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Everything posted by nightingale2u

  1. nightingale2u

    January Chat/New Jersey Style

    Hiya ladies... Cindy... THat is so wonderful and really what quilting should be all about. At least that is what it is for me... creating something for someone I care about and hopeing I do it well enough that it will live to see more than one generation and bring memories with it. Hand quilting... not my thang unless it is a large utility stitch... I tried the "rocking" eensie weensie hand quilting stitch class and it just wasn't for me. I do however love hand applique... go figure. I decided to buy a recipe card holder while I am out today so I can keep it up here by my puter and keep track of all of these great recipes! I'm not sure where I missed the egg muffin one???? Eileen... Boo Back! SHerry... Psssst.... congratulations... psstt... wtg. Irene... Okay... The whole herring thang makes up for the cake porn in my book...lol. WTG dragging the hubby to the gym...lol... ya done good! Kat.. The only fish we have for dinner around here is the type that jump onto my hubby's fish hook. I just can't seem to eat anything but really ...REALLY fresh fish. Even then... it has to be fish that isn't very fishy...lol. Mary... OMIGOSH... I DIE for Italian food... I swear I could nearly munch on garlic cloves for a snack...lol. Dianne... Did you get back to Curves???? Chris... How is everything??? Pat... Where art thou? Anne... How's our little working gal today???? Mandy... How's the foot??? Apologies to anyone that I forgot... I keep forgetting to breath when I am doing the stability ball exercises which in turn is leading to HUGE headaches...lol. Today... I kept verbally reminding myself... BREATH ya dork head! Luv yas.... :kiss2:
  2. nightingale2u

    January Chat/New Jersey Style

    Mornin All... Is there any cake left???? *Holding the trash can lid open for any cake remnants*
  3. nightingale2u

    January Chat/New Jersey Style

    Did somebody say CAKE??????????????????????????????????????????
  4. nightingale2u

    January Chat/New Jersey Style

    Yeah... I doubt that deer poo or rabbit poo would make them sick... makes us sick thinking about it...lol. Hopefully whatever they got is done and through creating havoc in their systems! Mandy...EWWWWWWWWW... kitty almond rocha!
  5. nightingale2u

    January Chat/New Jersey Style

    Sounds like every puppies dream meal...lol! My pups seem to think the rabbit poo in out back yard is an appetizer... ewwwwwwwwwwwww. It was a sure thing when Ava came in with a little round poo stuck to the outside of her lip. I suppose I shouldn't have been suprised... after all... she licks her bottom on a daily basis.
  6. nightingale2u

    January Chat/New Jersey Style

    Dainne.... I am so glad you said that about the exercise... it is so easy to stop taking care of ourselves when we are focused on caring for others. If we want to give our best to the people we love... we have to make sure we stay healthy too! Besides... exercise=endorphines... and that equals less depression. Okay... where did you guys put my chocolate?
  7. nightingale2u

    January Chat/New Jersey Style

    Betty... I don't know if you can consider 1 a ton...lol... and it was barely that. My body is definitely messed up...I have never in my life lost weight this slow especially at this high of a weight. At this rate I will not be down to the weight listed on my signature for 3 months...lol. I'm glad you got a little rest this weekend...LOLOLOL... but I bet the tamales and the soup will both be delicious! Have a good day at work!
  8. nightingale2u

    January Chat/New Jersey Style

    Anne... Have a wonderful day at work today and hope you got a little bit of sleep!!!!! If not...I bet the adrenaline pumping for the first day at work will keep ya going! Go gett'em tiger!
  9. nightingale2u

    January Chat/New Jersey Style

    Sherry...I'm not positive but I do not think that your hubby and the puppies would share the same virus. Did they have something in common like perhaps eating the same food??? Now I'm not saying your hubby is dipping into the Science Diet... just wondering if there was a situation of hubby eating and then sharing the left-overs?
  10. nightingale2u

    January Chat/New Jersey Style

    Hehehehehe Eileen... yeah... exercise is a dangerous thang to be doing... but risk taker (LMAO) that I am... I will move forward into the land of shin splints and twisted ankles. :confused: Glad you had a good anniversary dinner and the best part about having an off day with goodies is that you wake up to a brand new one that is goodie free... to start out with anyway...hehehehe. SHerry... didn't get a chance to make your soup recipe this weekend but hopefully during the week. Hope the germs abandon ship soon! BAd day today food wise... TOM... need I say more. I guess I wasn't horrible... but I sure wasn't great considering tomorrow is my weigh-in. I didn't exercise today either... *sigh*. WHere the heck is the chocolate in this house!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Okay... have to go act witchy or something. :confused:
  11. nightingale2u

