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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Banjo257

  1. Banjo257

    The Bandster A Dying Breed?

    I am not banded yet but have been going to the groups. The by pass peopke look at me like I have 3 heads! And try to convert me but I wondered the same thing ad you
  2. Banjo257

    Uh-Oh... Stomach Bug!

    Good luck and lysol lysol lysol!!
  3. Banjo257

    Know Your Port!!

    You are very kind to share your experience. Hope all future fills are event free for you.
  4. Banjo257

    Silly Success Story....

    You guys are getting soooo slim. Congrats and admiration to all!
  5. Banjo257

    My Lucky Day!!

    Great news! Good luck with lap band part 2, the sequel.
  6. Emotional/ stress eating today to the point where if I had been banded yet, I would have exploded!!!! How has anyone dealt with this post op?
  7. Banjo257


    He has been band(no pun intended) from coming home except for thxgiving until tge end of the semester.That may sound weird but at home he can work and make $$$. His favorite pass time. He also won't get to see the girlfriend, she's home as a senior. So hopefully he'll man up.
  8. Banjo257

    I Got Approved!!!%

    So happy for you and jealous too. Waiting for my call. How long did you have to wait?
  9. Banjo257


    Oh mads thanks, I really had a good laugh and haven't felt like even smiling all day. THANK YOU!!
  10. Banjo257


    Thanks dee that is an awesome idea. I appreciate all the advise guys.
  11. Banjo257


    He has done sooooooo many things to make us proud, but he has always not been a student and so pay pay $$$$$$$ to send him to one of the best engineering schools in the country for its hands on, shop style courses. His major is construction management. It's ideal for him, but no effort to study. Not the typicsl freshmen, going wild and partying. He comes HOME every weekend to work(he began a lawn business 4 years ago, and now has 20 plus clients). And he agrees, gotta get a degree so he doesn't have to be a laborer, he can be the boss. SO get off your A** and study or I'm going to od on oreos!!!
  12. Banjo257


    My college freshman is about to go into the homestretch of finals with these stellar grades(B C C D D). He needs a 2.5 at years end or we lose a $10,000 scholsrship
  13. Banjo257


    Oh thank you, kick hard! Now if I could just get the teenagers to listen to their mama this would not be an issue!
  14. Banjo257


    Thanks gals. I worry I will stuff food in and before I realize I did it, Bamm! Banded B's you rock.
  15. Banjo257

    11/16 N Banded

    Happy day to you slim and sexi!
  16. Banjo257


    That must be tbe best feeling! Tired of laying on tbe bed to zip up!!
  17. Banjo257


    That must be tbe best feeling! Tired of laying on tbe bed to zip up!!
  18. Banjo257

    Almost A Bander! :)

    Hello Kristy and I am waiting for my band too. Good luck on friday. I dont have my date yet, but hopefully soon.
  19. Paper work sent in by doctors office yesterday. About how long til you hear??
  20. Banjo257

    Helpppppp Me Please

    Put one foot in front of the other. Then think about the other stuff, but move your body!!! For best results, do it daily varying distance, speed, and terrain.
  21. First person to post the correct answer, gets a cyber high five. Then a new question will come up..... Who was the voice of Fat Albert?
  22. Banjo257

    Survey Says.... Torn Port Muscle!

    Oooh, torn muscle? Sounds,awful!!!
  23. Banjo257

    Wanna Eat/taste Something

    You can do it which will give me confidence when its my turn.

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