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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by destynee1

  1. destynee1

    October Bandsters?

    Good luck!! you'll do great.. and I am sooo sick of these shakes. My doc said no carbs so all I have is damn shakes and soup.
  2. destynee1

    October Bandsters?

    Girl! I feel ya!! For some reason I only needed to do the pre op for 7 days? Seems like most it's 2 weeks? not sure what that difference is.. but I only on my 3rd day of my pre op diet and I am hungry! lol.. was worse the first 2 days but today is a bit easier. I am not drinking as much as I should though.. need to up that. GL!! GL! hun.. I was suppose to be the 23rd also but they moved it to the 22nd so I'll be a day before you!! Omg excited and nervous and anxious.! arent you? EEP! C an't wait!! k.i .t let me know how everything is goin. I'll let all know how it went. Pray pray pray it's not to gasy and painful. as we all do I'm sure! hehe
  3. destynee1

    October Bandsters?

    doubled post oops!
  4. destynee1

    Yes Im Over Weight But...

    Ya, Enuf.. back to topic about meeting his co-workers, I feel the same way.. we have been living together for 3yrs and I have been avoiding his parents like the plague. Good thing they live in another state so everytime they asked me to come for christmas I have an excuse. It's pretty sad. I can't wait to meet them.. I just want my bf to be proud of who he is with. Even though he loves me for me, I really am my own worst critic as I bet most of us are.
  5. destynee1

    Yes Im Over Weight But...

    Floridays... Wow, I can't believe someone would have the audacity to say something like that. Ignorant people, who are very ugly inside... I asm so happy you have become a new you! you look great as do all of you! An embarrassing moment for me, was actually on a plane myself, and you got it right.. a fat girl will work that window seat!! I have many times lol. I was on my way home this past may for my grandma's funeral.. already in pain from the loss of a great woman in my life...I had purchased my window seat.... I got to the check in and they didn't have it on file and that now seats were assigned... A MIDDLE SEAT! is a nightmare for a fat person.. omg I was horrified! So i get to my seat, I smile.. I am already so embarrassed and it's in between 2 men.. who look at me, one was very nice and the other made a face.. I wanted to die... Was on that flight for 3hrs. Sigh!! Never again!
  6. Hiya's all. I am starting my pre op liquid diet in 2 days, and wanted to find out a good sugar free protein shake/drink that is under 170 cals. Please! any suggestions would be appreciated! My surgery was moved to the 22nd and my surgeon said he wanted me on a full liquid diet for 10 days. Originally it was 7 days. I have not prepared myself and am going crazy!! Besides protein drinks.. what liquids did you all have for the 10 days? I am so nervous! it's finally here.. and I want to cry. lol. I am excited.. I went to smash burger as my bon voyage goodbye. lol Thanks all... you all are amazing!
  7. destynee1

    Need Help With Protein Selection!

    I am totally going to costco tomorrow ! what else did you all have for liquids?
  8. destynee1

    Need Help With Protein Selection!

    Thanks chery.. I am going to look that up on amazon!
  9. destynee1

    October Bandsters?

    First of all! congrats to all you who have already gotten your bands! I am sure it's tough, and reading your posts I am a bit more nervous! but I know it will be worth it for us. I Had my last appt with my surgeon, Dr. Eckstein. I was suppose to have my surgery on the 23rd, it was moved to the 22nd. So, a day early is better than later! I start my pre op diet in 2 days... for 10 days. I am not prepared at all. So I am goin a bit crazy here. I just can't wait till all this is over with, pain and all and we get on with our new lifestyle. Good luck to all ! shoot me a message anytime!
  10. Hiya I am so happy I found these forums. Joined today and it has already been such a big help! I'm Kay, and I am pre-op. I have my surgery date for Oct. 23rd and I am nervous like crazy. Reading a lot of people saying that they don't feel the restriction has me feeling a bit discouraged. But.... any helpful tips will be GREATLY appreciated! I am so very excited... to finally get my life back. My weight has held me back from doing everything I love for to long. If anyone is willing to be a mentor.. shoot me a message anytime!! I could use the help. Have a great night all.. Hope to get to know many of you!
  11. destynee1


    Welcome!! A bunch of us are new commers. You will find this site sooo helpful.. ask anything and someone is there to help you!! I get banded on the 23rd of Oct. Excited.. nervous.. but ready to get on with it right? YOu said you are starting your shakes.. what did ya get? I am looking for some good recommendations. Good Luck!!
  12. destynee1

