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Everything posted by mezanne1401

  1. mezanne1401

    Not related to VST, but....

    I was born in CA and Galveston is the only place I've found that has the feel of CA without the "me first" mentality! I hope and pray they offer me the position! I have to go shopping for an interview outfit because nothing fits me!!!!
  2. mezanne1401


    If tomorrow is the end, I'm gonna be pissed that I had surgery and haven't been able to binge eat for the past 6 weeks. On that note, I'll see ya on the 22nd!
  3. I never really paid attention to what I watch before surgery, but now it is almost a little embarrassing!!!! Good Eats, The Best Thing I Ever Ate, Unwrapped, Diners, Drive Ins and Dives, Iron Chef Redemption, Dinner Impossible Oh my!!! The good thing, I guess, is I can still watch them and not want the food on TV. A few years ago around 10 p.m. I was watching Diners, Drive Ins and Dives and during the show, this dude was cooking a greasy spoon kind of burger and it looked so yummy that I got out of bed while my husband was asleep and actually cooked a similar burger because it looked so good!!! No wonder I had surgery a month ago!!! I was out of control!!!!
  4. mezanne1401


    SO FREAKIN' TRUE!!!!! Almost discourages me from using this forum any more! That's a sad thing because I really used to enjoy this forum.
  5. mezanne1401

    Why Lie?!?!

    I am not pushing telling people to anyone. I completely understand the not wanting negativity surrounding your decision. Some people I told (mainly my uncle and a friend of the family) were very negative about my decision. For me personally, this was the first time ever in my life that I stood up for myself and my decision. I am usually one to keep my opinions to myself and keep my mouth shut, but I stood up for myself. That was a little personal victory for me. It actually makes me sad that people can't/don't/won't tell because it is so taboo to have WLS and there are so many hateful people in the world that love to keep people down and out. They look down on us because we're fat and they look down on us because we are trying to fix it.
  6. mezanne1401

    Gas, Gas, Gas!

    Warm tea helped me tons, especially with getting in my fluids because cold water hurt so badly. I can't think of the brand, but they make the Sleepy Time Tea. Yeah, I should have bought stock in that company before surgery. I loved the raspberry tea!!!
  7. mezanne1401

    Why Lie?!?!

    Not trying to start drama here (and Lord knows plenty of THAT has been going on here), but IMO, an omission is a lie. My mother (we're talking pre "quiet time" parenting) beat my tail for "omitting" certain details. I've learned my lesson well because that woman was like Taz with a belt when she went to slinging that thing around. I believe she even had a war cry! I think it usually started off with my full name..."Melinda Susanne, get your ass in here!!!". Yeah, that rings familiar! But, I digress. An omission, if made to deceive, is a lie. This is just my opinion and I mean to offend no one. I'm only posting what I was taught and believe!!!
  8. I am 30 (31 next month) and I was 327 at 5'8". I have been married 12 years and the question everyone has asked (from my grandparents and in-laws mainly) is when are you going to have a baby. I was in constant pain with my back and knees that I knew I could not carry an extra 30 lbs with a pregnancy. I didn't want to be the mom on the bench at my kid's whatever game and be embarrassed of their mother. I didn't want to be the mom that had the kid that didn't want me to drop them off for school and they don't want to be seen getting out of my car. I didn't want to be the mom that couldn't pick up the baby out of the crib because of my back/weight. I didn't want to be the mom that had to be buried by her young child because I died of weight related health problems. I want to be the fun mom, a healthy mom and I want to see my baby get married and have their own babies. I opted for surgery first even though my husband has wanted a baby for years now. I can be selfish right now because I'm not a mom. One year to wait for a baby is nothing compared to the extra years I'm giving myself by losing weight.
  9. mezanne1401


  10. mezanne1401

    Why Lie?!?!

