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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by babykins529

  1. My port was much the same. A lil bit sore for about a month post op but I never feel it now unless I bend down and my jean top pushes it or I lean over something. As far as the fills...if the person administrating it knows what they are doing, then it will be fine. My port never hurts after. I expected it too, but it didn't. The needle is just a tiny pinch. Just relax it helps!
  2. babykins529

    T M I ....

    Was intimate 4 days post op and it was fine. Just try positions that don't hurt. And our sex life has doubled since surgery. I feel sexier as the weight comes off and that gets him more excited. Guys like confidence in women.
  3. I knew the pain meds would make me nauseous so I asked for a prescription when I got my oxycodone. I was up and around a few times a day alone with resting in bed for about 3 days. By the 5th day I went shopping and a week post op I was painting my daughter's room and trim. I had issues with trapped gas and tried EVERYTHING for weeks. Eventually it went away but I still get it on occasion but that pain is more anxiety or something pushin on my diaphram. Went back to work two weeks post op but the pain in my left shoulder was too much so I took a few more days off.
  4. babykins529

    5 incisions??

    Did they actually tell you that? Or are you going based on what you see? I have 5 incisions. They were held together by internal dissolvable stiches and fill with dermabond to close nicely and the larger ones were held together with stri strips for extra closure.
  5. babykins529


    By the way, I'm totally with you on this, I was responding to the other post you quoted from lol! After I read it, I didn't want you to think I was directly responding to you...
  6. babykins529


    If you were to take poll, and I have seen threads addressing this, you would see that the MAJORITY of bandsters have a larger insicion near there port area. Of course, as swelling goes down, and weight is lost, then yes, the port location may move from the incision. BUT, the largest incision is due to putting the port in/sweing into the muscle. There are no silly answers, just rude people.
  7. babykins529

    To weigh or not to weigh?

    I do the exact same thing. My official days are Wednesdays too. I do the daily weights just to see if I ate something that I shouldn't eat again (too heavy, or too much sodium) and it holds me accountable.
  8. babykins529


    Its most likely your post. Usually its the largest of your incisions. No, it wont go away. You want to be able to feel it so the doc putting in your fill can feel it. its weird at first I know, but as time goes on, you kinda forget its there. Hope this helps.
  9. babykins529

    531842 4805998955350 779546860 N

  10. babykins529

    My port

    OMG! Scary! Mine is upper right abdomen. Crazyness.
  11. babykins529

    January 2013 Bandsters Unite

    Did you just get a fill or something? Is it red? Did you do something to possibly tear it or bother it? I had that 3 weeks post op when I bent down to pick something up and I was wearing jeans that were snug at the time, and my fat roll kind rolled over the top of the jeans, and my port along with it, and I had burning pain in my port for like a week. Needless to say, I am VERY careful at bending down now lol!
  12. babykins529

    January 2013 Bandsters Unite

    7 weeks post op and down 25 pounds. Going in for 2nd fill in the morning.
  13. babykins529

    When did you...

    I sit at a desk all day long. I took off two weeks. When I went back I kept getting pain in my left shoulder so I had to stand and work. I actually had to take a few more days off. Thats me and every one is different.
  14. babykins529


    I take 5, 000.
  15. babykins529


    Nice! Oh and the fish look good too!
  16. babykins529

    Finally 162

    Wow! Lookin great!
  17. babykins529

    almost a month

    Great job chicka!!! Keep it up!
  18. babykins529

    mirena anyone?

    I have the paragard since I can't handle hormones. I love it and wouldn't trade it for nothin. I don't mind having a period. We're supposed to naturally so why make it stop as a convience.
  19. babykins529

    Engagement Ring...

    Haha that cracked me up! Love it. Yeah I should prob wait longer to get it resized. I just hate it moving around everywhere.
  20. babykins529

    January 2013 Bandsters!

    Of course! We all need some extra encouragement every once in a while. I'm glad we have this forum. There is always someone who knows what you're going through. I'm happy to hear about your continued weightloss. I'm bad and weigh every morning. But I know if I gain a pound or two, I will lose it soon. I fluctuate easily. Depending on how much salt I consume or how much Water I drink or even if I've had a BM that day lol! My clothes are getting bigger and my spirits are getting higher and thats all I truely care about. Keep that chin up girl!
  21. babykins529

    Engagement Ring...

    That's awesome! I'm too a size 9 wedding band and already told my hubby I'm going to have to have it resized soon. Luckily, its free unlimited sizing under our warranty!
  22. babykins529

    January 2013 Bandsters!

    Thank you Mimi.
  23. babykins529

    January 2013 Bandsters!

    Damn, 41 pounds is amazing! My stats are just like yours, but my loss is 23 pounds. I'll take what I can get lol! At Skinny: You are doing all the right things. Just keep on it. In time, it will happen. Like a light switch one day. Don't compare your prior weight loss experiences with this one, it will obviously just bring you down and confuse you. You need positive encouragement, not negative. You aren't the only one struggling, trust me.
  24. I was banded 1/30/13 and I still get left shoulder pain every once in a while. They told me that it could be a few things. From bloating of the stoma due to eating too fast or eating something gassy and its pushing on the diaphragm which has a direct line to the pain in the left shoulder to the line ftom the band to the port (can't think of the name for it sorry) which could rub against the diaphragm and then it sends a signal again to your shoulder. However, some times its just plain anxiety for me. I used to get the exact same pain but in my right shoulder until I started taking a maintenance antianxiety med. Which I stopped cuz I thought it was hindering my weightloss, when really, it was me. I've come to the conclusion that either I will have to live with this shoulder pain or try going back on my meds and see if that helps. Hope yours gets better.
  25. babykins529

    birth control

    I hate hormones. They make me sick. Not to mention the weight gain. I personally will take a few days out of the month to have a normal cycle like we're supposed to over hormones any day...which was one of the biggest reasons I picked the copper Paraguard over the Mirena.

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