    January Chat/New Jersey Style

    Sherry... My daughter is the one and only for me as well... it has takes a lot to let go and I am sure she grows weary of my line of questioning that proceeds any outing...lol. I would never recover if anything happened to her... of this I am completely sure.
  12. nightingale2u

    January Chat/New Jersey Style

    Anne... I have always wanted to go there! I love the movie Somewhere in Time and have wanted to go since I first saw that. 800 buckaroos... nevah gonna happen for this small town girl! Oh...and I packed away my ball gown as well... *sigh*. Well... did the treadmill for over and hour today with 3.50 miles... I popped the circuit breaker on the darn thing for the first time and nearly went a$$ over tea kettle when it shut off without notice! I also went to the humane society and walked and worked with the pups for an hour and a half but didn't have pedometer on so will just chalk that up to good health. I figured that was my last chance to go there in weather that is above zero. TOM is here... so I am petrified to weigh on Monday... I will see how bloated I feel... may put it off for a couple of days as no loss would nearly break my little ole heart! Daughter survived her first skiing trip but didn't like it very much...guess she thought she would swish down the mountain like a pro the first time out...lol. Anyhoo... she's going to finish out the last three trips... my money is talking and it's saying... "You begged momma to go and you are going baby". Okay... gotsta get... my little social butterfly is going to a frineds house and needs a ride. TTFN
  13. nightingale2u

    January Chat/New Jersey Style

    Happy Birthday Irene!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :happybday:
  14. nightingale2u

    January Chat/New Jersey Style

    Kat....Hope you are getting some ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ's. Sherry... omigosh... very good internest interpretation of a cold...I could actually hear you saying that...lol. Sorry you are so sickie... hope your hubby takes good care of you! Mary... that happens big time for me with my TOM... and the nurse at the surgeoin I now see for my fills was like... "I have never heard of such a thing". I told her to hang out at a Lap Band site and she would hear it plenty! Hope they find something to clear up the sinus situation soon too. Cindy... have you come out of the closet yet...hehehehehe. Did you find that MP3 player in there???? The band concert was painful...lol. Their regular band teacher goofing off with her new baby so they have a sub. She did a great job filling in but it is really apparent the kids just don't follow her like their regular teacher. It was disorganized and the kids looked confused and unsure of themselves and it showed... my ears will never be the same...lol. Well girls... I didn't go to the Y but did do the treadmill at home. I had a really hard time... it felt like my muscles had suddenly taken a vacation and forgt to mention they were leaving! ANyhoo...did the 2 miles... owie... and am going to take a break from the walking today. Happy Friday!
  15. nightingale2u

    January Chat/New Jersey Style

    Morning All... Just wanted to wish you all a happy day. :mad:
  16. nightingale2u

    January Chat/New Jersey Style

    Hey Gals... *Hands Sherry a tissue and a bowl of chicken soup* Feelin kind of pooped... think I'm PMSing. Did go to the Y... did 1.25 miles and then work out on the weights for about 20 minutes. Wish there was a way to skip the getting sweaty part...lol. We can't go to the Y tomorrow as my dd has a band concert so I guess I'll have to get on the treadmill here at home since I seem to have become slightly paranoid about skipping a day. I'm on my 4th week of exercising ... shouldn't I be skinny by now???....hehehehe. Okay... sorry didn't do personals... will have to catch up another time!
  17. nightingale2u

