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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by SandyC2

  1. Bicycling is good. If you do push ups(dont freak these start easy and get harder) You can start di ya know on just about anything and do a push up. Using the wall I mean or anything. Or like in those walking courses around the park. Good for the arms, because they are A REAL PROBLEM with lose skin, after a fast weight loss. So, Id say push ups, after I lost mine and during for sure. Do two sets od ten, and then when that gets easy find somethin lower(requiring more strength) and same thing, repeat.Situps, same thing. Start with bent knees, and brace your toes. Dont over do it, ease into it. Good Luck, and questions just ask. Be proud, we are! Stay tuff and work it gal! Sandy Dont forget warm ups and cool downs, or youll cramp a lot.
  2. You are doing excellent with your weight loss! Congradulations on that. I remember when I exercised it really got easier, even addictive the more I did it. Hang tough, and concentrate on your excellent things, not so much the "perceived" negatives. It really is just a perception, from yer numbers. What I mean to say Is that is whatI would do. Good luck, great job, and an ATTA GAL!! whoot whoot, and whoo hoo! Sandy
  3. I hope not to sound like a know it all, but following directions or NOT whatever the case is, its a BIG DEAL w/ the LP. I tend to have add type focus (actually been diagnosed once) and thats one of the things that scares me about the LB. Im afraid Ill forget and start choking, followed with a big gulp of Water......or some such thing. Eating the wrong thing and it getting stuck, whatever, but itll be MY FAULT, because I FORGOT! I dont want to end up dead, from a split second or even not so split second decision that could get me killed. Im trying to say that I hope you are careful with your new "tool", thats all, w/out sounding like a know it all, cause I dont! Good Luck! Sincerely, Sandy
  4. I can see how that would put you off the gum. I havent had that problem. Ya might want to pay close attention to how strong, how quickly to change out. Also, that gums funny as its supposed to be chewed then "Parked" up by the gum, until another craving. Its not supposed to be thoroughly chewed from the git go like regular gum. I tend to use the less is better approach and suffer some, but gets it done quicker. Good luck with your band and CONGRADULATIONS To you! Sandy
  5. thanks for the post. i personally do like the gum. ive got the patch too. ive cut down a lot! i had quit, like you, but the surgery doesnt happen, doesnt happen, im waiting nervous as a cat hot tin roof! yeow! and AHHHHHH! Thanks again! Sandy
  6. Tho Im considering switching to the sleeve instead,a nd thats a more complicated procedure, more cutting, more to get infected. Tho I can die any worse. but .....You know what I mean. Sandy no relation to the HURRICANE!
  7. D Did you stop for surgery and how long, just between us:LOL!Im really having a tuff time of it. Ive quit more or lees. Some days more some days less. ROFLMAO! Thanks!Sandy
  8. SandyC2

    Detoxing Off Sugar

    did ya ever notice a skinny person drinking diet pepsi. i havent. its always someone with some girth. think about it. i think they put something in it thats counterproductive, besides the normal poison, lol!
  9. SandyC2

    Stuck For 2 Days

    WOW! Im glad you are okay. Im really having second thoughts about the band. There are so many problems I see folks havin with it. I dont want to choke to death in my sleeve from un realized gerd or something. Im thinking bout the sleeve. Ya don even have to worry bout dumping with it. Dont they give all people who have a failed band or a band with more problems than good points the option to have a swith procedure to something the doctor thinks may help better? Sandy
  10. Im thinkin bout doin the sleeve instead, That wasnt a coinkydink that allergen is selling, not at all. Smart business move. You cant give lap bands away in Europe, Switzerland nowdays. Food for thought, there are no answers written in the stone.

  11. Im thinkin bout doin the sleeve instead, That wasnt a coinkydink that allergen is selling, not at all. Smart business move. You cant give lap bands away in Europe, Switzerland nowdays. Food for thought, there are no answers written in the stone.

  12. SandyC2

    Eating After Surgery

    I am just so surprised that yall didnt have a dietician/nutritionist sit you down oe, two or three times and go over what can be used on the diets both pre and post op. If yer self pay they would have an even higher levwl of responsibility to make sure you have it all in writing, etc. This is just totally unacceptable unless there is something I am missing. Malabsorb my arse, you could starve to death. This isnt healthy! What am I missing? Somebody, PLEase tell me! That makes this scenario okay! Sandy (concerned for fellow fat folk, no offense intended)
  13. SandyC2

