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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by mwrarr

  1. My 2 cents.... Stick it out for a bit... Unless this is a fairly new develoment in the relationship, it probably has more to do with stress than anything else. Your situation sounds so much like mine did once things "got real" re: surgery. My man emotionally freaked. His insecurity went through the roof--driving himself crazy with the "what ifs..." & "when she's skinnys..." & all the constant talk talk talk about surgery & MY insecurities about it, etc. He was convinced that I was gonna either leave or be scooped away once I was "transformed". Additionally, we both have businesses & J-O-Bs...& 2 kids, a cat, fish, etc etc etc... I can attest to how insanely turned around starting a business can make you feel. You're scared to death that something will go wrong, but you are extremely excited & want and NEED support on all levels. Plus the immediate time frame is crazy and all about promotion of the business. He probably is feeling stretched thin. And when we get to that point, it doesn't just disappear. I'd say that maybe some gentle talk & reassurance may help a little. But keeping life as steady as possible will do the most good. Don't reset the surgery quite yet.... Sending my best lights your way! :} 347*294/285/135 (*347HW/294SSW) | @Mwrarr | mwrarr.wordpress.com
  2. You've got this!! Whoo hoo, Day 2! Day 2 was easier for me. I'm hoping each one gets easier than the last. :} 347*294/285/135 (*347HW/294SSW) | @Mwrarr | mwrarr.wordpress.com
  3. mwrarr

    24/7 Oa Online Meetings

    Thank you for sharing. :} 347*294/285/135 (*347HW/294SSW) | @Mwrarr | mwrarr.wordpress.com
  4. mwrarr

    Lump In Ur Incision Area?

    Does it push out or move more when you cough/flex abs, etc? If so, could be a hernia. Definitely call the doc when possible. Idk if it will help but you could always assume it's a beginning hernia & tape a silver dollar over it to sort of splint it. It wont do any more harm, & the even pressure may help a little. 347*294/285/135 (*347HW/294SSW) | @Mwrarr | mwrarr.wordpress.com
  5. I started Optifast yesterday! :} Although, my plan is a bit different than yours. I think maybe because I don't have a date yet, so this is the "hoops" plan. Once I have a date, the 2 wks before are liquids. You got this!! 347*294/285/135 (*347HW/294SSW) | @Mwrarr | mwrarr.wordpress.com
  6. mwrarr

    Oct 31

    Yeay!! :} 347*294/285/135 (*347HW/294SSW) | @Mwrarr | mwrarr.wordpress.com
  7. Grrrr! Everything seemed to be going so smoothly & now it just feels like one more thing...no wait, just one more... Or wait! Sorry...just THIS one more thing... Today: birth control This battle over my uterus has got to end. Is it not bad enough that I have to stop taking my Yaz? Now my PCP won't quit haggling me about switching. She is CONVINCED that Mirena is best. I know that it is not, for ME. So then she wants me back on Nuvaring. (NOT going to happen--that thing did evil things to me) I asked 3x abt depo & now that my pill pack is almost ready to run out, she's calling me back in for ANOTHER APPT TO DISCUSS THIS ISSUE. In my eyes, it's not an issue. If I can't be on the pill, I want the shot or I'll take my chances on nothing. She is so thick. I am fully aware that depo has been linked to weight gain. However, I've been on it before & I know what to expect! . I should've gotten a sep GYN. omg I'm so frustrated. 347*294/285/135 (*347HW/294SSW) | @Mwrarr | mwrarr.wordpress.com
  8. mwrarr

    Strength Training Questions

    I think multiple sets are still the standard. My trainer has me do 2-3 sets of 15 reps (for certain exercises) & AMAP for other types of exercises. 347*294/285/135 (*347HW/294SSW) | @Mwrarr | mwrarr.wordpress.com
  9. mwrarr

    Oct 31

    I'll be sending my best vibes your way! It seems a little unfair that they would deny you NOW just bc SHE is new... But then again, after my recent go-round with my PCP, nothing surprises me. Best wishes!!! Keep us posted. 347*294/285/135 (*347HW/294SSW) | @Mwrarr | mwrarr.wordpress.com
  10. mwrarr


    The reason I don't want Mirena is bc I had it back in 2008-09 & had nothing but trouble with it. I bled like a stuck pig for a few months worth of periods, then it seemed to lighten up & I actually sort of appreciated it. Then around month 6-7 I started bleeding heavily, & that lasted for about a month before I passed out at work from it. Luckily, I worked in an ER when it happened & the doc on duty was pretty smart about women's issues. I had to be on pills to stop the bleeding for a while (can't remember the name--& they didn't really help anyway). Went to my OBGYN & practically begged them to remove it. They convinced me it was ok. FFWD to month 11 & find out I was 14 wks preg & lost it--prob due to the device. 347*294/285/135 (*347HW/294SSW) | @Mwrarr | mwrarr.wordpress.com
  11. mwrarr

    Can I Use Myoplex Lite?

