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Aiyana's Mom

LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Aiyana's Mom

  1. Aiyana's Mom

    In a lot of pain

    Hi everyone I was banded in Sep. and when they did my surgery they said they would be fixing a hurniea. Since I was banded I notice a hard spot above my belly button under my scar. This gets inflamed and red and painful I went to my doctor and he said it was a hematoma and that I just need to wait do it to go away. I have continued issues with it swelling pain and redness. In Dec I went to the ER because I was having pain in my upper stomach area rite under my breast bone and the pain started moving into my back and chest. ER doctors told me they couldn't find anything and that I needed to follow up with the surgeon and my primary care doc. When I saw the surgeon he said he had no explanation and that he didn't feel it was related to my band then he went on to say that it might be because I'm heavyer in the stomach are that with me exercising it might be making me have some discomfort. (Load of crap because when I was much heavyer I worked out mor vigorously and never had any issue) my primary car doctor insisted that it was acid reflex and gave me some acid blockers (didn't help) after a while the pain started to go away but now since Sat I have been in so much pain and again not able to eat but also this time it even hurts to swallow liquids. The pain is again in my upper stomach under my breast bone and now spreads almost to my sides it's a constant pain that hurts more any time I swallow or move and sometimes when I breath. This makes everything more difficult. I also feel very nauseated and I keep feeling like I have to burp but can't. Went to a new primary care doc. Today and was given different acid blockers and had blood work done and was referred to a gastrointestinal doctor. Sorry this post is so long I'm just so sick of the doctors telling either they don't know why I'm having these pains or that it's due to my Wieght. Has anyone had any issues like this and if so did u find out what was causing it?? Thank you for any info you have in advance... Melina
  2. Aiyana's Mom

    In a lot of pain

    My latest update: So found out that the lump in my stomach is infected had to have it cut open and drained... (Ohhh so fun) not really painful. They also found that my port is dislodged!! From my CT scan. The cause of this?? He said its because I'm heavier around my stomach so there was a or of push an pull on my port!!! Complete and utter bullshit I am soo angry.. I mean it's not like he didn't notice that I carry most of my weight in my stomach why would they not put it in a better place from the very beginning... He even mentioned this to me after my second adjustment that they might have to move the port because it was hard to get to.... And as far as this infection this is something that I have been complaining about from the very beginning... And they just told me and continue to tell me it's a hematoma!! Yet at my last visit at the beginning of January he stuck a needle into it and pulled out what look to me like puss which would mean this has been infected for a long time... I think we are going to talk to a lawyer because we shouldn't have to pay all these extra bills to go to the ER and specialty doctors because they won't take care of the mistakes they made.. Anyway sorry for the rant... Hope you are feeling better Melina
  3. Aiyana's Mom

    In a lot of pain

    Hi Robbiegirl I will definitely let you know what I'm told and I hope they figure out what is going on with you too.. I hope you feel better... And please post what you find out too..
  4. Aiyana's Mom

    In a lot of pain

    Hi yes I'm still in the same spot my CT scan came back clear so again there is no explanation for my episodes of pain.... It has gotten a little bit better I am able to swallow with no pain now but this lump in my stomach next to my incision is driving me crazy it is a burn tarring pain that hurts even to have my shirt touching my skin there. I can't lay on my back or my stomach an it takes me taking Tylenol PM and just dealing with the pain till I can fall asleep on my left side for me to sleep. Yet the only advice I have gotten from my sergeant is to put hot compress on it and from the other doctor I just saw she said to put cold compress and elevate. (Not quite sure how to elevate the middle part of my body) lol any way the gastrointestinal doctor I saw has now referred me to a sergeant at Sutter to get a second opinion on this lump in my stomach.,, so frustrating when they just keep telling you that there is nothing wrong yet you are in pain and you know pain has to come from some where!!
  5. Aiyana's Mom

    In a lot of pain

    Hope you start feeling better soon.. I'll post what i learn tomorrow..
  6. Aiyana's Mom

    In a lot of pain

    Thank u so much for the information.. I am scheduled to go to the gastrointestinal doctor tomorrow.. I went through First Step wieght loss center her in california and it has been a nightmare... They constantly send out to contracted offices for tests, ultrasound ect and they never know what's going on. That's why I'm trying to go through a local doctor for me... As for weather u should go to the ER I think u should if you truly feel like its getting worse. At least there they will run all the test and get the results back quick...
  7. Aiyana's Mom

    In a lot of pain

    Ok thank you I'll ask for that..
  8. Aiyana's Mom

    In a lot of pain

    Hello thank you for the responses my last fill was the Friday before Thanks Giving. So not sure if it would take that long before I would feel that it's too tight. As for the gallbladder mine was removed in 2001.
  9. Aiyana's Mom


    Hey everyone My doctor instructed me to take some Tylenol to help the pain I'm having after my 2nd adjustment. But I forgot to ask if it needs to be liquid or if I can take pills now.. Does anyone know?? Thanks
  10. I was wondering if there is anyone in my area that would like to work out together and just support each other.. I know for me it's always a help when I'm helping someone else..
  11. Aiyana's Mom


    Ok thank you soooo much I will definitely do that
  12. Aiyana's Mom

    Vacaville/solano County

    Hi everyone Is there anyone else out in the Solano County area??
  13. Aiyana's Mom

    Pain After Adjustment??

    Hello, I had my surgery on 8/29 and just had my 2nd adjustment on Friday. Friday and Saturday I felt ok just a little sore from the needle but today I'm having pain when I sit down, get up from sitting, or Ben over it is painful and very uncomfortable
  14. Aiyana's Mom

    Pain After Adjustment??

    Thank you all for the info I will call the doctor in the morning and see what they tell me...
  15. Aiyana's Mom

    Pain After Adjustment??

    Continued sorry my phone would not let me write more. My stomach is red or pink and hot in that area and when I look down at my stomach it looks like its poking out to me but my husband says he doesn't see the poking out only the redness.. Has anyone else experienced this??

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