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Posts posted by LisaMiller

  1. Not trying to be mean just trying to give tough love. 10 weeks after surgery I blowed out the 1 of the 6 plate that held my leg together for the last 6 years and had to have emergency surgery. I was told by doctors that it would be 6-8 weeks befor I could go back to the gym ans work out. 3 weeks later I'm back in the gym working out and losing weight.

    Now I know you are not me and I understand your pain but you can't let this side line you from all the great weight loss you have had. Going back and do what made you lose the weight in the begining drink the Protein drinks go back to 2-3 oz of food at a time 5-6 times a day. There is upper body exercise that you can do to help and even with a hip replacement or repair the doctors must want you to walk. Start out slow and build from there.

    And keep us posted we are here for you sorry if this sounds mean its not ment that way.

    For 6 years I have lived with pain in my right leg from a drunk that crushed it when he ran me over having WLS has made the world of difference the weight is off my leg and it feels 200% better and getting better every day

    Surgery Anniversary 7/30/12

    Thanks Paul for your repsonse. I am honored to be here and I expect and want nothing more than some tuff love. After I had my RNY, I was a member of another support board. By focusing on helping others and trying to make a difference in the lives of others I was able to lose weight and finally was loving and living life. I remember giving out tuff love when it was needed. So please don't hold back. Well, don't be to hurtful either because I am a girl :o). I had my surgery 2 1/2 weeks ago, physical therapy is a work in progress. I really didn't have any pain post-op until my PT therapist increased the intensity of my workout. Man o man, that was last Friday, and my muscles are still flared up and angry. Yesterday we had to take a step back, she put me back on my walker with ambulation. I just want to screammmmmmm. Im not doing anything that can increase my metabolism. This is very frustrating. Im telling myself to stay compliant or it will take even longer to get better. Wish you or somebody had a majic wond that could fix me and take me to the gym. This is going to happen Im just so impatient. Im going to search for some upper body exercises that might help increase my metabalism. Thanks for your help and suggestions.

  2. Chap stick has always been at the top of most of the lists I've seen. Wear in loose clothes to wear home and bring a pillow from home to use as for belly support for the ride home. I drove 3 hours from home to have my surgery so having a pillow with me for the ride home was priceless.

  3. I almost remember to the actual day that I realized I could eat more than one cup of food at a sitting. I remember being amazed at first then I was worried that maybe something was wrong with my poch. I refrained from allowing myself to overeat by eating all my meals off of a saucer. This is a habit that I still try to stick with. Over the past year I have faced many challenges and have returned to reaching for the wrong foods. With the inability to maintain my exercise routine, due to an injury, I have really allowed myself to hide behind the overweight girl just waiting to regain control over my life. Im here today because I know in my heart that I don't want to be that overweight girl any longer. I don't want to look in the morror and see her standing there looking at me. I have worked way to hard for that. I guess what I want to do is regain control of my body and mind. I turned to this forum for extra support because I know alone im not as strong as I could be with someone in my corner.

  4. Unfortunately no. My employer denied my workers comp claim. I had an attorney but I didn't have the medical records to support my injury. Initially I thought I was hurting because of my arthritis. So my initial doctor appointments were related to my arthritis complaints. They paid me my initial medical bills and $500.00 to resign, but that is it. I had to apply for Medicaid to help me with my surgical bills and treatment. My attorney told me to take their initial offer of because I wouldn't get more than that if I go to court, and I would run the risk of a denial from the judge and get nothing. It eally wasn't much after medical bills were paid. I hate workers comp and I hate that employers love you to death until you get hurt and then they kick you to the curve.

  5. I think a lot of us can relate to your feelings and habits. I appreciate you for making this post. I battle with depression but I have come a long way on my journey. I am finding my self reaching for the wrong foods and then fussing at myself for eating them. SOmetimes I even fuss at myself while im eating them. I can trully relate to your frustration. If you need a buddy I would be more than happy to join you and conquer this weightloss battle together. I live in SC (In the middle of Greenwood and Laurens). I can't tell you how bad I want to connect with someone to work with me to get back on track.

  6. Congratulations!!! That is an amazing milestone to reach. I'm happy for you. I found going from 300 to 299 and from 200-199 to be a time of i know at least 2-3 week stalls. I finally didn't weigh for a week and boom I was there. An amazing accomplishment,

  7. Thanks for the replies. I haven't thought about chair exercises, ill look that up. I had surgery two weeks ago on my hip. Rehab is 6-8 months. That's insane. I've just got to stay strong but this is difficult. I feel like I've fallen off the Weightloss wagon. I'm glad that I found this forum, I need as much support as I can get. I need somebody to make me be accountable for my good choices. My mother n law has to have something sweet every night, she can eat whatever and never gain a pound. I on the other hand gain if I look at a Debbie. Anyway, thank you all for making me feel comfortable.

    Btw, do y'all have a weigh in thread?

  8. Hi, I had my RNY 3 years ago this past September 9th. I done a great job and lost 210 pounds in 2 years. I was dedicated to exercise and eating right. November 2011, I got hurt at work and was unable to do my 2-3 mile walks or aerobics of any kind. I had to be out of work so they fired me. We had to move in with my in-laws because of the decrease in income. This has been very hard. My routine has been crushed. What has brought me here is that I need some support to help me before I regain all the weight I lost. Before my injury I weighed 148, I was content with that weight. This morning I weighed 164. It doesn't seem like a lot if weight but I can really tell the difference. Please, Anton that wishes to help me, I would greatly appreciate it. I'm new here so I do need a little time to figure out how this forum works. Thanks again lisa

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