    I use pure Protein. It tastes ok, but the Myoplex lite is almost 1/3 less carbs. I saw some at target yesterday & think I'll try it. :} 347*294/285/135 (*347HW/294SSW) | @Mwrarr | mwrarr.wordpress.com
  12. Sleeve has actually been around for almost 10 years in this country. I also saw excerpts of European studies where it's been done for quite a lot longer than here. I was inthe fence since the beginning, but now regardless of lack of studies, I will still do VSG. But, I also don't have diabetes. If I did, it may have more influence on my decision. This site has helped my choice immensely, I have to say. 347*294/285/135 (*347HW/294SSW) | @Mwrarr | mwrarr.wordpress.com
  13. mwrarr


    Tunis for your input! I truly appreciate it. I was on Depo around 2000-2001 & yes, I gained weight on it--Maybe about 60#. However, I know that I gained weight bc I ate garbage & had nearly Irish twins & an absent husband for 3-6 wks at a time (he was an OTR driver when we were married). I'm not saying the drug didn't help the weight issue, but it was definitely my own fault. This time, I know what to expect...except that my BF & I *may* want to have a baby once I have te surg & get close to goal. MAYBE. (he's 37 already & my kids are now 14 & almost 13) But...I do still worry about the fertility issues after stopping depo. I don't know much about implanon other than the obvious. I'd be willing to consider it. I guess this whole b.c. issue is just making me crazy. It shouldn't be this difficult to make decisions about your own body. The other issue I'm concerned about is how surgery will affect the usage outcomes of various types of methods. UGH. *LeSigh* I need a nap. ;} 347*294/285/135 (*347HW/294SSW) | @Mwrarr | mwrarr.wordpress.com
  14. I'm hoping for Dec!! My 3 months have been done since Sept. Just waiting to go back to the surgeon this Friday. I'm not sure if they will submit to insurance after Friday, or if he'll make me do more referrals... *LeSigh* (it has to end sometime, right? Lol) 347*294/285/135 (*347HW/294SSW) | @Mwrarr | mwrarr.wordpress.com
  15. I feel like my team is pushing more for RNY. I get the distinct feeling that VSG is not very common here at all. Though, my surgeon has been very fair & unbiased in handing out info on the different surgical options. The only one he recommended against was banding, due to trending results. He did say that he was leaning towards RNY for me due to my overall amt of wt to lose & history of GERD, but that he would do whichever one I chose...& would wait until the results from all my referral appts came in to make his final recommendation. 347*294/285/135 (*347HW/294SSW) | @Mwrarr | mwrarr.wordpress.com
  16. mwrarr

    Organ Shifting?

    I read that Lisa Lampanelli (the comic that had VSG this year) said something similar. Actually, the reason (one of the major ones, at least) that I'm choosing VSG over RNY is bc my surgeon said one of the possible complications with RNY is that due to the re-routing of intestines, they can sometimes slip around & turn over on themselves in the space that's created in the abdominal cavity once you start losing a lot of wt. It's an operable issue, as they have to go back in to detangle & secure the intestines. He warned that w/VSG sometimes there's a ghosting feeling from nerves,etc but that it's usually just the body getting used to it's new self. 347*294/285/135 (*347HW/294SSW) | @Mwrarr | mwrarr.wordpress.com
  17. mwrarr

    Can I Use Myoplex Lite?

    I'd double check w/the NUT/Surg, but sounds better than my powder, which is 14P/28C/180c per scoop. 347*294/285/135 (*347HW/294SSW) | @Mwrarr | mwrarr.wordpress.com
  18. mwrarr

    Continuous Lady Time, Anyone Else?

    Ugh...I feel ya!! I hhhhhhhhate gushy/clotty periods. I'm pretty annoyed that I have to go off my pill before surg... Keep us posted! I'll be sending good vibes your way. 347*294/285/135 (*347HW/294SSW) | @Mwrarr | mwrarr.wordpress.com
  19. mwrarr

    Continuous Lady Time, Anyone Else?

    I would definitely go to your Gyn... I had this issue in 2009. They blamed it on the Mirena. I had it removed asap. The bleeding went away within a day or so. I had a similar issue when I tried out Nuvaring earlier this year. Bled like crazy & had cramps everywhere...uterus, urethra, belly. Took it out & within 24 hours was nearly back to normal. I think I'm just sensitive to foreign objects, perhaps. 347*294/285/135 (*347HW/294SSW) | @Mwrarr | mwrarr.wordpress.com
  20. I will be printing this out, as well. :} 347*294/285/135 (*347HW/294SSW) | @Mwrarr | mwrarr.wordpress.com
  21. CONGRATS!! idk what Barretts is, but I'm glad you don't have it! Fingers crossed for a speedy acceptance. :} 347*294/285/135 (*347HW/294SSW) | @Mwrarr | mwrarr.wordpress.com
  22. mwrarr

    Tattoo Ides?

    I have been thinking about this for a while. I'm moderately tattooed already, but my weight has slowed that down in recent years (volatile canvas syndrome). I like the start weight idea. I want to get my stocking finished finally, but te BF is against it (he is a leg man & doesn't think women's legs should be graffiti'ed lol) but he is a professional artist so maybe if I let him help with the design.... ;} 347*294/285/135 (*347HW/294SSW) | @Mwrarr | mwrarr.wordpress.com

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
