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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by mezanne1401

  1. CONGRATS!!! I was always nervous that it was like a booby trap so to speak. If I can lose sufficiently, are they going to deny me because I can do it without surgery? If I don't lose enough, are they going to say I didn't really try? I just can't understand why the insurance companies don't realize how much money would be saved in the long run!!! I found out about 2 weeks ago that I'm not even covered for "weight loss anything". Grrr!!!!
  2. mezanne1401

    Nervous About Rescheduling

    Thank the Lord, they let me keep my surgery date!!! We explained that since Sandy had closed the stock market for 2 days, the funds were going to be delayed by 2 days. We showed proof that we had done everything humanly possible to get the money to her on time and that it was out of our hands. She told me that I would have to come up there first thing Wed morning and give her the money, but I told her that we were going to give her the check now so she would have it in her hands when she needed it. She wasn't thrilled about giving us the okay, but I guess since it was the storm and not us that is was okay. I am so relieved. I was sick to my stomach all weekend worrying about it! So, I'm still on for Monday and I could just about scream I am so excited!!! Thanks for the advice and thoughts. My heart sure does go out to those that have had to fight their way through this process.
  3. So, I have to have my money to my surgeon tomorrow since that was the absolutely latest I could pay and still keep my schedule for next Monday. My mom withdrew the money out of her IRA and we usually always get the money within 4-5 days. Well, because of Sandy, the stock market closed for 2 days thus delaying the money being sent. We got the check in the mail Saturday and I was so relieved! We went to deposit the check and the bank said the funds will not be available until Wednesday!!! I'm going to the doctor's office tomorrow armed with every piece of documentation that we have to show them they will have their money first thing Wed morning, but now I have butterflies in my stomach for fear that they will reschedule me and that will have to be "after the holidays" according to the coordinator at our first visit about finances. Fingers are crossed and praying that they will okay this and not postpone me!
  4. mezanne1401

    Soon To Be Sleevers With Big Dogs

    That's an easy one...just keep your broom with you AT ALL TIMES! No, seriously, have a 1 yr old rambunctious pup and an 11 yr old gentle giant. Not worried about my old boy, but my young Tasmanian devil is a nightmare! I agree that they know when mom is in pain and will likely be your best caretaker! I had a pitt that passed in Jan and she was always the first to tend to me if I was in pain after a procedure or was just down with a cold. I would never be able to board them though. They both are rescues and have SERIOUS separation anxiety.
  5. I have been looking at my preop information and it repeats several times that during postop, you may not be able to tolerate certain foods when progressing from clear liquids to a regular diet. Does anyone know exactly what to expect when not being able to tolerate a food? Does it mean that you will get nauseated and likely vomit or will it give you stomach pain or what??? Hubby asked me this afternoon and I didn't have an answer for him and now I'm curious too!!! Thanks all!
  6. Thank you both!! I am definitely going to take things slow as far as diet progression, but just like to know what to expect for future reference! Thanks for the help!!!
  7. There is a thread about this already, but I've got to get back to work and make this quick. Told my uncle "the king of having only d---chebag things to say" and who woulda thunk it?!?!? Not one nice thing to say. The best thing of all though is after 30 years of never having a retort to his douchieness, I finally got him back with one word...."AND!?!?". He would say "you know you can only eat a couple of ounces at a time" to which my response was simply and sarcastically "and?". After a few more stupid negativities and the same reply, he finally said, just wanted to make sure you thought of everything and you're going to do great!!! HA! In yo' face, unc!!!!!
  8. Went in for my weigh in this morning and after my little lapse in judgement, I'm down 7 lbs on day 3! The coordinator told me I'm right on track for surgery a week from Monday!!!! Now I'm going to focus straight ahead and nail this puppy!!!!
  9. Only day 2 of the diet for me and lost 5 pounds. I stayed on track all day and for dinner I couldn't stop my cravings. I broke down and had a few slices of turkey and a pickle. I feel totally worthless right now and that is polar opposite of the satisfied feeling I was looking for. I will have to remember how this feels so I won't splurge again. Never thought some turkey and a pickle would be a splurge, that's for sure!!
  10. I wonder what it is like to walk up to the ticket counter at the airport and not wonder if they will make me buy another seat because I am too big? I wonder what it will be like to be offered a seat in one of those stupid plastic chairs and not wonder how soon the legs would buckle when I sat down. I wonder what it will be like to go to a mall and walk into my favorite store and not have to wonder where the "plus sizes" are at. I wonder what it will be like to walk into a restaurant and not have to wonder if they are sitting me in a table because I'm too big for a booth. I wonder what it will be like to walk hand in hand with my husband and not have to wonder if people are thinking he shouldn't be with me because I'm too big. I can't wait to not wonder!!!
  11. mezanne1401

