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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Amber_banded052312

  1. Amber_banded052312

    Band Size Question

    i think it depends on the size of things on the inside. I was told that they go for the one that is going to fit best. I got the 10cc band and he filled it with 1cc at the time of surgery. I read on here that some people start with a band with more cc than that, but i think it really depends on how things are once they get in there. I imagine if the 10cc band is too snug then they go for the next one up and then just be sure to put in a few cc to make it snug but not too gripping. I wouldn't have angst about this as your surgeon will do what is best for your success.
  2. I really didn't give any good advice before so here goes ... Dr. Hollis said to get up and walk every few hours. I don't know how you handle pain, but I had my sister telling me every other hour to get up and walk. It REALLY did help! I got up and since I live in apts. and we have a gated pool, I just did 1 lap around the pool. The first day I carried a pillow and hugged it while I walked the one lap. Day 2, I was able to walk a little faster and a little further. By day 3, I was walking around the complex (it is a small complex) without the pillow and was feeling much better. It could be that I wanted to hurry and get my kid back since it was the first time I had spent this much time away from my son, but I had my surgery on Wednesday and by Saturday I drove myself to the park to meet my aunt with my son. I did push it a bit much and struggled a little that night, but Sunday when he came home I was good. That Monday was Memorial Day, so I didn't have work, so we just hung out at the apartment and I was able to take it easy. (as easy as a single mom to a 3 1/2 year old can take it) Warm broth helped. So did hot tea. You might get hungry, but don't eat .. take it slow. Just do the post op diet per Dr. Hollis's instructions. I fought the power a little and got on Soup sooner than it said I should have, but my mind was telling me that I was starving. I am here for ya and you can always PM me and I can give you my email address and what not. I'd love to see you at a support group meeting! The next one isn't until October 29th, but it is set to be a great meeting. Most of all, I find that just being around other like minded and banded people and listening to their story and telling your own is helpful. I hope to hear from you soon! Amber
  3. Hi! Yes, I went through True Results! My bestie had her surgery done there in October 2011, so she is coming up on a year anniversary of being banded. I love Dr. Hollis. He made me feel calm the day of the surgery and he talked with my friend after surgery and gave me a pretty picture of my hernia, fixed hernia and then the band in place. I don't regret the lap-band at all. I had contemplated weight loss surgery for years. I finally hit my breaking point of letting myself go and decided that something needed to be done. I didn't want a quick fix. So bypass was out. The sleeve seemed more safe, but I have a 3 1/2 year old and I am a single mom. The down time and money weren't there for me to do the sleeve, plus it is like the bypass in the sense that you will lose weight faster, but overall there were more pros, for me, to do the lap-band. I have a friend who had the bypass done in 2010 and I see where she is in her journey. I just decided to try True Results and go for the free consultation. Once the wheels were turning, it only took less than a month before I had my surgery. I go to the support meetings there too. Please feel free to contact me anytime!
  4. Congrats! I am in Houston as well. I was banded at the end of May. Not sure which facility you are using here, but feel free to message me. I am trying to get a walk group together and just a good support group all around.
  5. Amber_banded052312

    I Want To Get A Fill Now!

