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Everything posted by Amber_banded052312

  1. Amber_banded052312

    I've Been Hungry! Will I Stretch My Pouch?

    try hot tea or coffee to help loosen the tightness then do oatmeal ir a protein shake fir brkfast. seems to Work for me and im at 6cc so they tell me
  2. Amber_banded052312

    I've Been Hungry! Will I Stretch My Pouch?

    try hot tea or coffee to help loosen the tightness then do oatmeal ir a protein shake fir brkfast. seems to Work for me and im at 6cc so they tell me
  3. Amber_banded052312

    In Need Of Support

    u look fab!! this may sound corny but .. say ” i love being 150lbs.. ilove myself and mybody.” dont want it or wish it. WILL it. much love and blessings to you. you inspire me to keep trucking! started at 355 .. now at 325.
  4. this is awesome! great paying it forward! im still in a 24-26... ill take them ifn im the first!
  5. Amber_banded052312

    I've Been Hungry! Will I Stretch My Pouch?

    i still cant eat pizza. cant eat chicken anymore. dont get down on yourself. you will be ur biggest critic and be harder on urself than anyone else ever could. if u slip, forgive urself and start over.
  6. Amber_banded052312

    Anxious To Get My 1St Fill...

    i didnt get my first fill until 5 wks after surgery . it sucked having to wait, but then i got my first fill of 1cc and it didnt feel like it did anything. i went back after two weeks and another fill and then another two weeks later. kept on that schedule until recently when i got too tight and they took out 1/2cc .. i cried. now back up another 1cc and moderately content. too fast isnt the way to go imo

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