    January Chat/New Jersey Style

    Kat... I sure can understand a wee bit... my brother was in a motorcycle accident 1 day after my father was buried and ended up with a head injury that changed his personality forever. He was a big sweet teddy bear before his accident and a hot-tempered...slightly crude... fella with a sprinkling of teddy bear left. He does have his own business and did marry so he is definitely a functioning adult but I grieved for a long time over the loss of my sweet big brother that didn't think grabbing my boobs was funny. He also lacks the capability to really care deeply for those around him now... head injuries suck. Bless your hubby for caring about your brother... it must also be so hard for you with your memories of how he was before having a head injury. Anne... wow... that is a tough one in regards to your brother as well... lots of people get drunk and do stupid things but most are just LUCKY that they don't hurt themselves or somebody else. I imagine he looks back with a lot of regrets. Eileenie and Beanie... Lookin beautiful ladies! Hiya Marcy... I for one think it is going to be very handy having an expert in the mental health field in our little group. :rose: Seriously though... you will find lots of support here on your journey to Bandland... looking forward to getting to know you better! Sherry... Thanks for the heads up on the soup... I have it on the menu for this weekend! Well... 2 more miles on my total... and Cindy... girl... get that MP3 player out because that can really get your groove thang a moving! I was just a bebopping on that treadmill tonight with Madonna... Foreigner... NSYNC... Aerosmith...etc... it was much better with music! Kudos to everyone for cutting loose with the exercise... endorphines are your friend. :huggie:
  18. nightingale2u

    The Picture Thread

    Well lookie at the two pretty ladies that just popped up in our picture thread!!!!
  19. nightingale2u

    January Chat/New Jersey Style

    Morning all... Irene... Reading your posts reminds me what a stick in the mud I've become...lol. I used to love to travel... and you know what... I think I still do and just rarely get to do it! HOWEVER... I incorporate eating with free abandon with travel so maybe it is best I just stay at home...lol. Betty... Have a good day today! My hubby didn't like the ball but I thought it was a nice change from plane ole floor exercises. I think I will buy one even if it is just to improve my balance. Mandy... Have to go back and check into the bracelet thing. Anne... Sorry you have been sick! *Hands Anne a cup o hot chicken soup* SHerry... I am definitely going to buy the ingredients to try that Soup... sounds like an especially good winter recipe! Well... Going to see if it is warm enough today to finish up my volunteer hours at the humane society. My knee was bothering me too much while the weather was good... and now... the knee feels better and the weather is bad...lol. Luv2blab... Welcome and congrats on your surgery date! We Y it again tonight while My DD has her Teens on Weights program. I am really looking forward to being fit and confident enough to take a real class at the Y...like a pilates or something like that. TTFN
  20. nightingale2u

    January Chat/New Jersey Style

    Hey All, Woo Hoo Miss Betty! Glad you got that exercise while you were still in the mood! Sherry... That recipe is right up my alley... now that we exercise nearly every week night I have been using my crock pot like crazy! I'm having a hard time adjusting to our new way of life... this would be a lot easy if I was Oprah and could just have my personal trainer come by on my schedule...lol. Well... Did 2.25 on the trusty YMCA treadmill. They also introduced us to the exercise balls... fun! My MP3 player arrived so we are trying to figure that out... I am a freak for any type of music so it will be a bit like dangling a carrot in front of a horse. Gotta go... hubby needs to MP3ize something or other.... lol.
  21. nightingale2u

    January Chat/New Jersey Style

    Morning all... Betty... notta problem... it's really not meant to make exercise more of a pain in the tushy... if it doesn't make ya wanna do it more often...then it isn't the right thing to do. Irene... You really get around girl....hehehe. Iffin you don't have huge romantic plans I hope you have some wee ones. Happy Birthday... Happy not in Texas with the crappy weather and Happy in NJ knowing you only have a 3 day work week! Well... I took my measurements this morning because week three of back on the band wagon and I am already having a week without weight-loss. If I would have measured at least I could be looking at a loss of inches! Oh well... next week! I think I am just in an all fired up hurry to get back down to at least what my signature says...lol. ANyhoo... I did the ole dye job on the hair this morning to get rid of my VERY gray roots and am dressed and ready to rock and roll out of the door to go visit my sister. Hope everyone has a great day!
  22. nightingale2u

