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LAP-BAND Patients
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    CaGottaBand got a reaction from kll724 in New Forum Is (Not) So Sad!   
    I gotta go try that now
  2. Like
    CaGottaBand reacted to catfish87 in New Forum Is (Not) So Sad!   
    Kinda like bandster hell! You gotta get through it to get to the green zone.... HAHA!
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    CaGottaBand got a reaction from ☠carolinagirl☠ in New Forum Is (Not) So Sad!   
    I feel ya! Your sentiments are mirroring my own
  4. Like
    CaGottaBand got a reaction from ☠carolinagirl☠ in New Forum Is (Not) So Sad!   
    I feel ya! Your sentiments are mirroring my own
  5. Like
    CaGottaBand got a reaction from ☠carolinagirl☠ in Post Op   
    Congrats on your surgery! Unfortunately the loose skin is related to so many things, genetics being the biggie. All you can really do is try to exercise and hope for the best. I know, not what you wanted to hear.
  6. Like
    CaGottaBand got a reaction from Angi281 in I'm Banded!   
    Congrats! Welcome to banded life :-)
  7. Like
    CaGottaBand got a reaction from thick2slim in What Should I Tell My Boss   
    Personally I decided to tell my direct supervisor, but no one else at work. My supervisor and I have a good working relationship, so I was fairly confident that she would keep it confidential...besides the fact that it's a major HIPPA violation if she were to tell anyone.
    I chose to tell her because I knew I would have monthly appointments and I know she would eventually ask questions as to why I was constantly at the doctor.
    As to all my other co-workers...I told them it was a personal matter.
    And to my friends who I didn't want to tell, I told them it was a hernia surgery :-)
  8. Like
    CaGottaBand reacted to 2muchfun in Lapband Vs Sleeve Vs Bypass Surgery   
    Short answer: I prefer to keep my current stomach but I'd opt for the sleeve if my band didn't work out. So, for me, starting with the band was the logical choice. Starting with any other WLS was permanent, the band, not so much.
  9. Like
    CaGottaBand reacted to blondegal_ in Gossip About The New Neighbors   
    Please don't "band" us all together and think we are all the same. Some are nice, some are helpful, and then there are the others. Don't think we are sheep that agree with the "loud" ones.
    I'm happy to get to know other people thru the more general forums.
  10. Like
    CaGottaBand reacted to AmandaRaeLeo in "know It Alls"   
    I really like John Mellencamp...
    Got nothing against a big town
    Still hayseed enough to say
    Look who's in the big town
    But my bed is in a small town
    Oh, that's good enough for me
  11. Like
    CaGottaBand got a reaction from Bandista in Washing Fruit   
    Washing your fruit in Water and vinegar is also supposed to help your fruit to last longer as well. Especially berries.
    Happy Friday to you as well!
  12. Like
    CaGottaBand got a reaction from Debbie3sons in Lean cuisines   
    Yes, if comparing to sandwhichy stuff, I could see it being better. By fresh I was more referring to what I typically try to eat...green salads, chicken breast, fish, veggies, etc.
    And this just goes to show you that every nutritionist is different...mine told me to stay away from micro meals and focus on fresh foods.
  13. Like
    CaGottaBand got a reaction from Debbie3sons in Lean cuisines   
    I'm sure they'd be fine to eat....but wouldn't you want to use your calories on fresh foods that aren't processed? I quit eatting micro meals a while back because they simply have way too much sodium in them. In an emergency, sure...but everyday? I just think there are better things out there.
  14. Like
    CaGottaBand got a reaction from 2muchfun in Poll: Do you let Food sit in your esophagus? Or wash it down with liquids?   
    I just want to clarify...I don't chug Water when I eat...but if I feel like I need a sip of water, I take a sip of water. I still eat slowly, take small bites, chew really well, etc. But sometimes I just need something to wet my palate.
