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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Banjo257

  1. Banjo257

    December Bandwagon Supporters

    Hi ladies! My magic day is Dec 17th. Very excited and wanted to wish all the December Banders a great start, and smooth seas through your journey.
  2. Banjo257

    Is It Worth It?

    You rock.
  3. Banjo257

    Re Pre Op

    Good luck. I get banded on the 17th. CANT WAIT!!!
  4. Banjo257


    I hope the girls lose as I do. They are a pain in the back!!
  5. Banjo257

    Three C's

    Thanks for the wisedom from your experience!!
  6. Banjo257

    December Divas 2012

    Go to your profile and one of the topics is my tracker. It tells you the steps.
  7. Banjo257

    December Divas 2012

    Nice!! Imagine how HAPPY your new year will be. Welcome.
  8. Banjo257

    December Divas 2012

    You are a hoot! Thanks for cheering us on.
  9. Banjo257

    December Divas 2012

    I bet you are. But WELL worth it!!! I want to trade dates with you. Jealous!!
  10. Banjo257

    December Divas 2012

    Welcome and Hooray for you! Wish I was just a week away.
  11. Banjo257

    December Divas 2012

    Enjoy your weekend and tomorrow begins the month we are getting banded!!!!
  12. Sounds lije you have a caring and cautious doctor. The staff needs the kick in the pants. Good luck!!!!!!
  13. Getting banded December 17th. 9 days before my 49th birthday. For years and years all I ever wanted for Christmas or my birthday was to be smaller. I was given a healthy body that I have slowly and steadily ruined with food. I have been blessed with a second chance to undo the damage. Please wish me luck.
  14. I am so sorry for your disappointment. What are ths levels? Is there a chance of a future surgery if your levels change?
  15. You bet we'll stsy in touch! I am using unjury splendor chocolate, and pure Protein. Also, syntax's nectar roadside lemonade. My 3 sources for liquid Protein. I am going to make a thread December Divas 2012 so can chat with others and learn from each other.
  16. Hi kriscakes! We can celebrate our milestones together! So very excited.
  17. Hi kriscakes! We can celebrate our milestones together! So very excited.
  18. Banjo257

    1 Year Bandiversary Today

    Thanks for sharing. I get banded on the 17th of Dec. Hope I share your joy in a year!
  19. Banjo257

    Had My Surgery Yesterday

    Congratulations on your big step!
  20. What a great way for all of us to begin the new year!!
  21. Banjo257

    Thanksgiving Success

    You can't de hero ize yourself. You just are. Get a straw, suck it up, and deal. YOU ARE OUR HERO.
  22. Banjo257

    If This Doesn't Motivate...

    I noticed on your profile your first doc visit is Nov 28th. That is my son Michael's bday. He has had to over come many struggles. He's a warrier and protector, like his namesake Saint Michael. Be your own warrior, and protect your health. YOU CAN DO IT!!
  23. Amazing job! Cindy Crawford is jealous.
  24. Lozjacko, I am your banded twin, Dec 17th too!! Can't wait. Excited but will be nervous when it gets closer.

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