    January Chat/New Jersey Style

    Hey All... Patty... you can add your walking miles in any old time you want to. Eileen... LOL... you crack me up with your snorting... especially since I actually do snort and chortle. I thin maybe you can fit another mile someplace in 2007. Dianne... I am sure sorry about all you are going through with your MIL. Wish we could all be there to give you a helping hand. (((hugs))) Cindy... Looks great on your signature line! Cookies... AHHHHHHHHHHHHH... hurry... give them away... charity is a good thing. Mary... What a sweet thing for your sis to do! My sister and I are very close so I know what a great thing having a sister can be. Kat... LOL... man... no wonder the scale isn't moving... with the exercise and the woodcutting and your EMT duties you are building muscle as faster than you are losing the weight! Picturing all of you laughing on your outing made me smile and giggle... thanks... there is nothing cuter than a 2 year old laughing! Sorry about your knee... I'll keep my fingers crossed that you didn't hurt yourself seriously. I sure know how the falling thing feels and have two beautiful bruises on my knees to prove it...lol. Cassie.. THat is awesome girl about the 6 inch loss!!!! Be careful with that treadmill! Well.. did an hour of shoveling today. My hubby has a snowblower but I told him I wanted the exercise... that just can't be right...lol. Night Night...
  23. nightingale2u

    January Chat/New Jersey Style

    Morning All... OMIGOSH KAt!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! How scary!!!!!!!! I'm so glad Rick is okay and holy shmoley... that guy had beeter never leave the house without you! Congrats on the elliptical! I would love to have one but the YMCA ones will have to do for now...they give a killer workout. Betty... SOrry kiddo... sounds like a completely frustrating day but I bet you got a lot of exercise re-gathering all of your items...lol. I guess that would have to be called seeing the glass a half full and dontcha just want ta bonk me on the head???? lol. Sherry... Glad you made it home without any extra fluff! Hope you had fun with your company! Cindy... Yup... I agree... let keep it here my hope was just a little boost for the Jersey group... the rest of LBT are on their own...lol. Okay.... I really would rather not start a new thread... I like our comfy little thread here and this really isn't a complicated challenge or anything... it is merely keeping track of milage for 2007. 1. When you exercise or walk... just keep a record of the milage for the month. You can do this in a journal or on your signature line. I am keeping mine on my signature line. 2.When the new month and new Jersey thread starts just include your total miles for the previous month in your first post for the new month or you can PM me with the total. 3. I will add up everyone's posted miles and post our total miles as a group for the previous month and our running total. I will also start an area in my signature line that shows our monthly totals as a group and our running totals as a group. 4. So... we will stay here in our comfy chair and keep the whole thing simple and fun. When it's all said and done we can see what places we would be able to travel to with the milage we've compiled as a group. Sound okay guys???? Eileen... will you still play if we do it this way????
  24. nightingale2u

    January Chat/New Jersey Style

    Eileen... I am not very good at visiting other threads... so I am even worse at wanting to start one...lol. I just figured it could be something just for the Jersey Chat folks and to keep it laid back and comfy like a nice chair that we won't be sitting in anymore. I will also keep track in a journal here at home so that none of it will be lost and maybe everyone else can keep their own personal milage totals for each month on in their signature section. If it gets more complicated than that I'll probably have a melt-down...lol. SHerry... I imagine you are packing up your tree while the aroma of home-made soup and baking oatmeal Cookies wafts in from the kitchen. *sigh* Can I come over? lol. Be careful at the pet store... I've got a perfectly nice fluffy dog I can send if you have a major hankering for three dogs! PAtty... Well...that actually sounds like a much better situation in regards to the problem. I know it is all going to work out as it should. (((hugs))) HAve a wonderful day with your sweeties. Mandy... You just stay put on that couch and keep that foot up...ya hear??? Okay... now... what to do with myself today???? It's too cold to do anything fun outside. Hmmm.... quilt???? Perhaps...ORRRRR... nap???? LOL BBL
  25. nightingale2u

    January Chat/New Jersey Style

    MOrning all... Mandy ... hope you are feeling as well this morning as you were yesterday! Dianne... Oh dear... you and your family will be in my prayers.... hope you got some rest last night. (((hugs))) SHerry... I am so glad you are helping Patty... I sure wouldn't have a clue where to start when is comes to dealing with insurance companies! Patty...(((hugs))) Well... I've decided to make Saturdays my day for distance walking. We took yesterday off from the Y and then I went down in the ole basement this morning and did 3.25 miles my treadmill. It's hard to get distance in without running at the YMCA as you are limited to a half and hour on each machine and it has been really busy there and no treadmills are usually available after we finish with our first round. Anyhoo... I was definitely pushing it to get that far this morning. Off to go make a little Breakfast cause this girl is HUNGRY!

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