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Everything posted by mezanne1401

  1. mezanne1401


    The preop diet sucked a big egg for me. It didn't get any easier for me. I was miserable. I was hungry. I was cranky. My poor husband thoughtlessly prepared bacon one might and the smell almost sent me into a homicidal rage. I wanted to sneak out of the house and go to Olive Garden. I was a lunatic. Then on the morning of surgery, I was still starving and still snippy. I got out of surgery and the liquid diet didn't bother me at all!!! I wasn't hungry, not even head hunger was an issue. Before surgery diet blows. After surgery, it wasn't a problem. Another reason it wasn't a problem is that I cheated about a week and a half out of surgery and ended up so sick and in pain that I finally said enough and stayed on track. Keep your head up and hang in there!!!! Good luck!!!!
  2. I've been in a stall for about a week now and it has finally been broken!!!! I've officially lost 60 pounds!!! This is the first time in probably 6 years that I have less than 100 pounds to lose!!! 60 down, 90 to go!!! My sweet husband now calls me "Skinny Lady"!!! Of course, I walk around all happy and confident and pain free and someone will ask me a question and my new answer is "it's because I'm skinny now!!!". Of course I'm not and pretty far from it, but he still makes me smile with that name. When we first got together, I weighed 208 pounds and looked pretty good (senior year of high school) and I had lost 25 pounds right before we met to get to 208. I was trying so hard to break 200, but I was losing weight in a very unhealthy way. I felt really good about myself! I was so cute!!! When I get to my personal goal of 170, even my husband of almost 12 years has never seen me that small and my mom hasn't seen me that small since my freshman year, maybe even junior high!!!!
  3. mezanne1401

    i should be more nervous

    I was sleeved on Nov 12 and I was so calm. I wasn't the slightest bit nervous/scared/anxious. I got one little butterfly of excitement when the surgery team walked into my room to roll me to surgery. My mom and MIL were balls of nerves. I gave everyone a hug and kiss before we left for the OR (mom, MIL, husband, uncle, cousin and niece). They all left the room so the team could navigate the stretcher out to the hall and when we got out of the room, my mom was crying a little. She paid for my surgery and I leaned up to hug and kiss her again and told her thank you for my new life. She really started to cry then and I teared up a little. I was laughing and joking all the way to the OR. That is the last thing I remember!!!
  4. LMAO!!! Has anyone seen the Wal-Green's commercial with the lady and her husband who is eating the donut!?!?! That is SO me and my husband! I love that commercial!!!!
  5. mezanne1401

    Drinking with meals

    This is the absolute worst part for me. I don't drink when I eat, but the hard part for me is the 30 minutes before or after. I get really sick to my stomach if I do drink too soon before or after, but I'm getting there!!!
  6. I was a nurse and now am a medical Transcriptionist and would type operation reports for surgeons here at the hospital. I remembered from typing who had a lot of complications and who did not. After knowing that, I looked up the docs on the board of medical examiners website to see who had what in their record. I narrowed it down to my surgeon and loved him the minute I met him.
  7. mezanne1401

    My 2 month mark

    I was sleeved on the 12th too!! Down 58 pounds total (17 pounds on preop). Started at size 24 pants and 4x shirt. Now 20 and 2x! Still can only eat about an ounce and get pukey a lot from that one bite too many. How much are you able to eat???
  8. mezanne1401

    Food Porn's Gotta Go!

    LOL. When my husband is eating dinner (usually at a restaurant), I call watching him eat "food porn". We were on vacation last week and he was eating a cheeseburger (one of my biggest weaknesses) and I was watching him eat every juicy bite. I started singing bow chicka bow wow (porn music). He just play tormented me for a minute by being very obscene, but it was a good belly laugh!
  9. mezanne1401

    Am I ever going to be normal?

    I'm about 7 weeks out and I do have a problem with eating soft foods still. It is getting a little better each day. It seems that since surgery, we have eaten out way more than usual. We had to go to CA for a funeral, then I've been down with kidney stones, then vacation, so we've been frequenting restaurants. My mom or husband will order their food (something that I would enjoy too) and I ask the server for a small plate and take a few pieces from them and I'm good to go. I have noticed though that I get queasy watching others eat and smelling their food, but now it isn't quite as bad. We went to my favorite BBQ restaurant and the smokey meat smell made me sick! Since surgery on 11/12, I'm down 58 pounds (including preop diet 10/31 losing 17 pounds). I'm looking forward to sitting at a dinner table and eat a generous 6 ounce portion of food so I'm not the first person done eating since I only eat about an ounce of food. I don't want to be normal because my normal ballooned me to 327 pounds!!!!
  10. Well, I just got back from the hospital for my 2nd and final ESWL!!!! Thank God this one was so much easier than the first one since the bladder spasms last time took me out for the count! Fourth surgery in 2 years (3rd since Nov 12 when I was sleeved!). Glad to be home and fixing to rest for the remainder if the day. It's cold and rainy out, so a perfect lazy day!
  11. I have my job interview today and I have to leave in 45 minutes to head south and I'm having a stupid problem. No one is awake at home to ask, so I'm reaching out to y'all!!! I have thick curly hair (a lot if it). Do I wear it down like I'm going out or pull it back? I want to look professional. Stupid, stupid question/problem.
  12. mezanne1401

    HELP! Not related to VST!

    LOL!!!! Glad I could help brighten your day!!!!
  13. mezanne1401

    HELP! Not related to VST!

