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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by BandedCandace

  1. BandedCandace

    Just Need to Vent

    I am FRUSTRATED...I am FRUSTRATED that I can't get below 330 and stay there for more than 2 weeks..I am FRUSTRATED that I count and I track and I work out and nothing changes...I am FRUSTRATED with the a**holes that tell me I was just too fat for the lap band to work I should have gotten gastric bypass...I am FRUSTRATED that my ex boyfriend that I posted about in January that dumped me after 3 years has decided that he needs to go to the same gym as me and likes to tell me how my body hasn't changed in months and now he tries to embarrass me at the gym..and it really FRUSTRATES me that all of this is affecting my mood and my confidence. I am 15 months post op..I have been pretty much stuck for 6 months. I get to 325 and then I am slowly creeping back up to 333..back down to 328 and back up to 331..I KNOW I have done well..and I am amazed at how much better I feel just by going from 428 to 332 (this week) but I want MORE I want to lose MORE. I want to tell everyone who has doubted me MAINLY my ex to shove it and laugh in their face and say HAHA YES! I can do it! I have switched my food around and I get my Water in and I don't eat slider foods and I take my Vitamins, I work out everyday and rotate work outs, I push myself until I can't push anymore, but the damn scale will not budge!!! I know I shouldn't focus on numbers, but isn't this why we are here? to actually lose weight? TO see that number dwindle down to a number that we are proud to discuss? sure, saying I weight 332 sounds MUCH better than 428, but this isn't my stopping point...that's not enough for me. I lost 9 lbs last month and I go to the dr Wednesday and I know I have gained some of that back and I don't get it. Maybe I'm not tight enough, because I sure am hungry, but my dr felt like I needed to switch my diet up some before getting much of a fill..so I did. I feel defeated and all of the negativity coming from a**holes and the ex aren't helping me any. I have been getting up at 3 am to go work out before work just so I dont see him so I am dragging at work and plain exhausted and EMOTIONAL. I can cry at the drop of a hat because of the frustration. I know that this too shall pass..but until it does I need some words of encouragement/wisdom or something because right now I feel like throwing the towel in and saying I quit.
  2. BandedCandace

    Easter 2013 to Easter 2014

    From the album: Before and After

  3. BandedCandace

    Before and After

    Several before and after shots
  4. BandedCandace

    10 Month post op

    From the album: Before and After

  5. BandedCandace

    Just Need to Vent

    I woke up today with a little bit better attitude. I refuse to let him or anyone else bring me down because that's exactly what they want. I live in a small town so this is the only gym I can attend, but since the weather is nicer I am going to start walking and jogging outside. I can do zumba and stuff like that in my house so I plan to stay away from that gym unless it's super early or super late until I am completely out of this funk. At this point I don't know if I can see him without punching him or throwing something in his direction JUST because it would make me feel better. I will be successful and get out of this funk. I keep telling myself if I didn't have surgery I would be 428 plus more I am sure. Thank you for the words of encouragement and for the kick ass attitude..which is what I need get back! Thanks yall!
  6. Just one of those days when I am discouraged and like I will never get and stay below 330..I could just cry

    1. ProudGrammy


      I KNOW you will continue being successful -" God Grant Me Patience, Just Hurry Up About It"

      LOL - hang in there!!!

  7. Just one of those days when I am discouraged and like I will never get and stay below 330..I could just cry

    1. Alexandria Hammer

      Alexandria Hammer

      Not really sure what you are going through.I am actually just getting started.BUT my Aunt,whom is working closely with me to get this done, said she felt like that most days.She said that surrounding herself with support and talking to others with the same feelings really helped her out.She has lost her goal weight and is now doing fine.Its been 2 years since her surgery. Just keep your chin up.

  8. Happy Birthday to Me!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Bandista


      Have a great day!

    3. Ginger Snaps
    4. ProudGrammy


      awwwwww hun - you don't look any older - hap hap happy belated b'day - many more to come

  9. Girl! I am gonna give you a standing ovation for that because I am RIGHT there with you! I have a few of those "friends" in my life as well and the new confident me has NO issues telling them where they can go and walk away into the sunset with my head held high. Weight Loss surgery is SUCH a mental test..and the LAST thing anyone needs is people that bring you down....no, make that TRY to bring you down. Your attitude may have changed, I know mine has..but this me..Just like this is the new you..they can roll with you, or they can roll without you. So go ahead and get your sexy on and let the haters hate..because those "friends" are just hating!
  10. felt grumpy when I woke up so i looked at my wall of success (before and after pics) and Now I feel MUCH better

    1. Mikee57


      Keep on keeping on Girl!!! Yeah!!!

