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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Banjo257

  1. Welcome Beffy! I was banded on the 17th. Haven't had nightmares about food hurting but while I'm awake a worry about getting filled and the stucks people talk about. The unknown can be scary. But we can do it!!!!!
  2. Banjo257

    December Bandwagon Supporters

    Has anyone had the chicken broth by unjury? Not a fan! Can someone suggest a tastier broth to try?
  3. Banjo257

    December Bandwagon Supporters

    Hey December banders! Was just thinking how hapy I am I decided to get banded. Sometimes at the end of the year I get bummed because I still struggle with my #1demon-weight! Who else is happy? If you're happy and yoy know it give me a "like"!
  4. Banjo257

    Feeling a bit low

    I wish I could cheer you up but the best I can do is cheer you on LBT and be a pal on your journey. What day were you banded? I was Dec 17th.
  5. Banjo257

    December Bandwagon Supporters

    So glad my december pals are doing well!
  6. Banjo257

    December Bandwagon Supporters

    So glad my december pals are doing well!
  7. Sorry for your troubles. I hope you nothing but the best. Is it possible, how about a dicferent nutritionist?
  8. Banjo257

    December Bandwagon Supporters

    Pbtango, as bad as diarhea is, TRUST ME, a bowel impaction landed me in the hospital. Hang in there, and drink drink drink.
  9. Banjo257

    December Bandwagon Supporters

    From what I have read, you are experiencing a typical response. Try, I know it's hard, not to get down. The loss will begin again
  10. Banjo257

    December Bandwagon Supporters

    Interesting how all surgeons are different. My port site is painful since it is just below my bra band. And I am a 38dd, so talk about friction!!!!
  11. Banjo257

    Tomorrow is the day!!!!!

    best wishes on your bandday!! it will be over in a blink then on to the new and improved you!!!
  12. Banjo257

    December Bandwagon Supporters

    welcome rockin mom! got my band 12/17. so far so good. congratulations to a new you for the new year!
  13. Chapstick!!!!! Lips get so dry. Someone gave me this advise and i was very grateful. apen and pad for any last minute advise, med dosage etc. use the stool softeners without fail especially while on pain meds!!!!! congratulations!
  14. Banjo257

    December Bandwagon Supporters

    i don't think how bad i got was normal. but my doc has had me on some solids(jello,pudding,yogurt) besides liquids. stool softener is the best preventative. i did all the right things, but $#:! happens! or in my case, it didn't. merry christmas
  15. Banjo257

    December Bandwagon Supporters

    Merry Christmas dec foljs. I just want to make you aware without scaring the inportance of bowel movements, stool softeners, etc. I am sure this wont happen to any one but this mornibg I was admitted to the er for fecal impaction. {think constipation x1000!} I suffered at home from 9to 1, was in the er being helped not waiting from 1 to 7 am My wish for you is be diligent, even tho I thought I was, and hydrate, and keep track of movements. Xoxo
  16. Banjo257

    I just wanna cry

    it will happen when your body is ready. unfortunately your mind is ready faster! maybe it will be a christmas morning surprise!!
  17. Banjo257

    December Bandwagon Supporters

    so glad to hear everyone sounds so good. yes, we do use our abs more than we think. makes you wonder why we don't have a tiny waist!
  18. Banjo257

    December Bandwagon Supporters

    sounds like another good day for our december gang!
  19. Banjo257

    December Bandwagon Supporters

    I have a wicked sore throat and nose is getting stuffy too. I feel your pain.
  20. Banjo257

    Back again

    sorry sent message to wrong friend! oops
  21. Banjo257

    Back again

    i just got a new tablet tonight. one model up from what i had and i am clueless. but what in the world have you guys been posting!!!
  22. Banjo257

    Hi i am very new

    Scaried of failing? Yup every day! But try to have faith in yourself, that's what I am doing. I was banded Monday. Long road ahead: complete with fast lanes, slow lanes, pot holes, detours, people cutting you off, etc. just keep your eyes on the road, you'll arrive.
  23. Banjo257

    Not hungry

    Try syntrax nectar fruity flavored protein you can add to water or crystal light. You must sip fluids anyway, so this way you are sneaking in protein!
  24. I am hoping Tomorrow I will be less sleepy. I stopped the pain meds. Sick of being wozzy.
  25. I am soo sad to hear abt your family's reaction. I come from a judgemental family so only a few know. I don't think anyone has the perfect family that we think others might have. Hang in there.

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