i have a freind who has watched my success and she has desised to have a band. But a band is not an easy way out the way she thinks it is. It is hard work. She is refuseing to give up soada she said i hate protine shakes and will not drink them. Why would any body get this done like that, She said becuse you were so successful yes i have been but i work hard at it i watch what i eat i work out like crazy. This is not a quick fix I do uses protine shakes I also do not drink soda. This is sugery i mean real sugery why on earth would you do this to fool your band I did this to be heathy and recalm my life. If that means no soda so be it I live find othre things you like to drink deit snapple crysltal light tthere are other things. Please do not put your self though sugery if your not ready to change you life. As this is a LIFESTYLE CHANGE not and easy way out