am sure I might be right before.. but for now.. at least we know what can go wrong. this is the first time anything like this as happened to them... So.. guess that I am just the wild card in the bunch! LOL. I think that I mentioned eariler... the staff and faciity are awesome!!! Even with me throwing a wrench in the middle of things, they were wonderful. I have never been treated better!! And after what happened.. if it would have been any of the other places I have gone too.. I dont know if I would go back... but Dr. K and his staff - I look forward to my new surgery date. Woofay! Congrats so much!!!! I am glad to hear that it went well for you! Hopefully the soreness isn't too bad, and that the meds help with it! I was so looking forward to meeting you yesterday.. but we will just have to make plans sometime... Again, thank you everyone for your love and prayers!!! Dyno and Lapdancer... best wishes and my prayers are with you for your surgies coming up. Dont let what happened to me make you more nervous.. like I said.. I am the wild card. Odds are that they will come across this situation agaiin for many years if ever. -
Dr. Gerald Kirshenbaum - Considering Dr. Kirshenbaum
Tater Bug replied to Shesha's topic in Weight Loss Surgeons & Hospitals
Good Morning! Yippeee NO SNOW.. NO SNOW.... Typical Co right.. you expect it, prepare for it and it changes. Oh well.. I wont complain today becaue it worked out better then I hoped. Thanks so much everyone...sending good wishes and all is wonderful! Woofay, I did the same, took pictures yesturday but I refused to look at them. I didn't have the nerve. My reminder as to why I am doing this is the way I feel - short and round like a Rollie Pollie that has to roll to get around. There is nothing I can do about the short part but I can about the round. I will check in tonight guys! -
Hi Longing! the above webaddress www.lapbandrockies.com is Dr. Kirshenbaum in Colorado. I am having my band done tomorrow (12 hours from now:biggrin1: .) There is a thread on here.. http://www.lapbandtalk.com/considering-dr-kirshenbaum-t26213.html if that doesn't work because I am not that good yet with internet stuff like this.. go from the home page to Doctors/Hospitals (to search for) it is under Intro and all.. then to Considering Dr. Kirshenbaum. There are several how have had the surgery by him and many who are scheduled. Most of all his patients I think are self pay. I know I am. His website, lapbandrockies, is very simple! Not fancy and not that impressive BUT HE IS!!!!! I had seen many flashy sites and they also had a very flashy price. I was looking into mexico but really did not want to go that route and I am so happy that I found Dr.K! My cost was $9,950.00 for everything... consultation with him and the nutri. the pre op visist, the surgery and all that is intailed with that and 3 months of followup and fills. After the first 3 months the fills/unfills are a very minimal fee... 15-20 bucks! He is a really nice doctor! he is down to earth and easy to talk too! Check out the thread about him and then look at his website. let us know what you decide..
Shrinking Violets -- April 07 Bandsters
Tater Bug replied to TracyinKS's topic in LAP-BAND Surgery Forums
Its 11pm now where Im at so I guess I best try to go to bed and sleep.. I am so excited!