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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by lauradevans

  1. lauradevans

    Can I still ride a roller coaster?

    I was banded 10/24 and went to Disney 12/5... rode everything! No issues... in fact, it was nice fitting better into them! You should be fine.
  2. lauradevans

    Post-op Sex??

    We don't... I know he will lose faster than I will (just the nature of a man usually)... but honestly.. we he has only lost 7 lbs more than me right now. It's nice having a person to help hold you accountable and understands what you are going through
  3. I think the difference in surgeons (which is ALWAYS going to happen... I know, I work for 8 of them.. lol) does differ so much and I think that can be the most confusing and frustrating when you read some of the post. My doc too we could do mushies after a day or 2 on liquids post op but sometimes when people post.. they get critical when they read that some has done this or done something their doc didn't say do. I think you, FLORIDAYS have said this numerous times and I think it is sooo true.... You should ALWAYS follow the advice of YOUR doctor (and hope they are right... LOL).
  4. lauradevans

    feel virtually no side effects from band

    I was banded 10/24/12 and so was my husband. We both can eat most anything. I have only found 1 food that I can't eat BUT I think I tried to eat it too early and was restricted some (my band is tight in the am)... I eat less amount but as long as I chew and take real small bite (smaller than I cut for my child)... I can eat all foods. From someone who had a minor post op complication and couldn't keep anything down... consider yourself LUCKY you haven't gotten stuck and had to give it back to the porcelin God... I would give anything to not have gone through those few days!!! Keep on doing great... and good luck!!!
  5. lauradevans

    Post-op Sex??

    Here is a GREAT example of different docs... now, granted we both (husband and myself) were banded the same day so maybe this is why but he said... 4 - 6 weeks. Of course.. I was cool with that! Like having a baby all over again!!! LOL
  6. lauradevans


    People will say NO... but cause it's not on the diet plan. I have had a glass of wine that I sipped on and I agree... it had effects sooner than before surgery. I don't drink often cause they are empty calories.. BUT you will not hurt your band if you have an occasional drink or two...
  7. lauradevans

    6 month plateau

    Well, just slow BUT..he doesn't always follow plan like he should BUT...he's ok with it. We are 7 weeks out and he's down 35ish lbs...and I'm down 30!
  8. lauradevans

    6 month plateau

    Your not the only man...my husband was banded same day as me...he just reads and doesn't post much!
  9. lauradevans

    In Need Of A Little Support...

    I was banded 6 weeks ago so pre-op is not far out of my mind! The first 3-4 days is HELL! I had headaches, tired, hungry and thought of all the foods I wanted to eat! BUT, it gets better! Lots of sugar free popsicles and sugar free gum got me through it. Don't give up! It's worth it !
  10. lauradevans

    It's About Time I Post In "success Stories"

    Congrats! What secrets of the band have your learned along the way? Would love to know what kind of diet plan you followed.
  11. I was banded 10/24/12 and we were released by our doctor (before anyone starts on the timing) to eat solid food. I have a huge restriction at night. I can eat Breakfast and lunch without problems but at night... I can barely eat supper. I feel like everything I eat gets "Stuck" or I have a sliming come on... I have read some say 1st of morning they are "tight" and feel restricted for a while but anyone else feel it at night? I may just have to try to get LOTS of Protein or my highes portion in at lunch.
  12. lauradevans

    Gas Prices, What Is Yours?

    I live in south Mississippi and just paid 3.15 a gallon...
  13. lauradevans


    My six year old was very upset the night before our surgery (husband and I same day banded) but I think she really didn't understand what was happening. I think kids worry by nature especially when it's "MOM". Just keep reminding your child how much healthier you will be and how much more you will be able to do with them. I tell mine I want to be here when she gets married and has her own kids (to which she says, she's not and ever leaving home). It is natural to be nervous and question what are you doing? I did, up until the last second! In fact, the doctor and staff laughed at me because when we got that that morning they figured I would go first but I was in "mommy" mode and had it all figured out... I had my husband go first for the reason that if something happened then I would not proceed so I would be here for our child. I would not let them start my IV or anything UNTIL I knew that he was in post op and out of the woods.... Needless to say, everything was just awesome and we are both banded and onto a happier, healthier life! You will do great tomorrow... welcome to the other side!
  14. lauradevans


    If very painful... don't hesitate to call your doc or the one on call for him/her. I only have occasional pain but I think it's just the internal stiches healing and/or my insides gettign use to things...
  15. lauradevans

    Jean Mcmillan

    We bought the books... they are very helpful! Haven't cooked yet as we are still just post op week 2 but the BANDWAGON book if very informative.
  16. lauradevans

    Tomorrow Is My Day To Get Lap Band!