    And I have informed my surgeon that I do this. He has said that if I'm filling full for the requisite 4 hours after eatting, that it's okay to occassionally sip water while eatting.
  15. Like
    CaGottaBand got a reaction from 2muchfun in Poll: Do you let Food sit in your esophagus? Or wash it down with liquids?   
    I just want to clarify...I don't chug Water when I eat...but if I feel like I need a sip of water, I take a sip of water. I still eat slowly, take small bites, chew really well, etc. But sometimes I just need something to wet my palate.
    And I have informed my surgeon that I do this. He has said that if I'm filling full for the requisite 4 hours after eatting, that it's okay to occassionally sip water while eatting.
  16. Like
    CaGottaBand got a reaction from 2muchfun in Poll: Do you let Food sit in your esophagus? Or wash it down with liquids?   
    I just want to clarify...I don't chug Water when I eat...but if I feel like I need a sip of water, I take a sip of water. I still eat slowly, take small bites, chew really well, etc. But sometimes I just need something to wet my palate.
    And I have informed my surgeon that I do this. He has said that if I'm filling full for the requisite 4 hours after eatting, that it's okay to occassionally sip water while eatting.
  17. Like
    CaGottaBand got a reaction from PrettyThick1 in Poll: Do you let Food sit in your esophagus? Or wash it down with liquids?   
    I drink with my meals, even though I was told not too. I still feel satisfied off small amounts of food and I'm still losing weight. I don't like the idea of food waiting to go down into my stomach.
    So, yes, I break my surgeon's rule on a daily basis.
  18. Like
    CaGottaBand reacted to GoingforGoal in Poll: Do you let Food sit in your esophagus? Or wash it down with liquids?   
    Wow, this thread took a nasty turn.
    Time to chime in. Nana, I'm going to argue some points you've made. In no way take any of this personal. It is merely to exchange information. I just happen to disagree. I have read your article AND watched OBriens video and will cite them to further share my viewpoint.
    First, anatomy. It is critical that everyone has a comprehensive understanding of basic anatomy if you want to argue anatomical semantics. I am attaching pictures (if LBT will work with me) to give visual illustrations for those not privy to GI anatomy.
    If you look at your picutre:
    from the article it suggests the band is on the lower portion of the esophagus opposed to the upper portion of the stomach. However, the inference is wrong for 2 reasons: 1) Do you see the lines coming from the right and left above the band. That is the line of your diaphragm. It is also the same placement of the cardiac sphincter. The cardiac sphincter is what separates the esophagus and stomach. It is what is normally responsible for the final push of food into the stomach and it closes shut to keep the contents within the stomach during digestion. Those who suffer from GERD/reflux typicaly have a lax cardiac sphincter. Additionally, in OBriens video (first video at 3:20) he says you can see inside the stomach from above the lapband. This cannot be accomplished if the band is on the esophagus.
    I encourage everyone to see this real time video of a labband being placed surgically. It shows the upper stomach being pulled above the band and not simply clasped around the esophagus
    With that being said, technically, the upper portion of the stomach is what is banded. The medical arena is who designated the term "pouch" to refer to the upper stomach pouch that was created by the band. This pouch, like bypass, is created and thus is appropriately labeled as such. Additionally, it a layman term that can be universally understood. I am not a fan of all the verbal semantic arguments that go on. As long as you understand the concept, call it what you will. However, there is an "area" and it is NOT JUST the esophagus. This is misinformation.
    Next, if we are going to cite OBrien than we must be prepared to receive ALL of his advice and not the parts that suit our arguments. In his 2nd video (4:09) he emphasizes eating slowly. Waiting 30-60 seconds between bites to allow for food to pass before adding additional food to avoid stretching. At 1:10 he also says to take your time and recommends eating up to 20 mins but no more than 30 mins.