    Perhaps I should have urban dictionaried "bat wings" before I named my fly aways!!!!!! Another lesson learned!
  14. I found out 2 weeks ago that I got a job interview on the 2nd. I knew I would need a new outfit because of the weight loss and my mom suggested I wait until today in case I lost more weight. Good idea! I went to the mall today and found nothing. I'm down to a size 20 from 24 and thought I would have an easier search. I found more in my old size than my new size! I figure I will wear the nicest outfit I have and just explain that I lost weight and I'm really not a hobo! On top of that, I have a flipping cold. The first thing you do in an interview is shake hands. I am proud of my not girly hand shake as that is one of my peeves. Now I have to politely decline the hand shake and explain that I am sick. I may be their first interview with a line of excuses. Well, sorry for the drawn out post. Hopefully it isn't hard to follow and makes some sense. I'm a little swooshy headed!!! Happy New Year, Sleevers and pre-Sleevers!!!
  15. mezanne1401

    Job interview and no clothes!

    Well, I ROCKED that interview! After all the clothes/cold drama, it turned out what I should have been worried about was shoe drama!!!! My feet lost weight too! My heels didn't fit anymore so I grabbed the flip flops and headed out the door. I knew there was an outlet mall about 30 miles from my interview and found an amazing pair of shoe boots!!!! Originally $175, on sale for $100 plus an additional 25% off!!!! I strutted my stuff in that office like I knew what I was doing!!! Bad part...they were dead fish hand shakers!!!! Oh well. It's over, I'm home after a 3 hour drive and ready for some me time!!!
  16. mezanne1401

    HELP! Not related to VST!

    LOL I ended up wearing it down, but I think it was for the best because it was rainy and windy. If I would have pulled it back, I would have had some major problems with "bat wings"...the hair that is too short to go back neatly.
  17. mezanne1401

    mommy issues

  18. mezanne1401

    Job interview and no clothes!

    Thank you all for such amazing advice!!! I have never been a clothes hoarder, but I found a pair of slacks that fit and look pretty good! Now if I can walk in heels, I'll be good!!! Love the idea of pinning the blouse though!!!! Knock on wood, the cold is better even now! I've been cooking nonstop since my last post and I haven't been sneezing or coughing, so maybe I'm on the tail end of the cold! I will walk in confidently, make eye contact, shake their hands with a firm grip and land this dadgum job!!!! Thanks again for such great advice!!!! Keep your fingers crossed for me!!!
  19. mezanne1401

    mommy issues

    Keep your head up. I've been wanting WLS for years and have had people try to talk me out of it. I heard the "you're not THAT big" and the "you won't be happy with the results" so many times. I think that is part of the reason I kept putting it off. This time when I finally had my fill of being the funny friend and tired of always being in pain, I did it. Some thought I was going to flake out on it because I have been so flakey about this and other diets that they were actually surprised when it was over and done. Now I've got support from everyone I know and am frequented by high fives from all of them. I know it is harder when it is your mom giving you grief, (this may be a little morbid and insensitive and forgive me as I don't mean to offend) but in the natural rotation of the world, parents die before their children and when, God forbid, your mother pass, then you will be miserable not only because she is gone, but you will not have gotten healthy for yourself and may hold some resentment towards her. Then there is the reverse. By not doing something about your health, your mother may have to bury you first and that goes against everything in the world. Parents aren't supposed to bury their children. It is just not right! Get healthy for you and keep your head up. We all deserve to be happy and healthy.
  20. mezanne1401

    Job interview and no clothes!

    I have none of those stores close! I have my go to slacks in black and some hand me downs that I bought for my mom with the tags still on. Since I bought the shirts, I know it is my style because I won't let my mom wear the old dated clothes she likes. I think I'm okay there. The explanation of my wardrobe was a last resort thought if I looked like a bag lady! The cold, however, is a bit evident. I will load up on the vitamin C and pray that it isn't so bad tomorrow. The hand shake thing bothers me the most. Eye contact and a hand shake makes the best first impression. If I can keep the snot rags at bay tomorrow, I will do the hand sanitizer thing and keep my mouth shut. If it is glaringly obvious, then I'll play it by ear. I don't want to offer my hand and then they realize I am sick and be offended. Maybe they will appreciate my honesty?!?!? Thanks for the advice!!! I've never had a job interview with so many variables before!!!
  21. I have the bariatric chewables and they make me feel aweful!!! I need to find another because I'm not taking any vitamin. They make me feel so sick!!!
  22. I was sleeved 11/12/12 and had no complications. I am having some difficulty with different foods and seem to throw up quite a bit, but since I'm down 56 pounds and I am no longer in pain, I say bring on a couple of bouts of nausea!! I'm being weaned off my blood pressure meds and feel AMAZING!!!!!
  23. I understand people cheat. We are human and cheating is what led to having major surgery. What I dont get is why you would cheat with such harsh foods. I cheated. Instead of SF pudding, I got regular pudding. I figured since I can only eat 1 ounce, that little bit of sugar won't kill me. I cheated with bouillon. Instead of sodium free, I used the regular salty stuff (I'm a self proclaimed salt fein). I kept what little cheating I did within the realm of my diet stage. I am now on soft food and I'm having difficulty with the stopping. Instead of 4 bites, I take 5 and feel like crap for an hour after. I could not even begin to imagine how a cookie, dry toast or popcorn would sit. Makes me pukey just thinking about it.
  24. mezanne1401

    In pre op now

    Good luck!!! Sending prayers and positive thoughts your way!!!!

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