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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by La_madam

  1. La_madam

    Seeking peace of mind...

    Alex I couldnt of said it better myself. I told Delarla the same thing last night. I'm a nervous wreck thinking of my band constantly. Today I have had that pulling feeling from my port incision going on all day. It has made me take it easy today and not want to do much. I keep thinking something is going on in there. I havent had this feeling since right after surgery. All of the things going on here lately have really made me take a hard look at how I willstrive continue to follow the bandster rules and take things slow. My heart goes out to those who have suffered problems this past week but like Alex I'm greatful for your posts and sharing your sotires , it has put me in check with my band.
  2. La_madam

    New to this board...

    Hi Keith and Welcome You are going to enjoy this board. Many people here have great knowledge of the band..there is also a great ammount of support! And when you want to laugh just look for one of Delarla's posts, she is always good for a chuckle or two. Congrats on your success so far. It's nice to see a man here, there isin't too many around here.
  3. La_madam

    Thinking about surgery.....

    Hi Tina and Welcome! I too have been overweight for as long as I can remember, I looked into the bypass until my neighboor suddenly was looking thinner and thinner everytime I saw her. I finally asked her what she had been doing to lose all her weight and she was the one who told me about the band. From that moment on I was addicted to finding out as much info as I possilby could. Checking the internet and picking her brain I knew this was the surgery for me. I'm so happy with my choice. I have been banded for 11 weeks and have lost 29 pounds of this morning with minimal effort. It has changed my life! This is a great site with loads of information and experienced bandsters. Everyone here is so supportive. I had my surgery doen in Mexico because my insurance would not cover the band and I did not want to waste precious time trying to fight it so I self payed. I sold my most precious possession, my mustang convertible GT which I know once I lose this weight I will want that car back to cruise around town in my new skinny body but oh well, it was so worth it . I would of never been able to do it otherwise. The sacrafices we make for being thin! Good Luck in your decision...
  4. La_madam


    Hi Welcome! You will love this group. Everyone here is so supportive and helpful..you will get a feww good laughs from our very own "Delalra" & Lots of knowledge from Donali and so much support from the rest of the members. This place is great! Keep us posted on your surgery Michelle
  5. La_madam

    A little bit of everything!

    I too am very sorry for those who have been having problems with their bands.. ports etc... This is by far the greatest support group that Iam involved in and even though I have not met any of you in person I feel so close to all of you. Without this board and everyone's knowledge and support I would be one lost soul. Donali - I just want you to know you have been on my mind all day ever since I read your post this morning. You out look and attitude is phenominal. I truly admire your strength! Lisa- as always you have me rolling with laughter, . Thanks for posting Your port pics, they look pretty good considering everything you have been thorugh in the last week. You are an amazing woman. Penni- I too hope you are doing well and recovering from your ordeal last week. You are all in my thoughts Michelle
  6. La_madam

    I'm THAT Special...

    Oh Donali, my heart goes out to you..I'm so sorry to hear all of this...you are my inspiration. You have been so helpful to all of us There are many of us new bandsters who come to you for so many answers and will continue to do so .... may ask a couple of questions for our future reference....What can cause erosion? & What are the symptoms of erosion? Were you going down to TJ becasue you had a suspicion of something wrong?. We are all here for you to offer you so much support like you have given to all of us time and time again...you are in my thoughts !! and if you would like support down in TJ on July 2nd PLEASE JuST LET ME KNOW I WILL BE THERE IN A HEARTBEAT I'm just down the road from you BIG HUGS Michelle
  7. I have afriend on this board who is checking into some Los Angeles doctors who do fills on Mexican patients so I will let you know what she finds out. I have been banded since April 6th and had my first fill on June 6th. Yes it is normal to feel hungry and only be able to eat a few bites for me anyway as far as the drinking, I do not drink with my meals or 1/2 hour before or an hour after. This was rule # 2 from my doctor. Where do you live in California?
  8. La_madam


    Lisa Let me know what you find out about the doctors in Los Angeles that treat Mexican patients. I'm in the middle between Mexico and Los Angeles, if it is comparable to what Ortiz charges then I would much rather go north then south. Michelle
  9. My doctor is Dr Ortiz There are several others also...Dr Kuri is a great doctor in TJ also www.obesitycontrolcenter.com is the web site for Dr Ortiz. I do not know what he charges for patients who did not have surgery with him but doubt it is not 1000.00 dollars. I pay 100.00 for a fill Michelle
  10. Hi Karen..I found this info on this siteunder Arkansas I I pasted it here for you.. I have been told that Dr. Campbell in Hot Springs, Arkansas will do them on the Inamed bands only . So, if you're going to Mexico to get the surgery done, and don't plan on going back there for fills, make sure you get an inamed band. Michelle
  11. La_madam