    In Need Of Buddy, Live In The Florida

    I get my band on the 23rd of this month.. and well I might be needing your advise Kat... May I add you?
  13. destynee1

    My Husband Doesnt Understand

    What I think she was talking about here puppypaws was trying to think positive. and yes.. hun you should think positive even when I know it is so difficult.. I agree with Gouldie.. good advise there.. try something different.. a different approach.. hopefully he will come to term with a reality of the change.. not something impossible. Nothing happens over night.. it's starts with changes one step at a time! Good luck and stay on the right track.. this is for you.. remmber that.
  14. destynee1

    In Need Of Buddy, Live In The Florida

    Hey Well, not sure how much help I can be. I am in the process of getting the band. My date is for oct 23rd. Yay! I live in fl. Delray beach. where are you from? I know i can definitely use a friend who will know the struggles I will be going through and help each other. shoot me a message or add me as a friend. Good Luck! and starting over is what we sometimes have to do to get back on the right track. ! Just remember how good you felt when the pounds were shedding off
  15. Very awesome Post Sylvia!! very inspirational! I have not had the surgery yet, but reading some of the fustrations on here has had my emotions and doubts up and down. But your post has made me confirm just WHY i want this done.. Nothing great comes easy... even the band
  16. destynee1

    October Bandsters?

    They said my pre-op diet was 7 days. But I might start it earlier. Maybe10days. so maybe around the 13th? When will you be starting yours? I am excited!! are you nervous? I am that too. lol
  17. Welcome to the boards Annette! I am definitely interested to hear about your journey, so I will take my behind to find your post op thread!
  18. destynee1

    October Bandsters?

    I am not sure.. would they give the date without the insurance being approved? They also told me what my out of pocket would be.
  19. destynee1

    October Bandsters?

    Same day as you!!! Hope all goes well! Oi!!
  20. destynee1

    October Bandsters?

    oBAND center in Delray beach, FL! Oct 23rd.. So excited!! i hope it doesnt get pushed back.. been waiting so long already!
  21. destynee1

    October Bandsters?

    Thanks! and to you too! and well all the ones getting it very soon. ; )
  22. destynee1

    October Bandsters?

    Hiya all!! Oct 23rd here! I am so Excited and nervous!! I can't wait for our life changes! we will support each other and do Awesome!
  23. destynee1


    You look amazing!! what an amazing journey! thanks for the inspiration!! I cannot wait till I can do the same!! Woooo woooo! go girl!
  24. destynee1

    Why are YOU Fat?

    Hiya all What a great thread! I have learned so much from all of you, thank you. Well... I am fat for many of the same reason's as many of you. Gene's , my mother's side throughout the extended family are overweight. Eating the wrong foods,... I fry when I cook. Also being mexican, and brought up in a mexican/american home... our families cook for an army.. so there were always left overs and 2nd helpings. I have been overweight on and off all of my life. From a young child in grade school, thinned out in jr high and high school, and then after high school that is when the weight really crept up. Lack of exercise and activities, on the computer for many hours playing games. I am a night eater, I can go all day without thinking of eating.. when dinnertime comes, It seems my appetite awakens and I am eating here and there till I go to sleep, which is very late. I eat when I am happy.. sad.. depressed.. it feels a void I sometimes feel. food has just always been a reward... celebration... family/friends.. if something great happens.. we go out to eat.. if something bad happens.. we go out to eat. I have lived my life for to many years since I have gained all this weight in the shadow's. I do not like to go anywhere or see anyone I haven't seen in a long time for fear of what they might think I have become. I haven't met my boyfriends parents because I don't want them to think their son is in love with some beast. That is how I think of myself. I have always been my worse enemy. So... I am ready to get my life back.. I did this to myself and like someone said above me.. I will get myself out of it. I blame myself only for the choices I made. It's been a long time since I've felt good about myself.. I am ready for that feeling again.! I truly believe the band will be the best thing to happen in my life and I plan on to use this tool as best I could. I have my surgery date for Oct 23rd 2012. Wish me Luck!! <3
  25. destynee1

    Hiya All! New To The Forums :)

    Thank you all. I am soooo Ready to begin my new life and journey and kick the old one bye bye!

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