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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by alleyoop

  1. I have searched to no avail - are there no surgeons in this area who do the procedure, or should I look towards Pittsburgh as it is very close to me as well? Thanks in advance. Your help is greatly appreciated.
  2. Hi all I'm a newbie here and have joined the forum for informational purposes until I make the decision to get the lap band. I live near St. Clairsville, Ohio and am looking for a surgeon either in Wheeling, WV or Pittsburgh. I have a lot of questions, and will be reading the forums to get information. I start my new job on MOnday and wonder how long after my insurance kicks in should I seek out a doctor to start the process for the surgery. I don't have a PCP here, I suppose that would be my first step?
  3. alleyoop

    Hello Ohio, let's get this started

    Hi all, brand new here (first post!!) and am contemplating the lapband. I have a question as far as insurance coverage. I start my new job on Monday and will have Anthem (which I see is very good when approving this procedure), but is there a pre-existing clause for this, and how soon after my insurance starts can I seek out a doctor? Thanks in advance.

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