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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by mimita61

  1. mimita61

    Bad Days/ Good Days

    Hi yeya. This happened to me, specially in the beginning. But don't get discouraged. My weight loss during that period wasn't great either :-/ but with a couple more fills the weight started to fall off. You go through a few hurdles and you learn how to deal with it. Good luck with it all
  2. mimita61

    Seriously Need To Vent!!!

    Oh dear. I hear ya! Maybe have a talk to him and let him know again what you need from him. Sometimes men...well they're men lol but I'm sure if you communicate he will realize
  3. Sorry to hear you're having such problems I know how you feel. Are you able to keep liquids down at least? Hope things get better.
  4. mimita61

    Vomit Blood

    Hi everyone tia for reading this thread. I've had my lap band in for some time now. I'm 5.5ml everything was going great until this morning when I was having my usual glass of juice and felt I couldn't tolerate it, it was painful. I went to toilet threw up bright red blood. Called the surgeons office they will see me tomorrow morning. Has this happened to anyone? How bad can it be? Should I really not worry? I'm freaking out please if anyone has has any experience let met me know. Thank you
  5. mimita61

    Vomit Blood

    Thank you all for your responses. I went to see my and the Dr wasn't alarmed it seems to be a common thing :-/ apparently I may have torn a lining inside, it has settled by it self now so I'm no longer vomiting blood and he offered to take fluid out if I felt I was too tight which I refused cause I'm finally seeing results and this was just a one off incident. Te night before I had some rissoles and rice (mashed of course) but it didn't sit well and I did throw it back up and that when it probably happen. I did feel at the time that while bringing it up it was a but more gut wrenching then other times but it didn't dawn on me till later. When i called the doctors office and explained abt the blood The first thing the receptionist asked me was how I was feeling. Was I nauseas, in pain etc. I was feeling just fine a part from the shock of vomiting blood as I wasn't expecting to nor had I ever heard anyone of doing so. Should this happen to anyone though I recommend they follow advice from the pros and to follow your own instincts. Thank fully it was nothing to be worried about. Thanks for your concern and replies. Have a great day.
  6. mimita61

    Vomit Blood

    You are absolutely right. Had it been like ground coffee she said she would of asked me to go to Er but that I still needed to see the doctor anyway make sure all was ok. You will be glad to know that it was nothing...despite the worry that bloo should always be a concern so I'm not saying that if this happens to any of you that you shouldn't worry. You still should cause it is never normal in my cause thank goodness all it was was me having had a bad night before with some food I had and did throw up quiet violently though this didn't dawn on me until after I spoke to the doctor and he explained how we can tear the lining or irritate it causing it to bleed but that it settles on its own. I'm still getting used to my band. Learning as I go.
  7. mimita61

    Vomit Blood

    The receptionist just said to have ice chips. I was too scared to ask her anything plus I know she wouldn't have been able to answer my concerns. But if she booked me in for tomorrow I guess it isn't that bad? :-/ hopefully.
  8. Hi everyone I'm new on here and really enjoy reading everyone's journey. I got my lapband 2 years ago but fell pregnant before my first fill. I went back to the surgeon in April weighing 15kg more then I did before my operation. So far I have found it difficult to lose any weight I am at 5mls (10ml bband) and feel very restricted I am still not losing weight nor eating much as I am sometimes unable to tolerate liquid. Any tips for me from an experienced person on here? I work in children's services so I'm always on my feet and running around. Any help is much appreciated thanks
  9. mimita61

    Hi All Im New To This Forum

    Hi DanaAdams thanks for your good wishes. I hope you're doing great
  10. mimita61

    Hi All Im New To This Forum

    Hi LoveTheNewMe thank you for taking the time to reply and for your great tips. I last had my fill on the 17th oct. I'm on 5mls it feels very tight and during the day I find it hard to keep any liquids down I have to sip very little so that it doesn't come back up. I don't get hungry which is great but I do feel I should be eating. I try having a soup in the evening but can only take in very little and if I continue it does come back up and I just give up. I don't know what my calorie intake is at this moment. I do try to have a cup of tea with milk and Splenda but I can only drink abt 1/4 of it. This is my second time on 5mls the first time I couldn't even swallow my own saliva and ended up in hospital dehydrated I got 2mls taken out which put me back on 3msl and I gained the 5kg I had already lost. The doctor said I should be ok this time which I am, I'm not as bad. But I don't know how to take protein unless it is in shakes and even them I don't think I'll be able to drink them. Am I too tight? Or will it losen up? How does it feel when you hit your sweet spot? I'm hoping it loosens up and then I can take in some protein. Some days I'm not as tight as others and I can drink a bit more though not solids they get stuck unless they are lapband friendly -mashed etc.

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