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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Banjo257

  1. Banjo257


    Change up your exercise might help
  2. Banjo257

    Mermaid Lift

    I am hoping for gravity to reverse!!!
  3. Banjo257


    They should. WLS is saving them money.
  4. Banjo257


    Congrats on the great results.
  5. I can't wait to lose weight up top!!7
  6. Banjo257

    Just got first fill

    Slow and steady wins the race!
  7. Hope both of you feel MUCH better soon
  8. Banjo257

    December Bandwagon Supporters

    I am friending you so I can keep an eye on you as you get smaller. When the time comes, I may need to use a magnifying glass! Now fill out your profile so I have a clue who I am cheering for. For example, are you tryong to lose 10 or 100 lbs?! Are you a northerner like me or a southerner like many of my LBT pals.
  9. Ten more days for me. : )
  10. Happy and healthy day to you!
  11. Banjo257

    Shoulder pain

    It is suppose to pass after a few days.
  12. Banjo257

    Surgery date Dec 21st!! Nervous!

    I think being nervous means you know this isn't a quick fix, it's serious. Knowing that, you will follow rules and succeed!
  13. Banjo257


    You sre young and if you exercise, you will have less than uou think
  14. Banjo257


    Glad to hear another success story
  15. Banjo257

    Presurgery jitters

    Ok, we can create our own group catastrophizers!! We will be great, we will have our surgery as scheduled, no colds/flus, no doctors running off with nurses!! Mind you this pep talk is coming from someone with a diagnosed panic disorder! so if you think you are worried, pffff, I wrote the book on how to imagine the worst! Now how about we TRY to look on the bright side.
  16. Love syntrax. Thanks for the almond milk tip!
  17. Banjo257


  18. Banjo257

    December Bandwagon Supporters

    Toni, you will be so healthy, you will live forever!!
  19. If my kids only thought I knew what I was talking about!! : ) Keep it up!!!
  20. Banjo257


    My picts have a mind of their own. Sometimes upright sometimes sideways.
  21. Banjo257

    Just Starting....

    I've heard bariatric doctors are known to be good looking?!
  22. Banjo257


    Good luck
  23. Very best of luck to you!

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