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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Debbie3sons

  1. Debbie3sons

    Banders #6

    TO a wonderful person who has helped so many & is to hard on herself at times but is living longer because of choices she makes HAPPY BIRTHDAY Carolinagirl / CG.:):):):wub:wub::wub::wub::l:wub:.
  2. Debbie3sons

    Banders #6

    Wow it's already the 21st for you all , I still have like a hour n a 1/2 before that happens, then again I thought Monday was Tuesday all day yea had one of those weeks where I just wished it to be over well in a hour n a 1/2 it will be Friday so this week will be over , had family in it was good , work wasn't but I was bending over putting in a DVD & my Aunt blurts out REALLY loud & says your butt looks real good in those Jeans , she says I can say that I'm your Aunt so I had to ask the question if when I was bending over did it have that spread you guys know what I'm talking about Lmao she said no it kept together , so of course I said Thank You then I had to go to the wall mirror & bend over just to make sure for my self WOW I think I have lost some of the badunkadunk side order lol.
  3. Debbie3sons

    To be desired again

    I had thought he already did called single bandsters , oh well good to know.
  4. Debbie3sons

    Banders #6

    I also saw about Buffalo NY , Texas , Boston & other parts of the state's , so far so good in California , I only have to wear a sweater , not a heavy warm coat or jacket , I feel for everyone that has to be that cold or deal with the white(snow) stuff since We don't have our extra warmth on our bodies any more & We don't stock our bodies with food for the winter any more & hibernate like we used to LOL.
  5. Maybe you should post like this Dr. Enoch's Questions , because I know there are a few people that have had different surgeries with Him on these sites and maybe they can give you more feed back.
  6. Debbie3sons

    To be desired again

    This just keeps on giving me hope so when I do meet someone and we decide to meet up at my kids are all older and can do without me , now I just have to find someone with the same interest & work on my variable work schedule .
  7. Debbie3sons

    Banders #6

    @@Julie norton it worked.
  8. Debbie3sons

    Banders Exercise

    I have a pedometer on my phone & noticed that I walk between 15_18 thousand of steps at work a day.
  9. Debbie3sons

    Banders #6

    @@lisacaron it is in San Diego California on April 10_12I am pretty sure I forgot the name of the Hotel but, if you type in meet & greet it should come up Alex posted about it a while back he has Information on it, I went back& looked it is at the Manchester Grand Hyatt , & you have to register & the password for the discount is Bariatric pal just to make sure pm Alex so he can give you more details.
  10. Hopefully they find out what it is & hopefully it's just something minor also, they can do another band , but if you do the band again maybe they can do the plication with it this time , just a suggestion good luck & let us know what they find out & what you decide to do , I for one would like to know.
  11. Debbie3sons

    Banders #6

    I still might be able to do Vegas if everyone is on board with that maybe February or after but in April 15th I am trying to attend the meet & greet & I think Alex Brecher & Carnie Wilson will be there & a few other's from the site.
  12. Debbie3sons

    What’s it to you?

    I am me either way I am just a better me and a healthier me and I can do more now and My legs can actually hold my weight up , I don't need assistance in walking.
  13. Debbie3sons

    I'm in bandster hell

    Cool 33lbs down already , that's 33lbs off you already keep it down(up) you will be losing more soon , almost to your first mini goal.
  14. Debbie3sons

    What have you been doing with the new you?

    You need to post this on Banders#6 also so everyone can see, You look great.
  15. Debbie3sons

    Pain on sides

    Luckily after I had surgery I had a adjustable bed but I still put a LOT of pillows behind me so I could sleep , after a few days I was OK but others have slept in their recliner for a few days because like I said we are using muscles WE didn't know we had & having the band stitched to our stomach muscle well painful when we move certain ways , it will get better & in a couple of months you will start noticing even more changes with you.
  16. Debbie3sons


    Well I finally found out that after wearing a size 52 in men's jeans , I tried to fit in a size 38 , well I have a little more ways to go but I now know that I fit in a size 40_42 & that's in a men's Levi jeans so I would consider that a nsv I guess I went down about 10 sizes in 2 year the size 38s just didn't want to fit over my hips just yet .
  17. Debbie3sons

    Pain on sides

    How did you sleep before surgery , I was a stomach sleeper before surgery, now I am a side sleeper , & I really don't know what to tell you expect ask your surgeon if it could be related to the band, then again you may find out some other pains as they did stitch our bands to a muscle in our stomach , later on we find out about muscles we didn't know we had or used , hope the pain goes away , any way how r u feeling now besides that up & getting around better & did things move along for u LOL.
  18. I would have told her damn if you try to be healthy & your damed if you don't , but let me tell you how much I used to weigh , & after class can I show you something so for you being a exercise instructor why would you tell someone they need to put on a few lbs then tell her how much you lost to see that priceless look on her face , then smile & walk away to get that aha moment @ least that's probably how I would have handled the situation, got to remember sometimes they hire people that didn't go to school for training of exercise , their just people who think that's what we should be doing they don't know any thing, sometimes you could probably do it on your own these companies sometimes just hire who ever will take on the responsibility.
  19. Debbie3sons

    Starting 5:2 and no scale this week

    I know about the almonds as they fill me up on the days that I don't eat much.
  20. There will always be negative stuff , , for me I also used to look at the negative stuff , sometimes I still do but then I scroll right past it , I would rather stay positive & I like to give or get positive feedback I don't need negative stuff because I used to do negatively all by myself with food to make me feel better lol so keep positive thinking.
  21. Everyone I think goes through this thinking in the beginning right up until they even roll you into surgery , some have even thought about jumping off the gourney but , all of have read good & bad that makes us human but if you did your research on your surgeon & feel YOU can ask him/ her anything & feel comfortable with that Surgeon for your life in their hands ,you should be ok & if you have read stuff then you know to follow your Surgeon's instructions , so You can do what is best for YOU, good luck.
  22. Debbie3sons

    Weird fear

    I keep a set of clothes in my car just in case of anything & since you are in the early stages I would eat very lightly , I have heard people ask servers to remove their glasses from the table , I for one don't even drink before or after my meals for at least a 1/2 hour & have learned to always ask for a box so when I get my stop signal & know I am not going to finish I can take the rest home either for the next day or someone in my family can have it, also since I don't do starchy foods like potatoes, rice or things like that I will ask for extra veggies or protein instead if they don't have a option then I just give it to someone else & let them enjoy just remember how much YOUR surgeon suggested you should have on eating so don't worry too much.
  23. Debbie3sons

    Too much protein?

    I have not heard of anyone that was banded of to much protein , but one of my friends went to the hospital because of to much protein his protein levels were very high..
  24. I had 5 but now you can only see 2 or 3.
  25. Debbie3sons

    Post op bathroom issues

    I have heard some people say ex lax helped them, I really don't know because I had already had major IBS before surgery , but since surgery & the hiatal hernia repair not much problem at all ,by the way did you get a hiatal hernia repair while being banded just thought I'd ask since I know you were asking about it before surgery, I guess you are starting to feel a bit better that's good.

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