  11. 424 lbs (cowboys jersey) 334 lbs (dress)
  12. 424 lbs (cowboys jersey) 334 lbs (dress)
  13. BandedCandace

    First fill tomorrow. Any tips for me?

    the best advice is to do exactly what the doctor tells you...word for word...every doctor is different on their after a fill plan..You may notice a difference for a day or two due to swelling and then it go away and its back to bandster hell until you get to where you need to be..Just keep up with your Protein, your Water, and don't over eat *portion size* and keep your head up even if you don't notice any difference. It took me 2 fills before I noted a change..and it didn't last long..but just like every doctor's aftercare is different..fills work differently for everyone. Welcome to the other side..You got this!
  14. BandedCandace

    Weight Watchers Points

    I go to meetings with my mom just for support..I did WW by the book for years and it never worked for me..But a few ideas for you if you choose to eat chicken or something other than salad..portion it out. Cut the chicken in half..or thirds and put the extra in a box to go before you even start eating. It's 90% mental..Also - ask where ever you are eating at for a lunch portion or order off of the kids menu.,Just a thought.
  15. BandedCandace

    March Challenge-Lucky to be Losing!

    Name, real or screen~ Candace Goal weight for March 31st~ 317.00 Weight on March 1st~ 330.00 Age~ 30 City/State~ Blytheville, AR Dietary goal for March~ Switch my foods up and pump up the Water to kick start my plateau and get this weight off! Exercise goal for March~ up my exercise to 5 days a week Personal goal for March~ Save Money! (Shopping has gotten out of hand LOL) Date banded~ 2/14/2013 Total weight loss since banding/pre op diet~ 75/87 What are you lucky to have in your life? Friends and family that support me, my band (Lucille) who helps control my hunger and who gave me a second chance at life!
  16. So I have had a rough month. My weight has flucuated between 325 and 330..Never below 325 and never above 330...The last month my boyfriend and I have had some major issues and my emotions have been all over the place..well a year ago I would have just ate those feelings away...and I have found myself doing that. Eating a piece or two of candy or cake when I didnt want it and sure didnt need it. My well Ex boyfriend and I broke up on Saturday..and its reasoning was the connection just wasnt there anymore...3 years and no connection..hmm..I think he got used to me being over 400 lbs and was comfortable that i wasnt going anywhere because I thought no one else would wnt me...I felt disgusting, but he made me feel beautiful so I stayed..3 years..To say my heart is broken is an understatement..I loved that jerk with every ounce of my being..and when I lose some weight and get healthy for myself and start dressing cuter because the clothes are smaller and I can find cute stuff..he doesnt like it. I told him I wasnt doing it for him I was doing it for ME and I guess he didnt like that. I am 11 months and 3 days post op..My 1 year bandiversary is on Valentines day..which I obviously will spend alone this year. I need to find a way to redirect my emotions away from the candy isle...I did better Monday and Tuesday I worked my ass off at the gym so maybe thats what I need to do. I knew this was going to be an emotional journey...my body changing and not recognizing the person in the mirror...but I didnt realize I would lose him in the process..I still think I made a good decision by having the surgery because my health is getting better..I just need some motiviation because right now..I have none.
  17. BandedCandace


    When I flew to Cali my dr told me to have soft foods (nothing heavy) the day of the flight and the day I flew back. My flight back was early in the AM and I am tight in the mornings anyway so I just had coffee.
  18. Thank you everyone! The support on this forum is simply amazing!! I feel much better this week and putting all my emotions into my gym work outs is going great..I feel so much more better about where I am with my band...Major things happening in life makes you want to rethink everything that has happened upto that point.. I am better off without someone who thinks that 417 lbs is good enough and where I need to be..My health was in bad shape as was my self confidence..my health is better now even though I still have a ways to go, Keeping my head up and my eyes on the prize! Thanks again!
  19. BandedCandace

