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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by BandedCandace

  1. BandedCandace

    Share Your NSVs Here Please!

    OK here we go! I've been dying to lay these all out *deep breath* -BOOTS - I bought my first pair of boots (followed by 4 more) that zipped all the way up and had extra room -AIRPLANE RIDES - Flew to Cali in August and was so nervous about getting in my seat and the seat belt needing an extender because I always have. I sat down..I had SPACE and I buckled and had to TIGHTEN the seat belt...I sat there and just cried..It was a HUGE moment! -Concert Seats - Ive been to many concerts and in the past the day after I have bruises and indentions on my legs from the handles and I was literally stuck in them,.Well Ive been to several concerts this year..but the last one I went to I sat down and had PLENTY of room..Again..Cried -WALKING - December 2012 I couldnt walk 30 ft without being out of breath and or my knee being in so much pain I couldnt stand it. November 1-3 I participated in the Susan G Komen 3 Day walk in Dallas..In this walk we walked 20 miles a day for 3 days (60 miles). I walked 45 of those miles and my knee never once bothered me. I pulled my calve muscles..but my knee was fine and I finished with my team which was my goal all long..but from not even 30 ft to 45 miles - Amazing -Getting a new office chair that didnt have to be oversized and I didnt have to worry about the 350 lb weight limit because I am under that - wearing "cute" clothes and feeling cute in them
  2. 7 months and 2 days post op..Down 68 lbs since surgery and 80 with my pre op diet..Feeling AMAZING!

  3. Before I say anything..let me say I have already called my doctor and have an appointment scheduled..but I just want to talk about it on here. I was banded Feb. 14, 2013. I felt like I have been doing good..I was 405 the day of surgery and I was 362 yesterday. The problem with that is..last week i was 358. I gained 4 lbs in a week and didnt change anything. I havent felt a lot of restriction since my last fill. I had a minor adjustment because I felt like I was close and now I Feel like I am further away from the green zone. I have only gotten stuck and had to vomit 1 time..it was my own fault..I ate too fast and the food had to come back up. That was 3 weeks ago. I havent had any other issues..no more vomitting and I am having no issues eating. My fear is that something is wrong..slipped band..leaking port..anything..something in my head is telling me something is wrong. Anyone had any issues like a slippage or leaking band? I dont know what kind of answers I am looking for..I just am scared.
  4. BandedCandace

    Possible issue - Stressed out

    Well..My brain was playing jokes on me. I am fine...Band is perfect..no slip and no leak. I lost 12.5 lbs since my last appt July 17th and yesterday I weighed 352.3. I told the dr she would think I was crazy because I came in thinking the band wasnt working and I lost over 12 lbs in 5 weeks and she gave me a hug and told me it was fine to have those moments but everything is fine. She gave me a little bit more fluid and told me to not stress out because I am doing great. So thank you for the advice and the uplifting..but I feel better now. I needed good news yesterday because my dog passed away on Tuesday so the good news was very much needed.
  5. BandedCandace

    Possible issue - Stressed out

    Thanks yall. Your brain does silly things to you when things dont seem to go the direction that you want them to. I just dont have anyone around here that understands being over 400 lbs and never EVER EVER EVER wanting to get back there again. I am super proud of what I have accomplished so far..almost 50 lbs since surgery is more weight than i lost in 3 years doing weight watchers. I havent been this weight in 10 years. I have had huge non scale victories. I keep telling myself to look at the bigger picture and not focus on those 4 lbs because thats not a lot compared to the amount I have lost. My original appointment was scheduled for the 28th and I leave for California on the 29th so I had convinced myself I wasnt going to get a fill because i didnt want to get too much and then be sick the entire time I am on vacation so that stressed me out..and then the weight jump scared me. I am in no pain and I am sure everything is OK...but maybe I just need that reassurance from the dr. Missy - I never thought about hormones affected it. I have Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome and since surgery I have struggled taking my Metformin due to the size. I can cut them..but i have to cut them in like 4 pieces each and I take 2..so it takes me FOREVER to take them. I go to that doctor in a few weeks and hope to get a different plan going for that so maybe that will help also. Thank yall for the info and the support..Support is so huge in this and I am glad there is this forum to come to.
  6. BandedCandace