    my place only gives 1cc max per fill. if u say the wrong thing u leave with .3 or .5cc instead of a full fill ... learning curve on my end. but it sux that the nurses are the ones that have the power to fill, withdraw or withhold fills. hard pill to swallow for this control freak :/
  6. Hello All! Thanks for taking the time to read. I pretty much wrote my story down in the my "story" on my profile, but long story short .. here I am. I started this Lap-Band journey sincerely on April 30, 2012. I was tired of being diabetic and I was tired of being sick and tired of being sick and tired. Being a single mom to a rambunctious 3 year old boy is rough stuff. Trying to find the time and energy to get to they gym, much less the money to do it is even more rough. Struggling to make ends meet, I finally had to decide that this was a road I needed to take. I needed to get off my butt and put some forward motion to this weight loss journey. I have been overweight since my childhood. Being the hefty kid was hard. Being teased because my clothes were fitting funny caused me lots of grief and helped to create this self consciousness and self-esteem issues I still have today. I got teased in middle school and was even called a blimp by the guy that I had a crush on. It was heart breaking. I tried several fad diets with little to no success. I went into high school being 250 lbs and wearing a size 24. By the time I graduated I had maintained that size 24, but had gained another 30 lbs. Throughout the years after high school I maintained the ability to stay in my size 24 but did have a time when I got to a size 26. It was then that I started really getting to the gym and working on it because I refused to be a size 26. I went from 340 lbs to 305 working out with a trainer and maxing out my credit card. It was at that point that lack of condom and switching birth control pills = getting pregnant. My miracle baby was conceived. Now I know how you get pregnant. But, my child really is a miracle child. I was on the pill for 15 years and the ONE time that he didn't put on a condom and he used to pull out method and we figured that most of all of it ended up on the outside, is the time that I got pregnant. I gained that weight back during my pregnancy but was able to lose it again after having my son. Stress from having to work and being a single mom helped my weight to keep fluctuating higher, but it was ultimately the loss of my older sister (38) and my mother (55) within three weeks of each other that lead me to gain to be the maximum amount of weight I had ever been. I was now a diabetic with a small child and depression. I went from being the middle child to the oldest and then being the responsible one all in one foul swoop. Hard pill to swallow. I ballooned up to 355. I didn't even realize it. I was on depression medicine and didn't even "feel" anything. food wasn't a comfort, yet it was. It was my friend and my foe. So, I went to a free consultation. Got all the details. Decided that I would pay out of pocket for the lab work and physical. Figured the worst that could happen is that I would be out of $150. Right!??! With insurance having a direct exclusion to weight loss surgery, it was time to figure out how I was going to make this happen. I got denied immediately for financing of the entire surgery, but was told if I could come up with $4288, that I could get financed for the balance of $5500. So, I asked my boss (I've worked at the same company since 1999) to help. They ended up giving me a bonus of the $4288 so I could get the surgery. They believed enough in me to help me get to where I needed to be financially. The $5500 is financed for 2 years. Less than a car and for the better of myself mentally, physically and emotionally. Well worth it! I started at 355lbs on April 30th. Lost 12lbs before surgery. So on surgery day I weighed in at 343lbs. It was a rough couple of weeks feeling like I was starving because I wasn't eating. I was on the liquid diet for 2 weeks. WHO DOES THAT? is all I kept asking myself. The inner fat girl wanted some food. How in the world and why in the world did I do this to myself!??! After the first fill of 1cc I still felt no change. The second fill of 1cc .. still felt no change. I went to a support meeting and expressed my woes and the NP told me to call her and she would get me in since it had been 2 weeks since my last fill. That I didn't have to wait a full month (which depending on the way the weeks work in a month could be 4 or 5 weeks) between fills. I got a fill of 1cc and I started noticing a difference, but the hunger was still there every other hour. So I went another 2 weeks and this time a different lady only gave me .3cc of fill. I started to feel defeated because it felt like someone else controlled the fate of my success. Yet, it was just enough tightness to get me through yet still had in between hunger and meals were still at 1-2 cups of food per meal. I wasn't eating slow enough. I wasn't measuring right. I wasn't using the timer they gave me at my first post op visit. I have to admit I have the tools, yet still unsure of how to use them, but this is a work in progress and well I realize I didn't gain all this weight over night, so I don't expect it to go away over night. I got a fill of .5 cc on the next visit, but alas it was too much and I got chicken stuck. I chewed the mess out of that chicken before I swallowed and since surgery I haven't fully had the ability to regurgitate. I guess I slime. Best I can call it. I don't bring up food. I bring up spit that is really thick. Sorry to be so graphic. But, needless to say, because I had "choked on the chicken" I made the band and pouch angry and I wasn't able to eat. I lost 4lbs and those were a hard 4 lbs since I felt like I was starving. I called and they told me to come in. I cried. I felt like I was being taken back to square 1. They took out .5cc. I was able to get Fluid through, but because it was irritated and angry, it was just best to take out some fluid and let things calm down. Two weeks later (although my appointment was set for a month later (5 weeks to be exact) I went back in because I felt like I was again starving. Eating left and right. The right portions, but it wasn't lasting. So I got a fill of .5cc. The NP that was there that day made me feel like doodoo. She told me that it wasn't protocol and that I wasn't supposed to come in but once a month and yada yada yada. She went ahead and gave me the .5cc, but she griped about it. She couldn't get the port and after digging she called someone else to do it. Neither of them have worked on me before. The second lady did better, but still did a little digging to get the port spot on. It was a visit that made me not want to push for another 2 week visit. FUNK THAT!! I didn't go back for a full month and when I did, I told the first NP about the visit and she said that the NP that was there that talked that way to me was no longer there so I wouldn't have to deal with that again and that I should have never been treated or talked to the way I was. It REALLY is about patient advocacy when it comes to being a NP. To do what is best for the patient, not for the pocket. Since I am a self pay, meaning I pay monthly on the amount I financed, they don't charge me for visits. I suppose they are "losing" money by me coming in more than a "regular" insurance person. Still, I think my overall feeling of the office personnel and my experiences there have been positive. They think I have 6cc in my 10cc band. I am doubtful. I think it is more around the 5 1/2cc mark, but it would set me back to take it all out and put it back in so I am told. Guessing isn't working in my mind! I am so ready to be in the green zone. I am ready for what others call "the melting point" where the weight starts to fall off. I am working out, eating what doesn't seem to be enough and still maintaining at a 30lbs to date loss. The scale is my foe. I am going to have to move it so I am not tempted to get on it twice a day every day. It plays with my mind and I become my own worst enemy. I am hopeful and prayerful. That's the most I can do and be. Thank you for reading. Amber
  7. Amber_banded052312