    And to address his position on drinking while eating which you can watch in his 3rd video 2:08. He does say the old belief was that the medical community feared fluids would dilate the pouch. He says through new education they are aware the food takes only 30-60 seconds (per small bite) to pass. And therefore there is no risk to drink with meals. However, he stipulates, that if you do drink that you should wait 60 seconds after a bite to give it ample time to pass through the stoma and than have a SIP of Water.
    Distinctions need to be made:
    1) He is not encouraging drinking with the food but between food bites. The inference is if you drink WITH your bite that you could risk stretching just like he infers the same if you take too big of a bite. Volume is volume and if you put too much of it in the pouch you put yourself at risk for complications
    2) He does not mention anything about 'washing' the food away after a meal to decrease the risk of dilatation. Again, I refuse to take contradicting doctor's opinions and than personally select which advice most suits my life plan or my preference with living with the band. It's not appropriate.
    Now, personal notes-
    When I drink w/ meals I have a tendency to not feel satiated longer. The waiting 30 mins business helps my stomach churn on solids and it takes it longer to do so thus keeping me satiated longer. If I drink too readily with my meals I also never get feedback that I am full (or what others call satisfied because that's another vocab semantic argument).
    I think if you have a true comprehension of how the band works, your anatomy and how the GI system works (banded or not) you can make informed educated decisions on which 'rules' you can be modified. But it is very important to recognize, that we have a very large BANDED community who demonstrate on a daily basis that they do not have that knowledge. To subject them to this kind of information, without first educating them, can be negligant. I encourage everyone has a partnership with their physician. When you receive contradicting advice, don't follow it blindly. Rather, bring it to the doc for clarification. They are not as uneducated or inexperienced as one may think.
    And on a most personal note, Nana, Dr. Amir Moazzez was my doctor as well. I was banded 4, opposed to your 8, years ago and his education is the same. This man literally saved my life and his program is demonstrated through my success that his information is sound and good. Call me protective, but I just cannot allow for you to sabotage his good name inadvertently because you have adopted new practices or a new physician. I am in no way telling you to not live with your band the way you please, it's everyone's perogative. But he is NOT one of the bad ones and whether you see it or not there's almost an inference he was. Not so
    Now, I am not being hasty, I am not criticizing. So I won't entertain personal **** slinging. But this is MY rationale for myself as to why I am NOT endorsing or adopting your practices
  19. Like
    CaGottaBand got a reaction from m1aman in Exciting new changes are coming to LapBandTalk   
  20. Like
    CaGottaBand got a reaction from PrettyThick1 in Poll: Do you let Food sit in your esophagus? Or wash it down with liquids?   
    I drink with my meals, even though I was told not too. I still feel satisfied off small amounts of food and I'm still losing weight. I don't like the idea of food waiting to go down into my stomach.
    So, yes, I break my surgeon's rule on a daily basis.
  21. Like
    CaGottaBand reacted to mrsto in Daily reminder......   
  22. Like
    CaGottaBand reacted to JBT222 in Miss having friends   
    Weight gain can cause you to put up new walls due to shame and embarrassment. Both the gain of weight and the loss of weight carry huge psychological issues that often get completely ignored in the process. I look at the walls you are putting up as a way of you avoiding dealing with the problem. Just like with any other disorder, you can't fix it until you admit there is a problem. So yes, you gained some weight. Now you are taking control and you are going to fix the problem. Yes you had to buy bigger clothes, but now you are changing and focusing on the new. Find your motivator and stop putting up the walls.
    You will need these friends to help hold you accountable when you do start losing and you will absolutely cherish their support and compliments when they see your changes.
  23. Like
    CaGottaBand got a reaction from mrsto in Affordable Care Act   
    Or as we say in NorCal, don't ya just love them A's :wub:
  24. Like
    CaGottaBand got a reaction from mrsto in Affordable Care Act   
    Or as we say in NorCal, don't ya just love them A's :wub:
  25. Like
    CaGottaBand got a reaction from mrsto in Affordable Care Act   
    Or as we say in NorCal, don't ya just love them A's :wub:

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