    Rice?? Why not?

    it depends on how it is prepared for me. I can't eat Mexican Rice...but I can eat rice at a Japanese place...The Mexican rice just stays in my pouch and its uncomfortable, but no issues with the other.
  7. First of all just a quick update of how I have been doing..I am down to 365.6 I was 417 the day of my pre op diet Jan 31st. Total loss of 51.4. I have been walking 3 miles every day training for a 60 mile walk I am doing in November..I havent stopped any of my medicine..but I have noticed my monthly becoming regular (TMI for some folks I know) and I have had no knee pain which is very unusual! Ok now on to my stuck episode for today. This morning I decided I wanted a bite of a donut and my band said HELL NO..It was the first time I couldnt get it to pass for 5 minutes and truly felt like I was about to fall out or throw up..It hurt so bad!! I never want to even see donut forEVER! I have ate other stuff that was too big of a bite and it took a minute to pass but I just felt the tightness I never felt sick and wow today I just knew I was going to throw up..but I didnt..It finally just passed through and I knew the second that it passed because it was a huge relief. Anyway..Loving my band and it is still by far the best decision I have made for myself. I go back to the doctor on July 17th and I Hope to get a minor fill. I think I am close to my restriction because I dont feel like I am in bandster hell...but its still not where I need to be I believe. Thats it for now
  8. BandedCandace

    Before And After 2

    From the album: APPROVED :) Candace83

    Red Sweater 1/30 night before pre op diet Gray shirt - 6/8/13
  9. BandedCandace

    Before And after

    From the album: APPROVED :) Candace83

    Red shirt 2/14 Surgery Day Pink Shirt 2/20 1 week post op Blue Shirt - 3 months post op
  10. 1 year ago my heart was broken because my insurance decided to fight me on surgery. I damn near gave up. Luckily I am too stubborn for that. Feb 14th I had lap band surgery..I lost 12 lbs during my pre op diet. Fast forward to today. I was a little up and down in the beginning, but on the day of surgery I weighed 405 lbs. Today I weigh 374. so total weight loss from Pre Op (Jan 31st) is 43 lbs! I have only had one fill and it was 2 ccs..Definitely no restriction yet...but I am losing about 1lb a week right now...Im losing..thats beautiful!!! I am down from a size 28 to a size 24 pants..I went from a 3x-4x shirt to a 2x in all shirts...spanks are the BEST invention ever because I def have some loose skin going on. I have lost a total of 41 inches..I feel AMAZING..I wish the number on the scale was smaller, but I know that will come with time..My calves are like rocks so I know I am gaining muscle..I just turned 30 years old on Sunday the 28th. I just havent posted anything in a while and thought I would let everyone know where I am. I do have a question though.Are there any good work outs I can do to tone my arms up some..Skin there is ugly in a tank top!
  11. BandedCandace

    Happy 30th Birthday to me.

  12. BandedCandace

    Happy 30th Birthday to me.

    I knew I was forgetting to write something! Anyway..In November I am participating in the Susan G Komen 3 day walk. I will be walking 60 miles in 3 days for breast cancer. My grandmother passed away from breast cancer 10 years ago April 20th. I am walking in her honor..I have to raise 2300 in order to walk..I know many people have been affected personally or know someone who has so I am posting the link to my donations page. I know none of you kinow me, but i feel like we are linked because of the band...If this isnt the place for it then please disregard it...just thought I would put it out there.. Online Donations/Other information: http://www.the3day.org/goto/Walkin4Granny83
  13. Officially Dirty 30!! :) Lovin life!

