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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by AmyRN09

  1. AmyRN09

    June 2013 Sleevers GROUP

    Mine is June 18th!
  2. AmyRN09

    Any ladies out there have PCOS put your hands up!

    I too have PCOS and you mentioned your date is In June! I'm scheduled for surgery June 18th. Would you like to keep in touch? Amy
  3. Oh really? How do I find that group?
  4. Mine is June 18th!! So excited!
  5. I finally have a surgery date of June 18th!! Anyone else have that for their date?!
  6. AmyRN09

    surgery tomorrow 9 am! Jan 16.

    Well I hope they do start to pay attention. Good luck.
  7. AmyRN09

    surgery tomorrow 9 am! Jan 16.

    Is your surgeon able to be contacted? He needs to make them aware of what you need also. Nurses won't do anything without a dr's order. I should know. Also if your nurse isn't familiar with the surgery. Maybe inform him or her and it sounds like if they brought you an egg you shouldn't haven't any problem being allowed liquids. Ask for a liquid stool softener also/ laxative. Pain meds (morphine and other narcotics) will make you not having a bowel movement combined with a small amount of food incredibly constipated. Get on that before its gone too long. Amy
  8. Iggy, like many others is sharing her viewpoint and her opinion. Last I checked that isn't wrong to do. I am new to this forum and its really sad to see so much negativity. Lets just follow this: if you don't have anything nice/ helpful to say then don't say anything at all. ????
  9. Have you gotten to try any of the recipes yet? Thanks
  10. AmyRN09

    Any Pennsylvania Sleevers?

    I absolutely love dr ku! He has been amazing and has already removed my band somewhat emergently when I had great difficulty and pain and could no longer eat or swallow correctly. Have you had dr ku? My name is amy. Where are you from? I am still in the pre-op phase for the sleeve, but Insurance has to approve me first and dr ku didn't feel comfortable doing a 1 step revision so now it's a 2 step revision. All good things take time though, right?! :-)
  11. My name is Amy I am from Harrisburg, pa. I am still in the pre-op phase and don't have a surgery date yet, but I was wondering if anyone wanted to be friends on myfitness pal and we can go through this together. My email is amyrn09@hotmail.com. Feel free to add me :-) also anyone who already had the surgery and has advice. I would welcome that also. New to this site also. Thanks!
  12. How do you add just a screen name? I think I need an email unless I'm doing it incorrectly. Thanks :-)
  13. AmyRN09

    January 2013 Sleevers?

    Congratulations on the 12 pounds! That's excellent!! I can't wait to have my surgery. I recently, since the holidays have gone back on the myfitness pal app and I am really trying to stick to a healthier diet and more mindful eating. Ever since losing the band it opened up a new world again of eating for me and i could eat everything again.. ( very bad) You should be happy you didn't have to experience that with a 1 step revision surgery. :-)

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