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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by La_madam

  1. Know one knows the answer to this ...I eroded and I was the perfect bandster patient. I lost 104 lbs in 18 months I did everything right. I am fortunate to have been so successful with my band before it eroded and got as much weight loss with it as I could, others here who eroded were not so fortunate. I also am happy to report that is has been 1 month shy of 2 years since my band was removed and I still am wearing my size 12's. In two years I have only gained 10 lbs. That is a victory for me. I learned alot with my band, it did it's job as a tool to help me, the rest is now up to me. The only advice I can give to those who have their bands still is to use it to the best of your advantage, you never know if or when you will erode. Some may never erode but some will. Get as much out of your band as you can.

  2. How did you come to know there was a problem? If you did think there was a problem did you assume you were too tight? A slip?

    I had zero symptoms, I was losing weight, I was not too tight. Things were going great. I was just going in for a routine endoscopy. My Dr. reccomends and endoscopy 18-24 motnhs post op. This is where my erosion was detected. Many who have eroded that I know had no symptoms, this is why it is so important to have an endoscopy 18-24 months post op regardless

  3. if you can not eat solids, you are too tight PERIOD! The band was designed to always be able to eat healthy solids, refer to your inamed handbook . may think they will lose by not eating or only eating mushy or liquids, not always the case. Being too tight can result in may bad things for you and your band.if you say you were at 1.8 and went to 2.2 go back down to 2 you will be amazed at the difference in having as little as .2cc's removed still giving you restrictio nbut yet still lose weight. Also one thing for me was I just did not get restriction from the fill level in my band but also from the foods I ate.

    Why do you want to speed up your slow loss? This is not a race. I would never wait to see if it would loosen up..think what you are doing to your body, health and band in the meantime. Be a smart bandster, be wise cal lyour doctor, have a little removed because the 75 you think you are saving by not going back in will be a heck of alot less then the ER bil lyou wil lget if you do not go in and you become dehydrated, reflux, your band slips. Trust me I know what I am talking about here, and I know any of the old timers who read this will agree with me. I eroded and I was the perfect bandster, never too tight, never took NSAIDS, never abused my band, I followed ALL of the rules so if can happen to any of us.

  4. junk food always goes down easier, if you can not eat meats, or veggies I would say you are still too tight. Consider having some fill removed, goingfrom 2.5 to 2.3 will make a huge difference in being able to eat solids yet still lose weight, it is only .2 cc's. Remember the band was designed to be able to still eat health solid foods. if you can not do that then you are too tight and I am sure your doctor will agree.

  5. I eroded, and I was a perfect bandster, never used NSAIDs neverdrank carbonation, never overfilled, always called my doctorwhen somethingout of the norm was going on. I ate good, did not rely on my band to do al lthe work. I did everything I was told to do and I eroded. I was fortunate though to have such great success with my band by losing over 100 lbs in the 18 months I had it. It has been a year and a half since I eroded and I am maintaining my weight loss. I miss my band but I am determined to never go back to where I was pre band. Erosion is a fluke thing, can happen to anyone. The only thing you need to do is use your band to the best of your advantage and make it work for you in the event you ever erode. Dont foold around, lose the weight while you have the chance.

  6. Have you considered being unfilledfor 30 days orso then being refilled? I ask becuase I had to have an ufill for a procedure at that time I was at 2.5 in a 4cc band. After 30 days of no fill I went to be refilled and was only able to go to 2 cc's with out it being too ttight. I asked my doctor why was I so much tighter at 2 then I was at 2.5, he told me it is a strange thing and it happens to alot of patients things shift around during your unfill phase..many of his patients get refilled after an unfill and can not go back to their original fill level. Maybe you just need to unfill for a bit then fill again, just a suggesstion. Good Luck :girl_hug:

  7. What I know about my issue so far is that I eat when I'm bored, and I'm bored around 2PM

    Good for you for recognizing this, now it is up to you to change this behavior, at 2:00 when you are bored and want to eat..go for a wlak, exercise, read a book, change do something to get your mind of it at that time, come here at 2:00 read post get support. Do whatever it takes but do not give into the boredom and then eat. you have a head start because you realize the pattern,now react upon it! Good Luck!