    Lap Band Surgery Day Stories

    My surgery was 2/14/13..Its been 10 months but I remember the day like it was yesterday. The hospital that I had surgery at was an hour away..so my parents, my grandpa, and my best friend all left at 5:30 to be there by 6:30. I rode with my best friend because I knew my parents were going to want to talk and I was a nervous wreck I just wanted to listen to music and relax and knew my best friend would let me do that haha We got to the hospital and I was already registered so I just had to sign a form, slap my wrist band on and was taken upstairs to another waiting room. This is a rather large hospital so there were about 15 others in the waiting room all for various surgeries. My surgery was scheduled for 9:30 but there was a complication with the person in the OR before me so it got delayed. THey finally came and got me around 10 to back. My mom came with me and I got the gown on and the ugly socks and got on the bed. We were just sitting there talking when about 6 nurses came in and started doing different things..Taking blood..hooking up IV..checking BP..giving me meds..putting things on me..i FREAKED out..I was nervous already but everyone around me I was super nervous. My weight loss surgery coordinator (for my surgeon) came in and calmed me down..she gave me a hug and told me that I was almost on the other side and to relax. They told my mom it was time to go and this CUTE nurse came to get me. He was a tiny thing and all I could think about was he is not gonna be able to push me on this bed! I got back to the holding area for the OR and it was FREEZING!!!! My surgeon came over and talked to me and asked me how I was doing and I said I was nervous and he patted my head *he is so funny* and was like I got ya hunny..No worries. All of these cute doctors were back there and all I could think was OH MY GOD..These guys are about to see me all naked sprawled out on the operating table LOL Sad..but true..A few other people came over to talk to me while I was waiting and asking me a 187,000 questions. They finally came and gave me some relaxing medicine and thats all I remember of before surgery. I woke up to my parents, Gpa, and my best friend and they said the first thing I said was MY ASS HURTS! I had been on the same uncomfortable bed forever..The nurse came in and asked me how i was doing and i said I really need to pee and I just want to get up off of this bed. She asked me if I was nauseated and I wasnt. She brought in 8 small cups of water and said that after i drank those, got up, and went to the bathroom I could leave. I was like hell yeah line them up..lets do this. I had to wait 3 minutes between each cup. I sipped and sipped til finally they were all gone..Had no discomfort. Finally was able to get up and go to the bathroom and then I was ready to go! I got dressed with a little help from my mom and off we were and this was around 4. I had a pillow that I held on to and I Dont remember the drive home at all. I woke up in the recliner and had to pee around 6:30pm. I had gallbladder surgery a few years ago so i knew all about those gas pains..and my dad has history of blood clots so I was ready to get up and move! Each time I got up to to go the bathroom I did a few laps around the house..(not that big of a house), but enough to work that gas out and help with circulation. I wasnt in a lot of pain, but took the pain meds every 4 hours just to keep comfortable. Overall it wasnt a bad experience and pain was minimal and gas pains werent bad because I walked it out.
  20. 10 Months out and BEST decision I have ever made. Working my band daily and 91.2 lbs down. From a size 28/30 and 5x shirt to a 22 and a XL/2x shirt..Still have a ways to go, but I am loving where I am at so far!
  21. 10 months out..what!? I stepped on the scales for my weekly weigh in yesterday and weighed 325.8....325.8!!!!!!!!! I was 417 when I started my pre op diet..so since Jan 31, 2013 I have lost 91.2 lbs..Excuse my language..but HOLY SHIT!! Lap band is still the best decision I have ever made for myself and I absolutely wouldnt change anything. There are times I have ate too fast and had to throw up, but that just brings me back to reality real quick. When I walked into my dr's office on Jan. 16th to schedule my surgery I told my surgeon that I would be successful no matter what I had to do and he smiled and said yes you will, I have no doubts. Along the way I have found out who my true friends are..The ones that smile and say they support you when everyone is looking..but those are the same ones that I never once heard from when I was recovering from surgery and the ones who try to hand me a coke or a beer..knowing I cant have carbonated drinks...careless..or say they dont see a change in how I look..REally because I've lost over 90 lbs in 10 months..and I dont have time for that in my new life. I have an amazing support system in my family and my TRUE friends. My co-workers are amazing and respect that when I say no thank, its not because I dont want to be a part of the team and enjoy the food as well, its because it's not a wise decision for me to have what they are having..I can enjoy time with them with my 4 oz of food too and they get that. Anyway I just wanted to brag a little bit..because I feel like I deserve it. Have a great day!
  22. Down from 417 to 332 9 month post op

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