    Just Starting My Journey!

    I think it varies person to person for sure. I am self pay and went to the surgeon's office last Monday and walked out an hour later with a surgery date. I had my first consult with the surgeon, my nutrition evaluation and psychiatric evaluation yesterday and started my diet toady for surgery on Nov 12. My process has been rushed and chaotic, but I have seen people struggling for weeks/months for approvals. Just hang in there!!! Good luck and hope all goes smoothly/quickly for you!!!
  12. I started mine today for surgery Nov 12. I only get 3 protein shakes and lots of water. I started walking a little too and lost 2 pounds today and right now it is SO not worth it as I am so hungry. I have found out today though that I'm not missing food or the flavor. I am simply missing the full feeling. Every time I start to get cranky or feel sad, I watch this video on YouTube that says 100 before and after pics and that has been THE BEST help so far!!!! I just keep reminding myself that I am doing this for a reason and it is going to be worth every stomach growl. I am, however, miserable from the headaches. Come on November sleevers!!! We can do this.
  13. Hi everyone! I am new to the group after deciding on the sleeve this morning! Met with the bariatrics coordinator last week for the band and got my date for Nov 12. Was super excited and had my first appointment with my surgeon today. He told me the difference in the sleeve and the band and after a few questions and a few Tourette's-like "oh"s we all agreed that the sleeve is for me!!! I got home and immediately began researching and found before and after pics. WOW!!! After 9 years of having my mind set on the band, I gave officially switched over to the sleeve and I am SO FREAKING excited. I start my preop diet tomorrow and not really looking forward to that. So, just putting my story out there and introducing myself to the group!!! Ready for the count down!!!!! 13 days to go!
  14. mezanne1401

    November 12 Surgery Date

    My surgery is the 12th as well and I startmy diet tomorrow. While I am a little concerned about only having protein shakes for 2 weeks, I just keep telling myself that the torture of this diet won't even come close to the agony that any serious complications could endure should I not remain compliant. I binged at Outback tonight for my "last meal" and allowed myself to have anything I wanted on the menu so I wouldn't sit there over the next 2 weeks thinking "man, I sure wish I would have gotten that pie"! Just keep in mind that they aren't trying to kill us with this diet; they are trying to keep us safe. I'm sure if there were other ways to prep ourselves, they would find it. They know we get cranky when we're hungry!!!!
  15. mezanne1401

    Keeping It A Secret

    I am a very private person as well, but because of all my diet failures and lack of self-esteem, I am almost shouting that I am going to have this procedure done from the rooftop! I lied all the time when I was younger and one thing my mother drilled in me and a realization that I came to on my own is that all lies (and omissions are lies) eventually hurt someone and it's usually someone you care for very much. There is no shame in having this done. There is, however, plenty of shame in not doing anything about our weight. One thing about every person on here is that nobody has taken the easy way out. Nobody here is unaware of the complications and risks. We are brave, strong, compassionate people coming from years and years of predjudice and even hatred for "our kind" and it is (in my case) my chance to yell from the top of my lungs that I AM in control and I am blessed enough in my life to be given the opportunity to prove all the negative people in my life wrong. And when I get the look of disapproval and they tell me how dangerous it is, I merely turn it around and mention that walking while texting or crossing a street is dangerous too, but this is a risk that has the potential for an amazing outcome!!! Good luck in whatever you do and be strong in your decision to tell or not to tell. As for me, I'M GETTING BANDED IN 2 WEEKS!!!!!
  16. mezanne1401

    Got My Date! October 29Th.