  8. It has only been one day...what you are feeling is totally normal, some of it is the anasthesia still in your system some if it is the reality that your eating habits will be changing, food has been your friend for along time I am sure or you would not be here... it is like losing your best friend but once you get past the post op phase and see the weight loss you will see that there is light at the end of the tunnel. Just know this, you can stil leat with your band and enjoy food..I lost over 100 lbs with my band abd still enjoyed food. It was just in alot less quantities. Do not give up, it gets better most of us were where you are at right now and we are all here to help you get past this phase. You can do this!!!! I promise it does get better, this is the beginning of your new life.

  9. I have a good idea..have.1 of the .3 removed. You will be amazed at the difference as little as .1 or .2 will make still leaving you enough restriction to eat solids like and lose weight Do not be foolish, too tight can lead to many dangerous things. You want your band to last as long as possible don't you? Who is your doctor? I know if I told my doctor I could only get down liquids he would demand I come in for a slight unfill. Is weght loss so important to you that you would risk your health and your band? The band was designed to be able to eat solids and if you can't then you are too tight PERIOD! Inamed and your Dr. would agree to this I am sure. Do not mean to sound harsh but I have been living without my band due to erosion and I was the perfect bandster...never did I get to the point where my band was so tight I could barely get food down. I lost over 100 lbs and have maintained for 1.5 years now. Do not be foolish..too tight you can slip your band, you can get reflux and if you do then you will be forced to unfill your band completely for a period of time. If you pB often because you are too tight you can rsik your band slipping...I hope others here some of the old timers here with lots of experience chime in and tell you the same thing Iam telling you. You are blessed with a great tool ( the band) use it wisely, this is not a race to lose the weight is is a journey, a lifestyle change. The band does not do all of the work, yoiu must work with your band. Good Luck, I hope you make the wise decision.

  10. I guess my biggest question is - if I get the band removed, can I revert to eating anything easily? Does the band area have scarring that essentially means I'll have restriction anyway?

    I can only speak for myself. I had my band removed due to erosion on November 28 2005 after having it for 18 months and losing 104 lbs. You may have initial restriction after the band is removed due to scar tissue I did for a week or so, I think it was just from the sweliing of surgery. You will be able to eat anything and everything you want with no restriction.. I know I live it daily. I struggle, I battle this demon daily but proud to say I am winning this battle and beating the demon. It can be done but in my opinion it is definately a head thing. If you are not right in your head, not band, no diet, no bypass will work long term PERIOD! I am finally right in myhead after a 40 yr long fight. Since Nov 28 2005 I have gained 6-8 lbs. To me that is normal for any woman given any time of the month. If you are being true to yourself about finally understandig why you ate and the way you ate then maybe you will be successful in maintaining your weight loss like I have. You are the only one who can do it...band or no band. Just because we had the band we still had to do some of the work, the band did not do it all. Best of luck you on whatever you decide. :D

  11. my concern for you is if you can not follow your doctors orders from the start...how will you be able to follow the bandster rules throughout this journey? Doesnt matter how tight band is and how many fills you have, it you are notcommitted in your head, there are always ways to eat around the band. Even with our bands ( a great tool) we still have to do most of the work, the band will not do it all.

  12. nd she was telling me the lap band isn't the way to go that i wouldn't be able to drink alcohol or eat spicy food,

    I drank alcohol and ate spicy foods my entire banding experience and lost over 100 lbs..I am proof you do not have to give up these two things. Go with your heart!

  13. most likely you would not be able to eat or drink anything without it coming right back up. Relfux at night where you are choking on your own saliva However there have been others here who have had slipped bands and had zero symptoms

  14. I too am always cold, it has created a problem in the bedroom, my hubby has been sleeping on thecouch for over a year now, I am always freezing and he is always wanting theair on or the window open. I was told by my PCP that it is from a number of things, one I lost over 100 lbs, less insulation...two, my blood pressure is borderline low, and threee I am anemic. I had none of these problems prior to my band , but it is all worthit to have gotten my life back once I lost all that weight. But it is a struggleeveryday, a battle with co-workers over the air conditioning, I wear a sweater or jacket all day long everyday..no matter what the temp is and I live in sunny so cal. you are not alone here with always being cold

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