    New To Lbt - 4 Months Post Op

    Thanks so much for your inspiring words! Tonight was supposed to be our lap-band meeting. I got off work 10 min early and was in traffic for 40 min driving across town. Just to find out the meeting had been cancelled. No email. No text or phone call. I was talking on my cell phone about it to my banded friend and there was a lady there that was a newbie to the meetings so I didn't know her. In listening to her, I felt like she really needed to talk. So in the parking garage I opened myself to conversation. So not my norm, but I felt like she needed someone to talk to. So, I talked a little about where I am on my journey, but then opened it up for her to tell me her story. She really needed some kind words and a listening ear. She had a bad experience and was struggling. Feeling like this was all her fault and that she was in a bad place because she wasn't motivated and she really needed someone to support her along the way. So I gave her my email information and she gave me hers. A hour later we both leave and have to pay $4 in parking for a meeting that seemingly never happened. BUT, I made that drive for a reason. I was there for her and she for me. I felt the need to help someone and stop the woe is me, victim mentality, and BAM .. it was amazeballs. I feel blessed to be given this "accidental" or happen stance situations where my life's mission of being able to help others is answered. God is good. I am thankful.
  8. Amber_banded052312

    New To Lbt - 4 Months Post Op

    Thanks for the welcome. I too thought faster was better. I have taken the "let me come in once a month" route from this point forward. After the set back of having to take out .5cc and then the "bad" visit with the mean nurses, it made me take a step back. I really felt like a failure. I keep getting pats on the back saying how great I am doing and looking, but I still don't see it. Again, my own worst enemy. But this is something I would do again and would suggest to other people. Most of all, I have learned that I am so much stronger than I thought I ever could/would/should be. Thanks again!
  9. Amber_banded052312


    From the album: Amber_banded052312

  10. Amber_banded052312


  11. Amber_banded052312


    From the album: Amber_banded052312

  12. Amber_banded052312

    Just me

    Before surgery and right after pictures
  13. Amber_banded052312

    Pre Op

    From the album: Just me

    Taking pictures for work for a photo collage I was doing. I never really did like taking picture that weren't just my face :/
  14. Amber_banded052312

    Pre Op

    From the album: Just me

    This was me at a party in April 2011
  15. Amber_banded052312

    Surgery Scars

    From the album: Just me

    Day 3 Post Op picture of scars. Not too bad I guess.
  16. Amber_banded052312

    Nausea Nausea Go Away

    From the album: Just me

    Day 3 and nausea set in. Not a good look, but still not regretting decision to do the surgery
  17. Amber_banded052312

    Doing Great

    From the album: Just me

    Day 2 after surgery .. tried to keep a positive attitude
  18. Amber_banded052312

    Surgery Day

    From the album: Just me

    Loving my blue cap
  19. Amber_banded052312

    First Fill

    From the album: Just me

    Pointing the the little dot left after my first fill. Scars looking better I guess.
  20. Amber_banded052312

    5 Months Post Op

    I only ask because at 5 weeks post op i thought i was starving and have been on a search for the "green zone" ever since. everyone will move along at their own pace. it took me years to put on this weight and it will take time to get it off. this is why i chose the lap-band. i didnt want the "fast" route of bypass or sleeve. i wanted to give my body a chance to work down and use the lap-band as a tool not a quick fix. it really is all about learning to eat all over again. food used to be my comfort friend and now food can hurt me if i don't do it right. i used to go eat at my mom's favorite restaurants after she passed so that i could feel good. now i go and look at what i used to eat and think to myself "omg how in the world did you eat all of that" i would say that you need a fill. i am 4 months out and lost 30lbs. i gained some in there when i had to have fluid removed, but now back on track. i have roughly 5-6 cc in the band, but everyone is different. so you might only need another 1cc and be great. i would just listen to your body and be sure to go to the office once a month for a check in. you don't have to get a fill every time you go. you just need to check in so you keep on track.
  21. Amber_banded052312

    Banded 9/24/12

    i had to walk every two hours .. it really helped. i just did a walk around the pool. go slow. walk with a pillow for Support if u think u need it. feel free to message me.
  22. Amber_banded052312

    5 Months Post Op

    why do u only have 1cc?
  23. Amber_banded052312

    Lightheadedness = Unhappy Workout

    so, i got banded at the end of may and started at the gym with cardio only the second week of june. i built up to working out with a trainer, but am struggling with getting lightheaded often when doing more than just cardio. the nutritionist put me back on the preop diet... so no substancial food intake. im getting my 60g of protein but idk .. i feel like i dont have the energy to workout like i need or want to. suggestions??!!??
  24. Amber_banded052312

    Lightheadedness = Unhappy Workout

    i wasnt losing i guess. and feeling like i as hungry .. so she told me to get bzck on the preop diet to help me withportion size again and what not. our preop diet ... shake for brkfast ... 1 cup of protein, veggies, fruit ... shake for dinner. basically my fat mind thinks im starving my banded body. im supposed to have 1200 cal a day. with 160 cal protein shakes that leaves a nice amt for lunch but still. my energy is lacking
  25. Amber_banded052312

    Need A Buddy .. Texas Here


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