    Go slow post-op and let your body heal! I'm only 10 days post op and I think I have pushed it too far at times (both with food and activity). Welcome to the other side!!
  17. lauradevans

    Trouble Sleeping?

    I'm 10 days Post Op and now can get comfortable with a pillow under my port and find myself on my stomach at night... I'm not there long I suppose since it wakes me up! I was in recliner for the 1st 6 days or so but once I got back to my bed... it felt good and I could sleep. I do wake up more now with heartburn... and I take Zantac and Reglan everyday!
  18. lauradevans

    Jean Size Down

    Congrats... I was excited too.. I put on a pair of jeans that had been in the top of my closet for over a year!! It's a great feeling...
  19. lauradevans

    New Puppy?

    Knowing that "grandma" will be taking care of the baby or a friend in your house makes sense and I think would not be traumatic for the puppy. I have a Schnauzer/Poodle mix or a Schnoodle and they make AWESOME pets. Very smart, don't shed and she was very easy to train. I alos have a YorkiePoo (Yorkie/Poodle) mix who is smaller (8lbs) doesn't shed and a BIG ole lap dog! Dogs are the best companions for sure and since you have your time away taken care of by family/friends... I say, GO FOR IT! BUT, I may wait until after your surgery to commit just to make sure you don't have some kind of issues. I had a minor complication and was admitted to the hosptial 2 day post op for IV fluids... that may be hard with a new puppy!!! Good luck on your surgery and possibly new baby....
  20. lauradevans

    In Need Of A "unconventional" Mentor? ???

    my husband and I both banded on 10/24 and while I'm ok on liquids adn mushies.. he is ready for steak and potatoes... LOL Not really but he is ready to eat. We would love to know what you did and how. maybe you need to start a blog!! Seriously, I think it would be great for him to hear how you did it.
  21. lauradevans

    New Puppy?

    I have 2 dogs (7 and 2) that were boarded for a week after surgery. Just too much to get up and down to let them out. But I am a HUGE animal lover and say this with much love (not trying to be mean at all) My main question is the puppy though... what will happen to the dog when you are away at a clients you can't take the dog to? Who will take care of the dog for that period of time if you travel away for 4-8 weeks? The dog may feel abandoned by you. I am glad you would have the 4 months to bond but then if you left it for weeks right after that they would be really sad and may be confused if they bond with whoever keeps them during this time and them back with you, etc... Maybe a cat that is more independent may be better.... Again, just my opinion.
  22. How are you doing tonight on post-op ay 2? Hang in there....day 3 & 4 were my hardest....stay busy and eat lots of sf Popsicles! The off brand at Walmart are yummy!
  23. Gargle Warm Salt Water... but spit it out, don't swallow it! It will ease it. Did a Dr. tell you it was infected or just due to the soreness you think it is? My CRNA told me I would be sore. The pain meds should help this too...
  24. The shoulder pain from the CO2 they use in the surgery is horrible but know it does get better. I'm 10 days post op and I still have a twinge every now and then when I lie down. I slept in a recliner for the first 5 days, just could not stand the pain if I tried my bed. Now I can finally use a pillow under me and get comfortable. Everyone is different too. Heating pad made me feel better... not that I think it medically reduced the gas pains but it was comfort and warm to me. I didn't add pudding till just yesterday but did thin out cream soup... just go real slow and sip the food and WALK, WALK, WALK. I am not sure if you should or could "feel" the band and tubing? It's pretty deep in your belly and surrounded by fat (atleast mine is... LOL). You may be feeling the pulling of the internal stiches around the port area. Today my pain comes and goes and its my navel area that is sore....
  25. lauradevans

    Any One On Mushies Day 3 Post Op?

    Not day 3 but today is our day 10 post op and I can eat mushie things... very little at a time but more than liquid for sure.. It really taste nice. We were told to try around Day 5. My husband was OK.. it was more like Day 9.

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