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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by lauradevans

  1. They have. Taken all Fluid out. Just thinking the area was swollen shut. I'm being discharged now. But I'm worried ill come right back.
  2. Yes, band was checked and in place....It just was too swollen to let anything pass through it. So I took a round of steroids and I' now on my 4th bag of fluid. I just don't know if the pressure I feel is right or if its goofing into stomach now. Mire ally scared cause I don't want 2 more surgeries. I am not nauseaed just feel everything sits on sternum and it hurts like the devil. When you are eating or drinking and you get the full feeling. Where do you feel it? In belly or enforce of sternum?
  3. lauradevans

    Surgery Done

    I have not been so lucky coming to the other side as I've been admitted to hospital post op but hope to have turned the corner by am. Ready to change my life!
  4. lauradevans

    Can't Sleep!!!

    Glad u are home. We (husband and wife team) where banded on the 24th. I was sick on recovery and had wet lungs. Had to have albutrrol treatment in post op. went home and husband has done great. I'm typing from the hospital room as I was admitted at 4 this am cause I could not stop throwing up. I couldn't keep anything down. They drew 1cc off band hoping that would help but upper GI test today should my port was swollen shut. I'm on drip for fluids and very tired of this hospital bed. I'm hoping to try liquid again the the am. If still can't keep it down will have to go back to surgery. Not happy about that thought. Ready to change my life!
  5. lauradevans

    October Bandsters?

    This is hubmacfan (I think that's my board name) posting for Laura. we both just got our bands. I went first and she was wheeled into the OR while I was in recovery. She's still snoozing hard in recovery, and we're excited to begin our "new" lives! Ready to change my life!
  6. We are up and headed to surgery center in just 15 mins. We decided husband will go first then me! We hope to be home around lunch! Please keep us in your thoughts and prayers. We are both nervous and excited! Ready to change my life!
  7. lauradevans

    The 'other' Doctor

    I am a Practice Administrator for a Family Practice Clinic and let me be the 1st to say... she had NO right to treat a patient like that and I would immedialty find another GP. I would have a problem if any of my doctors treated a patient like that (not that they would) but if your doctor (espcically a GP) is not compassionate about a patient wanting to better themselves weather it is by surgery or diet, they need to rethink their profession.
  8. lauradevans

    Sugar Free!!!

    I am in Mississippi and it's hot here too.... My child played in the Water hose outside after church! Love MS fall!!! I can't find Fruit Bars that were sugar free... will have to look again. I have just found the cheap wal-mart brand, which are yummy to me and the tropical ones and the typical (cherry, grape, orange) ones... I found SF fudge pops too.... I eat popsicles often!!
  9. lauradevans

    October Bandsters?

    We have 3 days and a wake up left!!! So excited, scared and worried! The 2 weeks of liquids have been HARD to say the least but every day got easier. Those just starting..hand in there! Day 3 and 4 were the hardest or us but it was easier each day! Just stay busy!! My house is very clean...lol! Another week of liquids post op and then some mushy food. I have lost 12 lbs in the past 10 days and my husband about 15.
  10. I think it wild how all doc are different with different rules.... We have to show a 10 lb weight loss before surgery. Day 9 and I've lost 12 lbs! My husband about 15! I keep telling morsel it's 5 days and a wake up!
  11. lauradevans

    Oops...i Cheated Today

    I had some veggies last night, just tossed with Tony's and Pam in the pan. It was last fat and calories than a shake!! Just needed to chew! Back on track today and down 9.5 labs in 6 days!!! I'm just worried my body will start to hold on to it when it notices its really hungry !! Don't beat yourself up, just back on track and keep your eye on the goal!
  12. My name is Laura and I' m addicted to food! Today is day 3 of my 14 day pre op and I miss chewing food! I now think I understand what an addict feels like in detox! I'm in detox too from sugar, carbonation and carb overload! I'm still on track and excited about surgery and a new way of life but boy....at least an addict doesn't have to see commercials every few minutes of their vice.
  13. lauradevans

    Pre Op Day 3.

    Girl...all liquids are ROUGH! Glad you are doing well...I have list 3 lbs but very tired.
  14. lauradevans

    Approved Surgery 10/31/12

    What kind are u doing! We can have any kind so I personally like the ESA VANILLA pre mixed. It's good!
  15. lauradevans

    I Am On My 1St Day Of Pre-Op Diet!

    Has anyone tried neater shakes? I ordered for variety of flavors...hope they are good....not sure hubby will make it! Tried 3 different broths and he hated them all!
  16. My husband and I are being banded on the same day. I know it will be hard but we will have each other for support. BUT, I read today in a book that we should wait 6 weeks but it was mainly so one could heal and the other could help with laundry, supper, etc... Just wondered if anyone else has had it on the same day or pretty close together with someone they live with? Do you regret that decision or was it nice to have someone else on the journey with you?
  17. lauradevans

    Oh My Stars, I Can't Eat Anything!!!

    I know my doc has told me he or his partner is available 24 hours and will meet me at the office at anytime if I get restricted. I work for docs and someone should always be on call for the clinic... it's your health, don't be afraid to call him for advice.
  18. Do you know if they were happy they had each other for support? I guess my worry is just all the depression up and downs and emotions that go along with the surgery and if we will bite each others heads off if we are both feeling the same at the same time.. LOL... I guess we can always sleep in seperate beds !!!!
  19. Mine from SAMs club but same concept as cosco but in the south. SAMs is walmarts wholesale club. Ours is n the smaller aide so we didn't have a lot if choice. I paid 27.99 for a case of 24 premise shakes and 17.99 for the powder that makes 30 shakes Ready to change my life!
  20. Yep, no special pre op here. Just liquid diet for 14 days. Any kind if Protein shake, sf Jello, broth , any type of low or zero cal drink. At what you paid I won't complain. Lol. What I paid if for 2 of us!!!! What will you do post op? Can u choose a Protein Drink of ur choice then? Btw, the ESA carb control was yummy. Had zero grit or after taste. Think it will be my best friend. Ready to change my life!
  21. lauradevans

    First Food Today

    I don't know the answer. 3 weeks from band but I too worry about drinking. Via try now to get use to it. It's hard. Ready to change my life!
  22. I should have said I haven't tried them. Put it in the fridge to try tomorrow. Ready to change my life!
  23. The powder is 20 grams and the pre made is 17. It's EAS edge carb control. My doc did not give us a total in a day we needed. Just liquid and to do 4 a day. Ready to change my life!
  24. I just left SAMs club with lots of shakes (both pre made and powder) organic low fat milk and Powerade zero. Ready to change my life!
  25. We got our confirmed date for oct 24 today! Got our pre op lust and we will start it 1 week from tomorrow. Now it's real to me....really real. Working on pre op grocery list and items list now!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
