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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by dimpsedee

  1. my MIL and GMIL both said the same thing. But now that I have been banded and have lost 27pounds they are telling me how good I'm doing. It's crazy the reactions you get from people- especially family, they're just concerend and can't understand what the band does and why it will work over good ol fashoined diet and excersice. Don't take it too personally- I;m sure she is just concerened and has a lot of questions about the process.

  2. I had to fill out a questionaire and then had a sit down with the shrink. I was very nervous knowing that this conversation could make or break my surgery but it was very relaxed. She asked if I had done any reseach, knew anyone who had had the surgery, if I had a support system at home, what my diet history was like. It went by pretty fast- she suggested that a few books for me to cheak out and for me to start on the treadmill for 10 minute intervals to get used to getting off my butt.

    Just relax and be honest. You'll do fine.

    Good luck

  3. How exciting! Keep in mind everyone is different so you may or may not expereince the same things as everyone else.

    I got my band Nov 27, 2012- I heard alot about shoulder pain but I didnt experience that, I was just really bloated from the gas. My pain was mainly in the port area and on my left side- kind of like a muscle cramp. I had a hard time sleeping in my bed at first because I couldn't lay flat or on my left side without pain so I slept in my recliner and used a cane to help me get up and down.

    My husband stayed home with me the first week because we have a 3 yr old and he didnt want me to over do it so it gave me pleanty of time to rest and heal.

    Make sure you start walking when you get home- I did a lot of laps around my kitchen table- and sip, sip, sip your Water.< /p>

    Good Luck!

  4. I have only had one fill also- I go for my second fill tomorrow and yes, i totally kow how you feel. My doctors office says three 4 oz meals no snacking... well guess what- I snack!- not like i did pre-band, but i do snack. I am so hungry after 2 hours that I have to do something besides gnaw my arm off. I know it takes time and fills and disipline and I hope to find the sweet spot soon. I track my calories on myfitnesspal and try to keep under 1200. If you are not eating enough calories your body can go into starvation mode and hold onto fat instead of buring it.

  5. This past Tuesday was my 8 week bandaversary. The past 2 weeks I have been doing more and more when it comes to exercising, walking at least 3 miles on the treadmill and then doing arms, abs and leg work. The past few days I have felt tenderness at my port site and it feels swollen. I didn't get a workout in today for a few different reasons but I think it's probably a good thing. I go in for my second fill tomorrow so hopefully I will find out what I did or didn't do to aggravate it.

    Has anyone else had this happen to them or know what I did?

    Thanks for reading

  6. I sat in Dr. Soong's seminar and then saw him again the day of my surgery. I was so anxious to get started and didn't want to wait any longer than I had to so I saw Brian for my consultation. I will get to see him this coming Friday for my first fill. But he has e-mailed me a few times- before and again after surgery.

    Have you been to any of the nutrion/support groups yet or do you plan on it?

    I want to and I know I should just a matter of getting out of the house without any kids.

  7. Had surgery on Tuesday and have been sipping... a lot- lots of crystal light, Soup broths with Protein in it and then the ever so tastey Protein Shakes and I can't stand them... I know this is just a small hurdle and that I will be into the mushy stage soon but I'll take any advice on how to make this part a little more appitizing. I am doing good with hitting my post-op goals of 80-100 total Fluid oz and more than 90grams protein.... and thats on thin, clear & full liquids- as soon as I can keep it stable then I can move to Thick liquids. What did you drink to change things up a bit but also keeping up your Proteins?

    Thanks for your help.

  8. I had my surgery this morning. Had to be there bright and early at 6am to where they immediatly got me to the nurse for vitals then into my gown- with the socks and mismatching hat- so sexy. Next the nurse to go over everything with me and then the IV lady, and the bariatric nurse.... all at once- slight overload. Then they pushed me to pre-op and yet another nurse- along with the OR nurse...holly molly lots of nurses. Then the anasesiologist followed by my suergon... It all seemed so chaootic but not too long after all that they wheeled me back and dopped me p next thing I know I'm in post op- the procedure was quick like a bunny I guess and all went well soon after I was home. I have a little pain and discomfort around where the port is, but I hear thats to be expected. Most of the afternoon I napped, and sipped now to get to the walking part- ugh I hate this part but it will be worth it.

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