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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Debbie3sons

  1. I don't know if it affects the band in any way ,what I do know is make sure you are not going anywhere those 1 or 2 days & be real close to a bathroom ,because if you think liquids RUN through you now it's nothing compared to after drinking that stuff , also just drink it slow like you do normally & it should be fine ,but always let any Doctor's know you have the band & always ask if anything your doing will affect it, well good luck with it.
  2. Debbie3sons

    I made it into the Daily News!

    Alex You need to put a new pic up, because you look different than your profile pic but still keep the one of you fishing & the other one , congratulations on the article , they really should ask you to have us , show some of our before ,during & even some after pictures if they really want to know that it is not a fast cure all to weight loss ,but if we do our part then it works & yes sometimes there is complications , not to be foreseen, but many of us are succeeding at our weight loss surgeries which ever one that may be.
  3. Debbie3sons

    Darn Head Hunger

    I really don't have to worry to much but it is funny that everyone in my house sends me for fast food,& when we're out of snacks( chips & being I don't drink soda any more or eat tortillas which tortillas & soda used to be a staple for me , yes I would love to have them again ,but I also don't want the 110 lbs or not being able for my legs to hold up that weight so I have them put it out of sight & in their rooms , because out of my sight is out of my mind & I'm already out of my mind Lol @ SandyM I'm glad you found your chiahuaua & didn't think it was a big snack LoL.
  4. Debbie3sons

    So dumb but I LOL'd

    To funny , I guess if you believe , then you will believe .
  5. I finally figured out how to post a few weeks ago so here is a before & during still have like 40 #s to my goal.
  6. Debbie3sons

    Body Scanner at the airport....

    I have one & it's blank that is the one I carry.
  7. Debbie3sons

    Body Scanner at the airport....

    I didn't have any problems at the airports while traveling when they did the scanners, however if you need a card tell your Doctor what happened & ask him to give you a card ,I have a appointment card that says Lapband on it & I keep it on me just in case of anything.
  8. Debbie3sons

    Starting 5:2 and no scale this week

    Ok since a couple of weeks ago & reading these posts I have done the 2 separate day fast & so far I have lost 5 lbs ,so Thank you for the input & info , so hopefully I will keep losing again I was at the same for a few months not just weeks , yes the sizes were & are smaller but I myself REALLY want to hit MY goal.
  9. Debbie3sons

    2 weeks post-op questions

    Any questions or concerns you really should ask your doctor ,because we all have different issues & bodies , so what may be right for me may not be right for you ,so please ask your doctor .
  10. Debbie3sons


    I can guzzle water ,but if I do it to fast it will come back out ,so I take my big gulps ,but nothing like before banding ,so when I feel like I should stop I do & wait a few minutes ,but I still can't & won't drink with food , I still wait minutes to take a SIP & 30 minutes to be able to drink after food.
  11. Debbie3sons

    Pain relievers

    Ask for liquid pain meds from your Doctor ,I took them at the Hospital & for like 3 days when I was at Home ,could have been a little more but it's been 2 years ,so I only can remember the 3 days ,but they gave me a script for the liquid pain reliever so someone could pick it up for me.
  12. Oh ok it looks like the port might have just flipped or turned ,so HOPEFULLY it won't be to bad & you can begin your journey again & move further along ,the one I was talking about was oozing out stuff & they had to pack it & it still looked infected & the belly button was inverted deep down, so HOPEFULLY it goes good , good luck keep us updated & informed.
  13. Post it ,I remember someone else that posted their wound on their stomach & it looked pretty bad & wanted to know if they. should go to the doctor or ER ,so let us see, we're interested.
  14. So did they say why it did that?
  15. Debbie3sons

    LapBand-friendly fast food (don't judge me!)

    I also can't do anything breaded ,so if I have to go to a fast food restaurant ,then it will be either Wendy's jr bacon cheeseburger with no bun or any grilled chicken from where ever ,now going to a restaurant I just make sure it's a protein, with extra vegetables or I will give most of the sides to other people I am with .
  16. Debbie3sons


    I had epidural cortisone injections in my back not to long ago & after I came to in recovery ,they asked me if I wanted some juice ,not thinking I of course thought I would just have 2 sips ,well they put a straw in it & remember I wasn't thinking I haven't drank through a straw in 2 yrs, well I took 2 sips & had to ask for a spit bucket ,because the stuck,air,slime episode happened ,I won't do that again, I hope.
  17. Debbie3sons

    So far .

    If this what I am going to look like in my 50s & be able to do the things I can now then let me say YES being banded works IF YOU do your part.
  18. Debbie3sons

    LapBand-friendly fast food (don't judge me!)

    Here we go lol sounds like when WE went through our pre op & banister h___., apparently I was full from last night ,because when I got up this afternoon I tried to drink a 8 oz glass of milk & only could take 4 sips before that band signal said NO more, now that it's dinner ,I had a 1/2 of a chicken thigh & it said that's it your full , now I have to wait , before I can drink any water ,but I will keep drinking my Water till I get the signal that's enough , yes I even get it on water , so we will see what happens. :blink;);)
  19. Debbie3sons

    LapBand-friendly fast food (don't judge me!)

    You know what's funny I really try not to eat from fast food ,but I had my Mother bring me back a Jr bacon cheeseburger from Wendy's & a small chili , well I took the bun off because I personally can't do bread ,but I had to jump on the scale the next day I know I know lol but I had a Doctor's appointment & I had lost 3lbs ,so I was wondering if I did that for a week maybe I would lose more because of the protein oh by the way some one else has ate my chili Lol ,so Idk if it's because I had drank my protein, & water all day & only had that burger is what made me lose a bit more.
  20. Debbie3sons

    Banders #6

    Oh I guess I also did a long post LoL.
  21. Debbie3sons

    Banders #6

    Were going to have to get a petition going for Carolina Girl to say ___ she wants & we might have to put Lisacaron to be the poster child for long post on rants& raves ,Really though I am one who doesn't mind ,because I want to know & keep up on what you all are feeling or doing because believe it or not it helps me & that's why I come here ,because ,some days I feel my family is really trying to sabotage me , by asking do I wanna go pick up dinner from somewhere ,so keep it coming all of you & the smiles,dirty thinking & laughter& every thing else & let us keep losing or maintenance or getting to our goals on our Journeys.
  22. Debbie3sons


    I did & do the one a day multi gummy chewables ,because after surgery for a little while my Surgeon said no pills ONLY liquid medicines or things that would melt so they could go down but now I am 2 years out & can take my pills as long as there not to big , also when you get your surgery make sure & ask for the liquid pain meds to help with the pain.
  23. Debbie3sons

    Protein shakes and insurance

    Yes go to the website above then when you see your surgeon ask if they received the information & faxed back the prescription for the stuff and you should get a call or letter saying it has been approved it is supposed to be covered or I think you can also call , doesn't hurt to try, it was not covered under My Insurance because my Surgeon is not in my network or it would have been covered.
  24. Debbie3sons

    Banders #6

    This tread has made me feel hope , and I think there is a site on here also somewhere for single banders wanting to date other banders , it is really scary for us to try & date again after some of our experiences in realationships , my kids even have to tell me when someone is trying to get my attention or being flirty with me LOL , but I do love the attention now , but now finally that they are able to take care of their selves , maybe I will go out with a couple of them , I don't no how you other people are brave enough to go on the web sites to meet someone , it is just so scary to start, so you all are a inspiration for this .

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