    I've told everyone I know. I have nothing to hide. It made my aweful SIL green with envy (which I love), it made some people realize that I am one tough cookie (in fact, my dad said "I wish I had the balls to commit to something so permanent"), I've had two "easy way out" comments to which I replied "you eat 1 oz per meal and risk throwing that up if it didn't settle and you deal with the food addiction and we'll see how "easy" it is". I've had many questions about why/when/how and I answer them with brutal honesty. I'm not ashamed of my decision. I'm proud I had the courage to do this. I got sick at the airport waiting for my plane a few weeks ago and was standing at the sink washing my face and a stranger asked me if I was okay. I said simply, "Yes. I had stomach surgery two weeks ago and I get sick sometimes. She patted my back and wished me well. Maybe because "fat people" are so gross to normal people, they might be happy that we aren't just standing back and doing nothing about it.
  11. I work from home and get paid by production. The more I type, the more money I make. A very simple concept. I'm down 42 pounds since Halloween! I feel so confident and happy even though technically I am still very obese. A switch went off in my head and I would rather be out and about continuously pulling up my now too big jeans. Who woulda thunk surgery would make me not want to work!!!
  12. mezanne1401

    leak test a must see video

    Great video!!! I was in the ER over a week ago with a kidney stone and they did an abdominal x-ray and a CT of my abdomen and I kept asking the techs and docs if I could look at the films to see my sleeve! Nobody would let me. I think they thought I was joking. My doc didn't do a leak test so I wondered what it looked like! Thanks for posting!!!
  13. mezanne1401

    Who woulda thunk it?

    I totally agree. I have applications in tobwork at offices on Galveston for when we move. Working from home has a few benefits, but mostly it just exacerbates my natural laziness! I pray I get the job in an office! I'm ready to get out of the house!!!
  14. I have been having some nausea lately, but I am still trying out new foods. I hit the dreaded 3-week stall and thought a couple if times about throwing the scale through a window. But, the stall is over now and including my preop diet, I'm down 40 pounds!!! I have had a recent flare up of my kidney stones, but besides that I haven't felt this good in a long time. My back doesn't hurt, my knees and ankles don't crack and grind any more. I can't believe it has already been 1 month!!! I was so excited to break 300 and now I'm melting away day by day!!!!
  15. Just remember this... The squeaky wheel gets the grease. Keep calling her and eventually you will get what you need. I understand how you feel. You are guarding yourself from disappointment should something or somebody pull the tug out from under you. You sound a lot like me in that regard. If you say it first, maybe it won't hurt so bad when it happens. Keep your head up. Your emotions are going to be all over the place for the next couple of months. Fingers crossed for you!!!
  16. Just got home from the hospital for my first of two lithotripsies. I would take a sleeve gastrectomy any day of the week so long as I never had to have another lithotripsy ever again. Unfortunately, I have my last lithotripsy on Jan 4. I don't consider myself a weenie at all. I've had a stone extraction, bone marrow biopsy and the sleeve and not one of those hurt as much as the bladder spasms I was having! Thank God for Dilaudid!!! Time for a nap I think!
  17. mezanne1401

    Is this normal? Getting nervous...

    I was told to stop eating after 15 mins. I can only eat an ounce of anything and I feel too full most of the time. I have been vomiting almost daily though and wonder if there isn't a little swelling in my stomach from the vomiting. The couple of bites club isn't a fun one to join IMO.
  18. mezanne1401

    Anyone had this problem?

    Definitely need to see a doc. I was sleeved two days before you and also vomit almost daily, but no blood in my vomitus.
  19. I was laying in bed last night forcing myself to go to sleep. I sleep on my ride side with my knees bent. I could not get comfortable and finally realized why. I had bone on bone contact with my knees instead of fat on fat!!! What a weird thing to celebrate!
  20. Please don't get me wrong here. I'm happily married and not looking for love, but I have seen so many people on here that are so kind and compassionate that I began to wonder if any romantic relationships have evolved or if people just make life long friends?!?! Have a good night everyone! I've got to get to bed for my lithotripsy surgery at 7 a.m. I sure wish these surgeons would let me sleep in a little!!! It isn't like being NPO is going to bother me any! We could have done this at noon!!!
  21. Well, some tastes actually change and now I can't stomach some stuff I see on TV and I gag constantly at different things. I would just say be careful because gagging/throwing up is not fun even one month post op and it hurts like hell sometimes. Baby steps is my advice!!!
  22. mezanne1401

    3 days post op and NO energy!

    I felt the same way and started taking my multivitamins again and it was like night and day for me!
  23. mezanne1401


    If gillopez has a point, then pre ops should not be posting in the post op forum, women should not post on the men's forum and vice versa. Good luck in what ever you decide to do, but you will carry a lot of resentment towards your folks and that will eventually gnaw away at your relationship with them.

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