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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by La_madam

  1. La_madam

    My decision

    This doesnt mean you are leaving LBT does it? You wil lstill psot and offer the great support you always have right?
  2. La_madam

    Time between fills?

    Most Dr.'s want you to wait atleast 2-3 weeks between fills. Here is a good site to help you determine if you need a fill http://lapbandtransformation.com/Adjustments.htm
  3. La_madam

    Pain after Fill

    it is normal..don't worry..I had moderate pain around my port area after every fill.
  4. La_madam

    Are you doing Weight Watchers?

    I joined WW last week and had my first official weigh in on Tuesday and I lost 6.4 lbs, the points system is very easy to do, I was so suprised. I am trying to lose an additional 30 lbs that I did not lose with my band since it eroded and I do not want to gain the 100 lbs I lost with my band back..the weekly weigh in keep me accountable and that is what I need right now.
  5. La_madam

    For struggling new bandsters

    I have been reading posts all night long from newbies and this thread relates to so many of them..so Iam bumping it for all newbies to read...
  6. La_madam

    No weight loss third week

    http://www.lapbandtalk.com/showthread.php?t=9148&highlight=for+struggling+new+bandsters Read the thread above, it will help you ...you are normal right now ..dont worry and relax.. :girl_hug:
  7. La_madam

    Pllleeeaaaasssee help me!!!!

    I can only speak for myslef, it makes a big difference. If it didn't I would not of lost 100 + lbs, but my head and my band were a team.. Right now what you are feeling is normal, it has only been a few weeks, the first 6 weeks is not about weight loss!!! Did your doctor NOT tell you this??? This time pre-fill is about healing, any weight loss you have is a bonus! There is a grwat thread I started here sometime ago it is called for struggling new bandsters ..do a search for it at the top of the page and read it! It will help you...Relax, take a deep breath but I agree with Vinesqueen, solids this soon is not good, I was not allowed solids for 6 weeks. I wil lsay this though,,, the band is not a magice wand, even when it is filled it will not do all of the work, you have to do some of the work, your head and your band have to be a team and work together, even with the best of fills there are ways to eat around the band if your head is not into this...Good Luck to you :girl_hug:
  8. La_madam

    why and how many?

    I am one of those people who lost their band due to erosion. I sold my convertible mustang to have this surgery and I will tell you this , I would do it again in a heartbeat. The band gave me the tool I needed to lose over 100 pounds. It has been 10 months since my removal and as of this morning Iam 2 lbs less then when I had it removed. The band did it's job for me, the rest is up to my head doing it's job since Iam flying solo now.
  9. You are still recovering fro mhaving a baby in April? Did you have a C-section? I too have 4 children, run my own bussiness( restaraunt) and coach boys baseball, it is possible to get back on track..but often times we find excuses..I know this first hand, it took me 10 months after losing my band to stop making excuses and join weight watchers so I would not gain this weight back. I have faith in you that you wil find your way back..soon
  10. La_madam

    Not lossing weight, why?

    First of where you are at and what is happening to you is normal. You went from liquids to mushys, there will be a gain,I had one and another one from mushys to solids most likely. Do not fret. I am suprised your Dr. told you that you would lose weight rapidly in the first month, most if not all doctors I know who do the band will tell there patients do not worry about weight loss during the first 6 weeks. The first 6 weeks is not about weight loss but about healing. You have no fill, the band is designed to work best when it is filled. Any weight loss during the pre-fill phase is a bonus. This is a journey not a race you have plenty of time to lose wieght, it has only been 3.5 weeks focus on healing first. I have a great thread for you to read that I personally wrote, maybe it will help you , hang in there, the weight loss will happen read the link below http://www.lapbandtalk.com/showthread.php?t=9148&highlight=for+struggling+new+bandsters
  11. I have been where you are right now but Iam here to tel lyou that you do not have to give up food...I still was able to eat the things I ate pre band with my band and I lost over 100 lbs, I just ate less of it. I never deprived myself there were just times with my fill levels I could not eat certain things but by that time I was so happy to have lost weight that it was worth it. A good fill level does take away the obsession of food, it did for me anyways. There were times I never thought of food and had to make myself eat ...what you are feeling is normal but you have come to the right place for your fears and to get support. Best of luck to you...
  12. La_madam

    One year ago today...

    What an inspiring post! Congratulations to you...Iam very happy for you..be proud You are an inspiration !!!
  13. Well for starters Welcome back, being here will help..I have no band anymore and I still come here and it helps me so much. Go back to basics, you can do this. What is your fill level right now? Could it be you need a fill to rejuvenate you, a fill always got me back on track and rejuvenated me. You are fortunate to still have your band, use it to the best of your ability, you could be like me, bandless and struggling. I started weight watchers to get me going again. I love the accountability of having to weigh in every week with a real live person and for $12 a week it is so worth it to me, maybe WW is something for you to think about to get you going again, if for nothing else just for the weekly weigh ins. Just a thought. Hang in there and remember you can do this
  14. La_madam

    I Can Eat a Whole Sandwich...