  14. BandedCandace

    New Image.JPG

    From the album: APPROVED :) Candace83

  15. First fill a week ago today..Got 2 cc's..I cant really tell a difference..but I think that's all in my head

  16. BandedCandace


    Heading to my 6 wk post op visit and i should get a fill..Im nervous...not sure why.
  17. BandedCandace


    So My doctor put me back on clear liquids for 2 days, full liquids for 2 days, then mushies slowly going back to regular food. I am STRUGGLING today..My stomach is growling and my head hurts..Ugh I feel like I am in bandster hell again. Keeping postive..probably just grumpy
  18. BandedCandace


    Thanks y'all! I survived
  19. BandedCandace

    Protein, Protein, Protein!

    I bought Premier Protein from Sam's. It has 30G of protein and 4 carbs. They have chocolate and vanilla..both are good. I also tried Whey Protein from Wal-mart...It's in a big jar like thing..the chocolate is AMAZING...I think it has 26g of protein. They ALSO make protein shots at wal-mart that are good to flavor water with.
  20. BandedCandace


    Just keep sipping!! I got dehydrated too and my doctor was ready to put me in the hospital but I started sipping the heck out of water and was better.. As far as sleeping goes..the recliner was my best friend for the first 4 days. I didnt have pain, but I was uncomfortable so I took the pain meds as directed for the first 3 days..The port site bothered me..Take that pain meds..thats what you have it for! Dont be miserable, because you shouldnt be...and keep sipping..It will get better..I PROMISE! (if you sip it will get better!)
  21. I have my first fill a week from today. I will be 5 weeks post op tomorrow and am down 32 lbs since surgery. and 23 total inches...Makes me excited!! I am starting to feel myself getting hungry faster, but I am sticking to my 4 oz of food per meal and watching my calories. I average between 800 and 950 depending on what I eat and always at least 50g of protein. My biggest issue is getting my fluids in. I have never been one to sit around and just drink. I have always been the type to drink more with my meal than any other time. Not drinking with meals isnt bothering me...I thought it would, but it doesnt at all. I do pretty good on some days and then other days I can tell I havent gotten enough fluid in because I have zero amount of energy. Like today! I am dragging and I know its because I didnt get enough water yesterday. I am saying all of this just because but I do have a question...Since I have lost more weight I feel like my port is above my incision now instead of below it like it was. Is that normal? It sounds like a stupid question, but you read all of the horror stories of slipped bands and flipped ports and I am like EEK!! If I go in next week and he says my band has slipped or my port has flipped I will probably lose it. I am unable to work out, only walking and I try to not lift anything too heavy because I dont want to mess anything up. I hope to get released to work out when I go back..but is it possible that from losing weight and inches in my stomach my port hasnt really moved, but my muscles have just gotten smaller or something? I am not TOO concerned because I am in no pain and everything seems to be working the same way it has been since surgery...just a little more hunger which comes with no fills and my stomach not being swollen. If I was in pain I would for sure call my doctor, I have him and his nurse's direct cell phone numbers...He is the type of doctor that will answer his phone during a surgery if he knows its a patient, so I know I can contact him, but Just wanted some other opinions from my fellow bandsters. I am at work so I am not even going to proofread..if it doesnt make sense then I'm sorry..My brain is kinda scattered today...I hope it makes a little sense
  22. so i am cramping so bad!!! It's my TOM and all i can take is tylenol..well my cramps laugh at tylenol and it doesnt help at all..i am miserable and just want to cry. I have PCOS and take metformin for that. It helps a little but i still usually take midol also. My dr has me off of my metformin for now due to my body adjusting from surgery and I cant take midol because of the anti inflammatory in it..UGH FML!!!! I am so happy to be banded but something has to give on this TOM stuff..i cant do this every month..i am just miserable...Sorry needed to vent..no one here understands. on a happy note..tomorrow is 1 month post op and i am down 25 lbs.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
