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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by trailblazer57

  1. trailblazer57

    Hi! My 1st Post

  2. trailblazer57

    Having second sleep test...

    lovealways, I am having my surgery in Greenville PA. Dr. Christopher Meyers is my surgeon 1/14/2012. I see the surgeon on 1/2/2012 for details.
  3. trailblazer57

    January Dates

    lovealways, I am having my surgery in Greenville PA. Dr. Christopher Meyers is my surgeon 1/14/2012. I see the surgeon on 1/2/2012 for details.
  4. Counting down to 1/14/2013

  5. trailblazer57

    January Dates

    welcome to the site you will love it here. I am also surgery date 1/14/2012/pre-op testing 1/2/2012/liquid diet starts 1/7/2012
  6. trailblazer57

    January Dates

    Congrats to every who have confirmed Jan., surgery dates. We can do this!
  7. trailblazer57

    January Dates

    What is it with the men folks.....my bf is the same way, saying he will not feel sorry for me (this is about me not him). He keeps say DONT DO IT!!!! He is making me nerves.
  8. trailblazer57

    January Dates

    Keep your chin up and remember it is only a "TEST", keep your mind on the real goal not the hoop jumping but the price at the end. Lot of love
  9. trailblazer57

    January Dates

    Ok my surgery sisters, Dates 14th and 15th we can do this! All of the hard work is behind us, now have to just press forward to the goal. I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.
  10. trailblazer57

    January Dates

    Ok the wait is over I have a confirm surgery date of drum roll please. 1/14/2013 Pre-op testing is 1/2/2012, liquid diet starts 1/7/2012 and the BIG DATE LET ME SAY IT AGAIN IS 1/14/2012. Yeah! I am all must there, just a few more hoops to go. LOL
  11. trailblazer57

    January Dates

    How about I call the surgeons office and they say that 1/31/2012 is not the date for surgery.....Just wait for them to call....REALLY.............SO I'M STILL WAITING.......AND WAITING AND WAITING. Whatever! after all I have been through to get here there is no turn back............I am still saying lets "get this party started"! LOL...to God be the glory.
  12. trailblazer57

    January Dates

    Ok lets get this party started, my date is one year from when I started jumping through all the hoops. And sucessfully, I might add without snappling out on any of the people that I had to work with. God bless the child. Amen and Amen January 31, 2013!!!!!!!!!
  13. Guess what everyone called my insurance bcbs of mass. today "APPROVED" just waiting for the Dr. office to call with a date. I am doing a little dance.
  14. Welcome and be encourage waiting is the the worst.

  16. Papers submitted on 11/19/2012 still waiting

  17. Paper submitted on 11/19/2012

  18. trailblazer57

    Counting Down!

    Bella, welcome
  19. trailblazer57

    Sleep Apnea

    I thought that something was wrong with me because I was addict to my CPAP. I have only had it since June I think. I just fits over my nose. Love it
  20. trailblazer57

    Sleep Apnea

    I love my cpap machine, because I am nolonger falling asleep during the day. " It is a like a breath of fresh air"
  21. trailblazer57

    December Dates

    For all of us who are still waiting!!!!! James 1:2-8 [ Trials and Temptations ] Consider it pure joy, my brothers and sisters, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith produces perseverance. Let perseverance finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything. ...
  22. trailblazer57

    Trying My Patience... Grrrrrr.

    Anyway keep me posted I am off to bed early day tomorrow. God Bless
  23. trailblazer57

    Trying My Patience... Grrrrrr.

    I think they just want to see if you are really serious about the surgery. I have learned not to assume anything ask questions about everything even if it seem foolish this is your health and the bottom line is you are hiring them to do a job. If they want to get paid do it right; if they dont let them know they are not the only ones for hire. I am only giving them until after Thanksgiving to submitt make paperwork to the insurance and that is what i am tell them " I'm not going to be nasty" they need to know this is about business.

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