    Lap Band Vs. Sleeve

    Im seriously considering getting the sleeve. True, a lot is gone, but the ten years out forecast looks a lot better than w/ the band. Europe pioneers all this stuff before our FDA gets hold of it. So they are about ten years ahead of us, and they are not doing the lap band anymore, its passe as the complications have had time to rear their ugly heads. I figure its all pretty permanent, and I dont want to choke to death while eating something healthy, or get gerd, etc. This is my maiden voyage, and I havent had my fist talk , havent even been approved. So.....we will see what we shall see. Be well yall! Sandy USN-Veteran
  14. SandyC2

    Detoxing Off Sugar

    Im a tee totaler thank God! one less vice!
  15. SandyC2

    Detoxing Off Sugar

    Id like to hear it too. That is going to be a major hurdle for me. Ive HEARD of a 21 day, but not so much a short time like you are saying. I NEED to get off the sugar. Ive started w/ soda and yes Ive been rather cranky, as its been about three weeks. I have one a day no more, of diet pepsi. I KNOW I should cold turkey if I can do just one a day. But its like a dear old friend,LOL, killing me softly. Like the cigarettes Ive more or less given up too. AHHHHHHHHHHHHH, come to think of it VERY CRANKY!!! Sandy tee hee
  16. SandyC2

    Pressure On Sternum

    playing doctor could have very bad results new dawn. I would recommend discontinuing this approach, and tell them to talk with their doctor or on call physician asap! JMO. Sandy
  17. SandyC2

    Surgery Day Tomorrow!!!

    I wouldnt assume you are gonna have somebody elses description of THERE PAIN?experience. you might have no pain virtually or what you (with adult panties on) experience might not be all that bad for you, but would lay somebody else out. Im just saying its all relative to how you cope with pain. Pain is a very individual thing. One is preachin to the choir discussing pain w/ moi, as THAT is something I have a LOT of experience with. Just go in with a completely open mind and for the duration Stay That Way. Take it a day at a time, or if its gets rough (not sayin it will, as it might not at all, its a pretty simple procedure) an hour, minute, etc. and good luck! Keep your medical Professionals standing by waiting to here of any glitches well informed without being a pain in the arse and you will do fine! They really respect those that are willing to take a little before raisina a red flag. As there are so many that are much worse off. All this is just my opinion, but I hope it helps you and good luck. Remember ice for as long as doctor says, then heat, no more ice. A bag of rice in a tube sock makes a wonderful hot compress that can mold to the spot its needed on. Wrap a damp washcloth around it, and its a moist compress. If you are having brussel sprouts for the family dinner, they make a wonderful cold compress when frozen that also conforms to the area its needed on. Wrapped with a sanitary towel, or whatever. Sincerely, Sandy
  18. Thanks yall. compliment and good advice. Those are great posts, i dont care what anybody else says. Thanks, bottom of the heart! Woo hoo! Sandy
  19. SandyC2

    Stuck For 2 Days

    c ya, yall
  20. SandyC2

    Stuck For 2 Days

    nice wl roja!
  21. SandyC2

    Stuck For 2 Days

    OR chew chew chew chew chew list
  22. SandyC2

    Stuck For 2 Days

    Mmmmmmm. Sounds good. Are you gonna be okay, any sign of shifting?
  23. I too am hoping to be banded in Dec. Buuuuut, I havent even gotten approved yet, so that may be a pipe dream. I am not looking forward to being out, but Ive been out before, cosmetic . I Didnt have any problems either time, so I dont know why its bothering me so much now. Im not looking forward to the liquid diet either. Its all the tuff ya hear on this forum and others. People hate it, can barely make themselves do it, it seems.Tho I will say Im good at that sort of thing. Just tell myself "THIS IS THE WAY ITS GONNA BE, THERE ARE NO OTHER OPTIONS", and it works. I lost 100 plus pounds once before that way. Losing it too fast is bad, as you get sagging, drooping, nasty skin. Ive got good skin, and didnt really have that problem. I exercised my way down too, so that might have helped. My stomach was a little saggy, but continued exercise helped a lot. same thing arms. What bothers me is that I became ill, and put on most of this weight. So, Im not in the condition to exercise like I was then, too weak, out of shape. So, my advice to anyone doing this is slow and as much exercise as ya can. You'll end up with the body of your memory, instead of a saggy mess. Theres nothin saying that the exercise cant be done after the fact(Im going to HAVE TO THIS TIME ROUND!), but and tho I havent done it, Ive a hunch its easier to do it BEFORE and during. Jist sayin, this is JMO. Any weight loss is good unless from illness, imo. Sent from my Toshiba Satellite laptop! (my second one!)LOL! Sandy
  24. SandyC2

    Stuck For 2 Days

    owwwwww! let us know. sorry to hear this. what do you think it was, the bready part? Sandy
  25. SandyC2

    Please Help Egd

    Alls well that ends well. Let us know how it went! Fadiiiiing

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