    Bubbles & Delarla go to TJ

    Hey Lisa Sounds like you and Babs had quite an experience. So happy to hear you are home safe and the port removal went well. Michelle
  12. La_madam

    fills do they hurt

    Hi Connie My Doctor does not numb thearea, he does it under fluoro so he can locate the port quickly and he takes one quick poke and he is in ...the most painful part to me was when he extracted the air from the tubing, it feels like alot of pressure on your chest, my doctor only does this procedure for the first fill though. Drinking the barium does not hurt but tastes yucky! The needle my doctor uses is big! It doesnt hurt at all , for me it was just about 2 minutes of uncomfortableness other then that is is a piece of cake! You'll do great! I had the same concerns as you do, I had my first fill last week Michelle Dr. Ortiz 4.6.04
  13. Congrats on your first fill. I had my firstfill on June 7th with 1.1cc's on liquids for 3 days. Somedays I fell restriction and other days I don't. I have yet to get on the scalesince I had my fill becasue right after wards I started my monthly cycle so I new there wouldnt be much weight loss but I'm getting on the scale tomorrow morning. I'm almost 11 weks post op and have lost 30 pounds. I hope your fill works for you ... Michelle
  14. La_madam

    Milk Protein Allergic...

    I have tried many but the best to me is West Soy vanilla flavored, my kids love it too especially in their cereal... Michelle
  15. La_madam

    Info on Erosion

    Donali How common are port infections? When do they occur? Right agter surgery or any time you access the port? I just read a post from a woman on another board that she has had one prot infection, had it removed, it healed and then had it replaced, now it has been 3 months and she says she has another one. Where does it occur ? At the incision or where they go into acess the port? Curious since I'm only 11 weks into this and have had one fill. I have heard of so many women with port infections in the last week, I'm a little concerned. What exactly are the symptoms? Michelle
  16. La_madam

    news about Lisa (Delarla)

    Thanks for the update Donali.. I'm happy to hear it is all over and she is on the road to recovery.. Michelle
  17. La_madam

    news about Lisa (Delarla)

    Great to hear! Thanks for the update I'm happy to know everything went great! Michelle
  18. I live in Orange County and I had my surgery done in Tiajuana Mexico and I have yet to find a doctor in Orange County area who will do fills on a patient banded in Mexico so I just drive down to Tj for my fills with my surgeon, it's a whole lot cheaper too even I could find a doctor closer to home but I do'nt mind the hour and a half drive to Tj...I hope you have better luck then I have, if you do find a doctor please let me know where and his cost for fills done under fluoro... Good Luck with your search Michelle
  19. Hi Penni I'm a member of the OSCB yahoo group it stands for Original Southern California Bandsters, they meet once a month usually in the Los Angeles area sometimes in the Orange County area too. I have yet to got to a meeting but I'm on their message boards, they are a good bunch of people. Check it out under yahoo groups. Michelle
  20. La_madam

    Roll Call

    Hello Everyone... My name is Michelle , I'm 38 years old. Married 12 years, mother of 3 boys ages 16,12,10 2 dogs & 1 cat I live In Mission VIejo California
  21. La_madam

    O U C H... Sympathy please!

    Oh Penni that is awesome! You must be so relieved. Glad to hear everything went great! Now, let's hope Lisa is doing good today too.. Michelle
  22. La_madam

    good luck Delarla

    Been thinking about you all day Lisa.. Hope all went well and you are feeling like your old fiesty self! Can't wait to hear all about it, knowing you , you will have us all rolling with laughter when you come home and explain everything! Michelle
  23. La_madam

    O U C H... Sympathy please!

    My thoughts will be with you all the way Lisa... You are in good hands. I hear wonderful things about Dr. Kuri I meant to ask you if Lopez called you today like he promised on Monday..you answered my question! Does Lopez even have a clue that there have been several other women like yourself who have had the same thing happen to them but have went to Kuri for help since Lopez never returns calls? I know of 4 women now not including Penni (who was fortunate to finally get through to him) I wish you well....talk to you when you get home! Michelle
  24. La_madam

    What? Not fat enough????OMG!

    Once again..I'm here rolling with laughter. You girls are so damn funny! OUCH!! with the "i'd shove a roll of quarters up my butt" and how sucky is that , that you finally have to eat to gain weight to lose weight to only find out you lost weight! OMG...how lucky is that? I want some of that pie LOL Michelle
  25. La_madam


    Hi Fransesca I had my surgery with Dr. Ortiz on APril 6th and according to Marissa's instructions she told menotto exercise until I was strictly and solely on solid foods. What is exactly your soild food intake for the day? Seems abnormal to me at 4 weeks post op to not be able to eat and only do liquids without pbing? have you called your Dr. about this just to let them know what is going on? I would If I were having the samesituation just to be safe . Michelle

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