    There is an old saying "Just because you can , does not mean you should", this is where the band and the head have to work together as a team, the band is not a cure all, we still have to do some of the work. I used to always say to myself even when I did not feel satisfied that I needed to stop eating because I knew I had enough food to survive nutritionally. I now eat only when Iam hungry, not when I think Iam hungry like I did pre band and without my band now this is a battle but a battle I am winning.
  15. La_madam

    Diagnosed as diabetic---NOW WHAT?

    the band will help with your diabetes.
  16. these side effects are minor compared to the major side effects of the GB in my opinion, I was not willing to have Dumping or to have my intestines rerouted or malabsorption issues my entire life. I'll take golfball or pbing any day of the week, not to mention with the GB there is the risk of pouch stretching two years out, then weight gain starts again, withthe band it isalways adjustable, no dumping, no rerouting of my intestines, no dumping. yes it may be a slower weight loss then the GB but to me in the long run it is worth it, plus the slower I lose the less flabby I will be. My DH said NO to the GB also
  17. La_madam

    Pb's and Vomiting

    you have to remeber also everytime you PB you may swell so if you try to eat solids again it will be difficult, many doctors tell their patients that after a pb you need to do liquids for 24 hours to reduce any swelling from the PB, if not it becomes a vicious cycle...also I agree if you are pbing more then once a week you need to have some saline removed. You risk slippage with pbing that often, did your doctor not tell you that. Having as little as .2 cc's removed can make a huge difference in being able to eat solids without pbing and still give you enough restriction to lose weight but eat solids. Be wise, take care of your band, you want it to last. I know my doctor would tell me I was too tight if I was pbing that often. to me it sounds like you need to give your esophagus a rest for a day or two though since the VG band usually takes longer to get restriction and more then 3cc's of fill..it may just be you are irritated from all the pbing. I once had a horrible PB episode and did not do liquids for 24 hours , I just continued to eat and let me tell you I wished I would of listened because I got the worst case of esophagitis which then forced me to do liquids for 2-3 weeks.
  18. La_madam

    I joined Weight Watchers today...

    well today was my first official weigh in at weight watchers and Iam happy to report I lost 6.4 lbs in one week. happy happy me
  19. I had my band removed in Novemeber 2005 after having it for 18 months and losing 104 lbs. I just joined weight watchers last week, I do not want to gain my weight back. I had put back on 4 lbs in the last 10 months and I want to get to my goal weight and not let this 4 get to 40 before I decide to do something.. If you need any support just drop me a note, we can do this together. Iam enjoying WW, it is easy and I feel great this past week. I feel as if I have lost 5-6 lbs all ready. I have my first weigh in on Tuesday to see what I lost the first week. I always had my doubts about WW but I actually am enjoying it. Best of luck to you with WW, I'm here if you need a friend and support
  20. La_madam

    Help!!!!! Do I need a fill???

    Well first off a hard boiled egg for any bandster is difficult to get down with or without a fill in my opinion. Also many bandsters are much much tighter in the mornings then in the evenings, it is easier for food to go down in the evenings then in the mornings. Here is a good site to read on fills Read it , it will help you to decide http://lapbandtransformation.com/Adjustments.htm
  21. La_madam

    I had band slippage

    You are a perfect example of why people need to follow instructions from their doctor and not eat solids before they are suppossed to. Iam sorry you had to go through this but pleased you posted this info I hope all newbies read this and learn from it. I am an Ortiz patient also, they are the best, Dr. Ortiz and his staff saved my life with a very dangerous surgery other then doing my band surgery, I owe them for a lifetime. I hope you are on the road to recovery, I wish you lots of success with your band.
  22. La_madam

    Lexapro for reflux control?

    Lexapro for reflux? Isin't Lexapro for depression? My DH takes Lexapro but not for reflux
  23. La_madam

    Stinky Feet - Help Needed

    my youngest son who is 12 hasthe same problem, I use a foot powder in his shoes and I spray his feet with a foot odor spray.. I know for my son I have to literaly stand in the bathroom and watch him wash his feet with soap and water, he seems to forgetto wash that particulat part of his body. Maybe you can get her a new pair of shoesfor her camping trip that will take thesmell away for a week or two anyways.
  24. If I could of I would of..it is that simple. The band was the one thing that worked for me and I did not get discouraged and quit like I did with so many others diets in the past.
  25. Congratulations from one Ortiz patient to another. I wish you lots of success with your band !

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