    How did it go and how are you feeling?!?!?! Congrats!!!
  17. Her everyone! Last week when I first met with the bariatric coordinator, she told me about needing to take chewable vitamins after surgery and that I should go ahead and start them now. So, being the compliant patient, I got the Flintstones chewables simply because I didn't know if gummies would be a good idea postop. Took one yesterday and went about my business as usual. Today, however, I am about to claw my skin off. Only thing I can figure is an allergic reaction to the vitamins. Anyone else had this problem???? Okay, back to my spaghetti scooper thingy since I can't scratch my flippin' back!!!! GRRR!!!!! Sure wish that Benadryl would kick in!!!
  18. mezanne1401

    Allergic To Multivitamins???

    My appointment is 8:30 tomorrow morning and I took 50 mg Benadryl, so do I call them today or just not take it tomorrow and tell him then. I don't have any hives/swelling/rashes, so I'm thinking just wait, especially since I have not actually met my surgeon yet and he technically doesn't know me from Adam!
  19. I wonder what it is like to walk up to the ticket counter at the airport and not wonder if they will make me buy another seat because I am too big? I wonder what it will be like to be offered a seat in one of those stupid plastic chairs and not wonder how soon the legs would buckle when I sat down. I wonder what it will be like to go to a mall and walk into my favorite store and not have to wonder where the "plus sizes" are at. I wonder what it will be like to walk into a restaurant and not have to wonder if they are sitting me in a table because I'm too big for a booth. I wonder what it will be like to walk hand in hand with my husband and not have to wonder if people are thinking he shouldn't be with me because I'm too big. I can't wait not to wonder anymore!!!! Come on November 12!!!!!
  20. mezanne1401

    What Is It Like To Not "wonder"?

    Thank you both for the sweet comments!!! Sure does help to tap down what is on my mind while it is fresh!!! Lord knows it doesn't happen often enough!!!!
  21. mezanne1401


    A lot of docs are also driven by money. It is sad to say it, but it is true. I chose the band from experience as a nurse on a med-surg floor. Of course, the surgeon that was performing the bypass surgery was scary enough, but after seeing the complications of these patients, I knew that was not a risk I was willing to take. Please keep in mind that I am certainly not discouraging ANYONE from bypass and support anyone who chooses this option 100%, but for me around where I live, it was completely out of the question. Good luck in what ever you choose !!
  22. I'm new to the forum and thought I might put myself out there since I've been quite the hermit for years now. I'm 30 now and have hypertension and am now considered pre-diabetic. I went to my primary doc the other day after an MRI for my back. Of course, my back is in terrible shape and the doc said to lose weight. Thanks for the help, doc! I came home and talked to my mom about it. She asked if I thought it was finally time to "do something" about it. I told her that the sooner my weight killed me, the sooner I would be out of pain. After a gut wrenching reality check for the both of us, we both cried...a lot. She offered to pay for my surgery to help me and thank God for that as I later found out that UHC doesn't cover me for weight loss anything. So, I called some surgeons at my mom's request and found a local physician. I asked hypothetically that if I were to give him a check today for all costs, when would I have surgery. It sounded like a month or so and thought that was a reasonable time to wrap my brain around it all. I took the coordinator my application and after an hour long visit, I walked out of the office with surgery scheduled for November 12!!! I told my mom and she was so happy and called her accountant that afternoon! I will never be able to thank her for giving me life..twice! I am finally happy. I am finally excited about something again!!! If it feels this good preop, I believe I may be over the moon happy in 19 days!!!!! I'm a little nervous about the surgery since I have never had a "cutting" surgery (just had a ureteroscopic procedure under general anesthesia), so not sure how painful postop will be. Well, that was a therapeutic little rant and I am pretty sure there will be a few more in the near future!!!!
  23. Already such kind and encouraging words!!! I have done plenty of homework on this issue and have been doing so since 2003! I know the band is a tool to help me and I am hoping that the constant reminder my mother's sacrifice for me to live a better life and be a better me will lead me to even more success! It is a whirlwind to say the least, but in my natural tendency for procrastination, I tend to thrive under constant chaos!!!

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