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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Nevara

  1. If you take meds on a daily basis, how has it been with your band? Have you ever thrown them up? I take around 7 vital meds in the morn. Three are time release. Doc said they are fine to sit in pouch, and will absorb the same way pretty much. But I'm just wondering about real life experience. Thanks!
  2. Hi! I'm Becky. I'm from Idaho. I'm cash pay because surprisingly my blue cross blue shield has a policy specifically against bariatric procedures. Go figure. I am set to be banded Nov 5, and I'm on my preop diet of 700 cals a day which is a but brutal, but really NOT as bad as I thought it would be. I've only been overweight/obese for about four years now. I started having seizures four years ago... Up to 5 or more a day. I lived in a third story apartment and I seized on the stairs a couple of times and crashed on the cement... I just quit going out. The meds they put me on, I was warned they would ruin my metabolism... I can't lose weight unless I eat less than 1,000 cals a day plus exercise. But the medication is one that works, and I HAVE to be free from those seizures. Being afraid of having a seizure while in the shower and cracking your head open like I did, well it's just no way to live. Anyway, I gained 90lbs ish. I wasn't leaving the apartment, because of fear of seizures.... This I didn't do anything... Laundry, grocery shopping, all of it was up to my sweet and dear husband. I stayed inside out of shame once I'd gained 50 lbs. My weight gain was the result of emotional eating, loneliness, being sedentary, and partly my seizure meds. And, well, the seizures themselves. So, that's where I'm at! Um, no kids (don't want to have them til I'm closer to goal weight), no pets, building a house... Foundation just got put in yesterday!!!! I'm a photographer. Mostly newborn babies and weddings, but lots of other stuff too! I guess that's my intro! Becky/26yrsold/Idaho. Band Date Nov. 5. 255/goal 165.
  3. Nevara

    My Name Is... :)

    Hi! I'm down 5 lbs and on day 5. Pretty happy with that. Becky/26yrsold/Idaho. Band Date Nov. 5. 255/goal 165.
  4. Nevara

    Pre-Op Diet?

    Yep! On day 5 of the diet! Becky/26yrsold/Idaho. Band Date Nov. 5. 255/goal 165.
  5. Nevara

    Pre Surgery Liver Shrinking Diet

    Good idea! You are a strong person that's for sure! Becky/26yrsold/Idaho. Band Date Nov. 5. 255/goal 165.
  6. Nevara


    I take glucophage/metformin and they are time release so I can't cut them in half or anything. They are massive too. :/ Becky/26yrsold/Idaho. Band Date Nov. 5. 255/goal 165.
  7. My center in Blackfoot, Idaho (you fly into Idaho Falls, ID) is doing it for $7,400. Call to check that they are still running it. It's called Bingham Memorial Hospital. Docs name is Anthony Davis. Sent from my iPhone using LapBandTalk
  8. Nevara

    Pre-Op Diet?

    1protein (shake, chicken, etc) 1/2 cup of fruit One ounce dairy choice (cottage, mozzarella) lunch 1 Protein shake 2 cups veggies dinner 1protein shake 2cups veggies To total 700 cals. 60 grams protein a day. I like it so far. Becky/26yrsold/Idaho. Band Date Nov. 5. 255/goal 165.
  9. I'd be careful taking something over the counter for nausea. The docs can give you something... No problem. They won't even hesitate. I'd definitely tell them if you plan to take that over the counter med for nausea before surgery. Becky/26yrsold/Idaho. Band Date Nov. 5. 255/goal 165.
  10. I keep reading people being worried about the anesthesia making them sick and throwing up after surgery and the possibility of the band slipping. My doc said to keep telling the nurses and anesthesiologist that you get sick with anesthesia and they will be sure to give you an anti nausea med before you get knocked out. AND they'll give it to you when you wake up too. The stuff works. Without it, I'm a mess. Sent from my iPhone using LapBandTalk
  11. I'm glad this thread could help someone! I messaged you Lori. I'm glad you told me that he would bill blue cross for the hernia in a separate surgery instead of doing it all in one surgery. That was the impression I'd gotten from him. Though when I went for the consult their financial person was gone and so the nurses were just trying their best to answer those questions, but obviously some things were lacking. I had an awesome doctor elsewhere work around my insurance and got them to pay for extra tests for a hernia. It's only 80% accurate, but I wanted to do what I could to make sure I didn't have one because I was under the impression it would cost more if I did. Who knows??? The doc told me it would, but did the financial gal tell you otherwise? Becky/26yrsold/Idaho. Band Date Nov. 5. 255/goal 165.
  12. That's crazy! Nice to meet you! My name is Becky. Anyways, he is pretty great. I can't figure out why he settled in Blackfoot of all places. my band date is Nov 5. Did he tell you that if you have a hernia it costs more money? Sent from my iPhone using LapBandTalk
  13. Where is your port located? Sent from my iPhone using LapBandTalk
  14. I'm having a hard time eating now. Day 2 of pre op low calorie diet. It's like my appetite is gone and I'm nauseated over everything but milk and peaches. What happens if I don't eat enough calories prior to surgery? Sent from my iPhone using LapBandTalk
  15. Nevara

    The November 'band'wagon!

    November 5th. I'm doing SO much better on the preop diet than I thought I would. It's going on my third day. I think my biggest fear is my liver not having shrunk enough via the preop diet and them having to do an open procedure. im worried because we are cash pay and that would wreck our finances. I get 1 protein shake or source (eggs, chicken) 1 fruit (1/2 cup) 1 dairy (cheese stick, cottage cheese, milk) 1protein 2cups of veggies 1protein 2cups veggies 700 cals. Sent from my iPhone using LapBandTalk
  16. Nevara

    Pre Surgery Liver Shrinking Diet

    Swimming sounds good! Fear of bathing suits while big... Well I'm sure y'all know what I mean! But it is what it is, and I just have to bite the bullet, embrace the suck (as the military says). And quit whining and DO it. I know I can! Luckily my diet is full of low cal foods and not just shakes. Certain veggies, one fruit a day, three Protein shakes, etc. so I think I'll be ok about chewing frustrations. Til after the surgery, that is! I don't believe I HAVE to eat in the evenings to take care of my depression, it's just somethingi did when not thinking about it to self medicate. My psychiatrist has got me on different meds to keep the dip in the evening from happening. So far pretty good. Sent from my iPhone using LapBandTalk
  17. Nevara


    Awesome! Thank you everyone! Sent from my iPhone using LapBandTalk
  18. My surgery is Nov 5! My diet starts today. Phew! Good luck to you!!! Sent from my iPhone using LapBandTalk
  19. Nevara

    Pre Surgery Liver Shrinking Diet

    Thank you! I'm thinking of going to a food addictions counselor in conjunction with this, because I am quite aware how much of a change this is in my life. I need to lose about 15 lbs before my back surgeon will allow me to do any leisure walking or exercise. Weird right? It's just a unique problem to the type of back injury I have. I CAN use a walker if I have to, to take the weight off by using my arms to push down on the walker and bear the weight. So I might look into that. My spine is too compressed right now, so it's all just a bit of a mess. But I'm untangling my mess just a little at a time. Starting with food choices and a new tool to help out a bit. Sent from my iPhone using LapBandTalk
  20. Nevara

    Pre Surgery Liver Shrinking Diet

    Very good point. We are cash pay, so I definitely can't afford to get cut all the way open!

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