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Scorpio Girl

LAP-BAND Patients
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    Scorpio Girl got a reaction from DELETE THIS ACCOUNT! in Bye Bye Plus Size!   
    I'm now officially out of plus sizes...yea!
  2. Like
    Scorpio Girl got a reaction from DELETE THIS ACCOUNT! in Bye Bye Plus Size!   
    I'm now officially out of plus sizes...yea!
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    Scorpio Girl got a reaction from DELETE THIS ACCOUNT! in Bye Bye Plus Size!   
    I'm now officially out of plus sizes...yea!
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    Scorpio Girl got a reaction from DELETE THIS ACCOUNT! in Bye Bye Plus Size!   
    I'm now officially out of plus sizes...yea!
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    Scorpio Girl got a reaction from DELETE THIS ACCOUNT! in Bye Bye Plus Size!   
    I'm now officially out of plus sizes...yea!
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    Scorpio Girl got a reaction from DELETE THIS ACCOUNT! in Bye Bye Plus Size!   
    I'm now officially out of plus sizes...yea!
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    Scorpio Girl got a reaction from DELETE THIS ACCOUNT! in Bye Bye Plus Size!   
    I'm now officially out of plus sizes...yea!
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    Scorpio Girl got a reaction from DELETE THIS ACCOUNT! in Bye Bye Plus Size!   
    I'm now officially out of plus sizes...yea!
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    Scorpio Girl reacted to JennyBee in Pouch dilation?   
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    Scorpio Girl reacted to Baba Wawa in My Band   
  11. Like
    Scorpio Girl reacted to Baba Wawa in My Band   
    Thank you! I am following up with my gastroenterologist next month. Will post as things evolve.
  12. Like
    Scorpio Girl reacted to ldb1095 in My Band   
    Of all the replies to post on here yours seems the most hateful to everyone! You want to turn things around and make the person feel like what happened to them was their fault. I'm sooooo sorry that your band hasn't caused you these problems so you can reach out to other rude people, like yourself! She did answer your question just so you know, it just wasn't a good enough answer in your opinion! Whether or not it is public is irrelevant. I know if I wasn't having complications I could care less what others were posting on a forum dealing with complications! It doesn't make sense to me why you would care what others post if you weren't having complications? Yeah, having faith that she could come here for "support" which I think this forum is supposed to be about, only got her treated bad!
    MsMaui, good luck to you hon... I'm truly sorry for what you are going through and I do also truly understand that having band complications IS NOT always caused by self infliction as others try to make people believe! While I did love my band for some things, there are times I hate it!
  13. Like
    Scorpio Girl reacted to ldb1095 in My Band   
    I sent you a private message..... or at least I think I did! LOL
    I'm not too great at posting on this forum.
  14. Like
    Scorpio Girl reacted to Baba Wawa in My Band   
    Thank you for understanding the purpose of my post. I'm sorry you're going through this, too. My reflux came on strong after my unfill too. I'd wake up choking on acid, horrible way to exist. In addition to dealing with my motility issues, I've had influenza A and B plus a stomach virus in the last 5 weeks. My immune system is really run down and I think stress and the fact I only can eat properly about half the time aren't helping.
    Hope you find some answers! Let me know how your doctors appt goes! We have a Failed Bands group on FB, let me know if you want to join. The admin is very knowledgable about revision surgery and the kind of problems we've been having.
  15. Like
    Scorpio Girl reacted to ldb1095 in My Band   
    I want to say thank you so much for posting your story! I am going through what seems to be almost the exact same things as you have been going through.
    After seeing my lapband doctor and getting no results as to what was causing the problems, I was sent to a cardiologist. The cardiologist said I had heart arrhythmia and put me on medication. Despite the medications I kept having the same issues and went back again to my lapband doctor. He finally agreed to do a barium swallow, which showed that I had a dilated esophagus. He decided to remove all the Fluid in my band, which made my issues WAY WAY worse! I had trouble sleeping before because of re-flux but now it's absolutely impossible to sleep in any position other than sitting up. He has put me on Ranitidine 150 MG on top of the over the counter medicine I was already taking and it still isn't helping. I had another barium swallow six weeks later which showed my esophagus was much better but the issues hadn't subsided. He suggested we do a gastric emptying study. I agreed and had that done this past Thursday. I plan to call tomorrow to schedule my follow up appointment about the results. He told me at my last appointment that I may have to have the band removed. I'm in pain all the time now. I really don't want to lose my band. I have no idea what comes next!
    I'm sorry to hear about all you've been through. I pray that things improve for you! Thank you so much for sharing your story!
  16. Like
    Scorpio Girl reacted to Baba Wawa in My Band   
    Thanks...I've had very negative experiences here and on another site in the past when I share my negative experience...that's why I said that. I love my band, my GI doc thinks it just aggravated a preexisting condition. I don't love how I feel right now.
  17. Like
    Scorpio Girl reacted to Baba Wawa in My Band   
    Like I told Cheryl, I didn't ask for help, I'm sharing my story. That's what this forum is about, right.
  18. Like
    Scorpio Girl reacted to Baba Wawa in My Band   
  19. Like
    Scorpio Girl reacted to Baba Wawa in My Band   
    No problem...just didn't want those who know me on this site to become alarmed
  20. Like
    Scorpio Girl reacted to Baba Wawa in My Band   
  21. Like
    Scorpio Girl got a reaction from Grider in Having A Terrible Time!   
    My band hasn't slipped...I have scar tissue under the band around my stomach, per the doctor. Hoping that I can find a way to keep it.
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    Scorpio Girl got a reaction from MiniMi in Question: Chicken Soup   
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    Scorpio Girl got a reaction from Angelizz10 in How Much Can You Eat?   
    My band doctor didn't allow shakes after the 3rd week. I do keep them on hand for post stuck episodes, travel, etc, but rarely use them. You should try substituting real food, you might be more satisfied and save a little $$$$
  24. Like
    Scorpio Girl reacted to yaya77nc in Heartburn/indigestion~Dysmotility Of The Esophagus   
    Thank you both for replying, I was alil upset when I first found out about it yesterday, but feeling alil bit better about it now, I will repost in the complications forum. Thanks for the advice.
  25. Like
    Scorpio Girl got a reaction from bound45k in Band Eroded And Removed...beyond Blue.   
    Hope you recover quickly and completely!

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