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Everything posted by mezanne1401

  1. mezanne1401

    All i want for Christmas is... (join in)

    All I want for Christmas is to be able to sell out house quickly and move to Galveston ASAP so we can start a new life and I can feel comfortable walking my dogs on the beach, seeing all the sites in our new town without having to go rest after an hour of walking, to go to the water park for the first time in 17 years, to walk next to my husband hand in hand and hold my head up high knowing that he is not embarrassed by my size. Oh, I also want it to be Dec 22 so I can laugh at the people who anticipated the end of the world by quitting jobs, not paying bills and blowing through life savings!
  2. Hang in there, Ms.Cali!!! Don't be too proud to ask for pain meds and anti-nausea meds!!! Use the nurses to your advantage! Walk, walk, walk!!!!! It does get better, I promise!!! Good luck!!! Congratulations new sleevers!!! I'm happy you all are doing well!!!
  3. Here I am sitting at a new urologist for my kidney stone that has come back with a vengeance. My urine is so dark that it scares me a little. I struggle to get my fluids in daily. I struggle to get in my protein. I can only eat 1 ounce of anything at meals. Now I have a mid sternal pain coming and going. The buyer's remorse is back and it is not good. What in the hell did I do to myself? I did this to get away from doctors and medication, but seems like I am here more frequently now!! Lord, please let this funky mood go away and please let them call my name to go back! I've been here 90 minutes and getting really ticked off!
  4. I will have to try that, Rootman! Thanks for the advice! The stone woke me up at 2 a.m. after having gone to bed at 11. Took my beloved Toradol and was able to go back to sleep around 5. Then I woke up at 8 with it bothering me again. Waiting on a return phone call from the doc to see if I can have my first lithotripsy tomorrow.
  5. I know everyone is different in this category, but I'm a little worried that I'm not eating enough. I am 1 month out (11/12/12) and can only eat 1 ounce of anything per meal. This morning, I had 4 small sips of soup (wasn't hungry even then), went to my urologist and that took 3 hours so I missed lunch (wasn't hungry then). Just ate dinner and had 4 small bites of chicken and I'm full. I doubt if I've gotten 150 calories in today. Anyone else eating such small amounts one month out???
  6. I finally went in and saw the doc. I was there for almost 3 hours. He gave me a prescription for Toradol thankfully and I'm scheduled for two lithotripsies, one in January and one in February. Hopefully he will get all of the stones out (I have multiple stones in both kidneys) and I will be shed of this problem forever! One can only hope!
  7. mezanne1401

    How much should I be able to eat?

    I'm not proud of my protein/water intake. When I do eat, it is protein. I have yet to find a protein supplement that I can tolerate. I am drinking about 32 oz water. I'm trying my best to get it in, but it is quite a struggle. I feel better knowing that I'm normal right now. My next appointment is on the 20th and I don't want to bother my surgeon unless absolutely necessary.
  8. Have you ever had any surgery under general anesthesia at all??? I had a kidney stone removed under general 2 years ago and I was TERRIFIED!!!! They had to give me a Xanax to calm down. I threatened to leave against orders and everything. I was really being a horse's butt! But, when I was scheduled for my sleeve, I wasn't nervous or scared at all. I never had fear at all over this surgery and it is a big one!!! I was surprisingly calm. I realized I was scared of the unknown from anesthesia. Will it hurt? Will I really not feel anything when I'm under? Will I wake up? Will I remember anything? Once I had experienced it with my stone removal, it was a piece of cake. If you haven't had surgery before, then I totally understand. If you have had surgery, then just keep reminding yourself who you are doing this for and why!
  9. I used to be a nurse and have dealt with every bodily fluid/function out there. I used to watch raunchy shows like Jackass or Tosh.0 with laughter. I used to watch Bizarre Food with Andrew Zimmern and laugh at my mom's response to him eating 1000-yr old eggs with baby chicks in them. Now, fahget about it! I watched Tosh.0 the other night and literally gagged until I thought I was going to vomit. My puppy just got sick after dinner and threw up twice and when I went to clean it up as I have 100 times before, I had to run to the bathroom and throw up! Thank God I've actually lost weight so I could RUN to the bathroom! Anybody else have a weak stomach after surgery???
  10. I get that too but then when I am done eating and everyone else is still eating, I get nauseated at the smell of their food too.
  11. I haven't gotten near the protein in that I need and it is obvious since I've stalled. I tried the Carnivor shot and it has 50 grams of protein for 4 ounces. It tasted to me like I was drinking a fruit punch flavored liquid cow (tail end included)!!! It was so tart that now I have killer indigestion! The trial and error part of a new sleeve sucks donkey tail!!!!!
  12. mezanne1401

    Blah! Nasty, nasty, nasty!

    I have not tried the unflavored yet. I think that is my next choice. We went out to eat last night at Red Lobster and I was able to eat 1 crab leg, 1 shrimp and 1 tiny scallop and u was full, but it was the first real food I have been able to keep down. I told my husband that we needed to buy stock in Red Lobster if that Is the only thing I can tolerate. Be warned and watch the stock market for a sudden spike!!!
  13. Cold liquids were awful the first 3 weeks or so. I love ice water but found that tap water and warm teas really helped me a lot. Now I'm back to ice water and I'm a happy camper now!!!
  14. I was sleeved Nov 12. Did really good for the first 2 weeks. Advanced per orders to soft. Couldn't keep anything down and slimed a lot. Regressed back to full liquids/pudding and I am so miserably full. I ate 3 small bites a scrambled egg and was full to the top. I drank some broth just now and it didn't stay down. I can't even force fluids like I need to. I was in the ER yesterday for a kidney stone and I don't know if I am just sick from all of that or what! Getting aggravated that I can't drink water! Anyone else go through this almost a month out????
  15. mezanne1401

    My Texas Sleevers

    In Lufkin, TX, about 2 hours north of Houston, but moving to Galveston hopefully very shortly!!!!
  16. Maybe a little TMI, but I finally realized that my miserable fullness was because I had to go potty and couldn't. Got some laxatives and I already feel so much better! Whew! I was getting a little nervous about feeling so icky!
  17. mezanne1401

    cannot gulp down drink in the summer?

    This is actually the hardest thing for me to deal with. I screwed up the other day after cleaning the house and I gulped 4 big gulps before I remembered I had surgery. That was not a good reminder at all. That mess hurt!!!!!
  18. mezanne1401

    Anyone experience this?

    There is a little part of me that wishes I could get my stomach stretched just a bit. I can only eat 1 oz of anything. Lot of slimes. This is so much harder than any diet I have ever tried in my life. Just praying that it will be worth it in the end.
  19. mezanne1401


    LOL!!! I think it is dulcolax, but I could be mistaken. About 98% sure, though!
  20. mezanne1401

    NSV: size 16!

    CONGRATULATIONS!!!!! You look terrific!!! Keep up the good work!!!!
  21. mezanne1401

    Anyone experience this?

    Not yet. Will do so soon though. This sucks!
  22. mezanne1401

    Anyone experience this?

    Up until 3 days ago, I had no problems drinking fluids.
  23. Ended up spending 4 hours in the ER this morning because of a kidney stone because of my lack of hydration. I really thought j was doing pretty good with my fluids. Obviously not. My urine looked like weak coffee. Very aggravated with myself. So, back to bed for me. Feeling like doodoo right now and so pukey!!! Keep the fluids going people!!! This is miserable!!!

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