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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by SOM

  1. Hello Dr Canada, Allah sent you to me! I had a LAP-BAND® done a few years back in the States. I have had many fills and unfills due to pregnancy over the past years. I also had a port leak and the port was changed. A year later the port flipped and I had to have another procedure to secure it.

    I have recently returned to Jeddah and in desperate need for a band adjustment as my weight has plateaued and feel no restriction. So, please recommend a good experienced surgeon to perform the adjustment under flouro because I can feel the port moving!

    I appreciate your help and advice. Good luck on your training!

  2. Hi guys.. I'm in riyadh. Just got banded 10th october. Had mine in malaysia. Not sure where to go for filling:) been here for almost 5 years and i dont trust any doctor here to do it;) thinking of doing it myself:) but the port still invisible;) hmmm.. I'm in trouble:(

    don't do it! YOu can cause damage to the port from the needle. Plus the doc uses special needles that is only availble thru special order.

    YOu can risk perforating the port and that means another surgery and expense to repair it.

    If you can travel to Jeddah, there is Dr. Osama Murshid at King Fahd Hospital.

  3. But what happens if you find yourself pg (oops) ?? I got pg 2 years after my band and had a complete unfill without flouro. It was done with the same NP that usually does my fills. However, a few months after I had my baby (and 50 pounds later...) I got fill after fill after fill to finally find out that there was a major leak (actually hole) in theport tube. It was not due puncture from the fills. Rather, my doc thinks its due to a bend in the part where the tube goes in to the peritoneal cavity (inside the muscle wall of the belly), then with the expanded abdomen, the material just brokedown. Manufac. defect??? I dunno, but leaks could happen due to other reasons other than bad fills. I am planning another baby in the next few months, but am having second thoughts about unfilling. I am very comfortable now. not loosing, not gaining. I am able to get a well-balanced diet.

  4. I tend to drink and eat at the same time, not big amounts of liquid. Right now I'm eating my breakfast and nursing a cup of coffee I've had sitting by me since before I started, and taking a sip every now and then doesnt bother me at all.

    I also have never noticed that it "washes" food through my pouch faster, although its logical that it would make whatever's there more soupy and likely to go through faster, I dont notice an effect from that.

    I would imagine gulping down a big glass of Water immediately after finishing a meal would put you at risk of overstretching your pouch and i've never tried to do that - instinct tells me it would be uncomfortable.

    When I say I drink and eat I'm talking tiny sips of a glass of wine, not a whole 250ml glass of Water.< /p>

    I find that if I drink a few gulps of water at the end of a meal, the water just sits there on top of the food, until I PB the water and sometimes a little of the food. So I stopped drinking during meals...only BEFORE to help ease the eating process!

  5. The same happened to me a few days ago. I got a fill from 2.0 to 2.7. When I got home, Water went down SLOW. Then I almost choked on chicken noodle Soup. I couldn't tolerate it. I PB'd on soup!!! I went back to water for the rest of the day. Then for the next 2 days I just sipped water, sugar free popsicles and plain broth (no noodles). I feel much much better today. I was ready to go to the ER the first night because I felt severe reflux and was very weak from not eating all day. BUtI toughed it out........AND IT GOT BETTER...

    I can still feel liquids going down slow, but they don't get stuck. Today (which is the 3rd day after the fill, I was able to eat a few cubes of cheese without any problem. So I couldn't be that tight. I also had a thicker soup for lunch and I did ok.

  6. I have the same problem!!

    I am new here, but not new to the lap band. I was banded in MX in Dec 2003. It worked very well for 3 years. I lost the majority of the wt. UNTIL I got an unfilled (left 1cc only) because I was pregnant. After having my baby and (50 pounds later I might add), I have not been retaining ANY Fluid in the band!! The doc did 2 flouros and saw no leak, yet one hour later, NOTHING was in the band. I am wondering if the pregnancy pulled the port connection apart??? I am waiting to hear from the doc on what the next step is....:help:

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