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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by SandyC2

  1. SandyC2

    Why Lapband? Why Not The Sleeve?

    i think im gonna take my time deciding what to do, and try to follow a 6 month diet in the mean time. this looks interesting tho, the plication as a wls in and of itself. i WONDERED why plication alone wouldnt work and now I know. it can. Sandy
  2. SandyC2

    Why Lapband? Why Not The Sleeve?

    Introducing Laparoscopic Gastric PlicationA promising - less invasive - weight loss procedure There are several types of bariatric (surgical weight loss) procedures. Some procedures like laparoscopic gastric bypass and laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy restrict the amount of food that can be eaten at one time and others bypass segments of the intestines to limit the absorption of calories like Roux-en-y gastric bypass. Laparoscopic Gastric Plication is a restrictive procedure that reduces the size of the stomach and limits food intake. This procedure is also referred to as Laparoscopic Greater Curvature Plication (LGCP). Laparscopic Gastric Plication for Treatment of Severe Obesity Stacy A. Brethauer M.D., Jason L. Harris Ph.D., Matthew Kroh M.D. and <a name="au0020">Philip R. Schauer M.D. How Is Gastric Plication Performed? We perform the Gastric Plication as a laparoscopic procedure. This involves making five or six small incisions in the abdomen and performing the procedure using a video camera (laparoscope) and long instruments that are placed through these small incisions. Laparoscopic Gastric Plication, involves sewing one or more large folds in your stomach. During the Laparoscopic Gastric Plication the stomach volume is reduced about 70% which makes the stomach able to hold less and may help you eat less. There is no cutting, stapling, or removal of the stomach or intestines during the Gastric Plicaiton. The Gastric Plication may potentially be reversed or converted to another procedure if needed. The Gastric Plication procedure is minimally invasive and takes approximately one to two hours to complete. Most patients stay in the hospital for 1-2 days after the procedure. How Does Gastric Plication Cause Weight Loss? Gastric Plication is a restrictive procedure. It greatly reduces the size of your stomach and limits the amount of food that can be eaten at one time. It does not cause decreased absorption of nutrients or bypass your intestines. After eating a small amount of food, you will feel full very quickly and continue to feel full for several hours. Gastric Plication may also cause a decrease in appetite. Gastric Plication : Reducing stomach volume by folding in the stomach wall Stiches are placed in the stomach to secure the folded stomach wall. Who is a candidate for Laparoscopic Gastric Plication? The Laparoscopic Gastric Plication procedure is relatively new, and considered investigational as a primary procedure for weight loss. The Gastric Plication is being offered to patients at the Cleveland Clinic as part of a clinical trial that will better define short and long-term benefits of the procedure. Currently, insurance companies do not cover the Gastric Plication Procedure. Therefore, patients are required to self-pay for the procedure. A financial coordinator from the Bariatric and Metabolic Institute will be available to discuss payment options with you. What Are The Risks Of Laparoscopic Gastric Plication? There are risks that are common to any laparoscopic procedure such as bleeding, infection, injury to other organs, or the need to convert to an open procedure. There is also a small risk of a leak from the suture line used to imbricate/plicate ("fold") the stomach. These problems are rare and major complications occur less than 1% of the time. What Are The benefits Of Laparoscopic Gastric Plication? Depending on their pre-operative weight, patients can expect to lose between 40% to 70% of their excess body weight in the first year after surgery. Many obesity-related comorbidities improve or resolve after bariatric surgery. Diabetes, hypertension, obstructive sleep apnea and abnormal cholesterol levels are improved in more than 75% of patients undergoing a bariatric procedure. Though long-term studies are not yet available, the weight loss that occurs after Gastric Plication results in significant improvement in these medical conditions in the first year after surgery. Is Laparoscopic Gastric Plication A Good Choice For Me? Your surgeon may talk to you about Gastric Plication as an option if you have a BMI over 27 with one or more significant co-morbid medical conditions which are generally expected to be improved, reversed, or resolved by weight loss. You should discuss all of the available surgical procedures with your surgeon and determine which procedure is best for you.
  3. SandyC2

    Why Lapband? Why Not The Sleeve?

    I must admit the idea of a sleeve leakage really puts me in a quandry. I wonder if pliction instead would be the thing . they get the reduction of the stomach by folding then suture. Then Id worry about stff getting caught in the crease, and infectio. AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! So many CHOICES, WHAT TO DO! wahhhh too. Sandy
  4. SandyC2

    Why Lapband? Why Not The Sleeve?

    there are virtually no dumping with the sleeve and its extremly rare, no malabsorb with the sleeve, no puking, no limit of size food to a point that one eats, or great restriction. Yer band is in there just as long as somone who started at 400 pounds. If you had to have it remove, and didnt want weight gain again you would still have to do a revision surgery. You still have the same odds of typical LB problems popping up as any of the others with more weight to lose. JMO, but I think you have subjected yourself to the same issues you didnt want t have, down the road. JMO, no offense intended. Sandy
  5. SandyC2

    Why Lapband? Why Not The Sleeve?

    Its really not as reversible as touted. Once it is in there a while,it grows to be pretty ensconced. Removal is a big deal. A REALLY BIG DEAL with some, particularly if there are complications (and there always are) of any sort. Sandy
  6. SandyC2

    Why Lapband? Why Not The Sleeve?

    I started talking here, but as time has gone on Ive decided to get the sleeve. I THOUGHT Medicare covers it, but they dont. Looks like I will have to wait till April or so. Im actually afraid of the long term effects of the band. Sandy
  7. I am going on vacation for a couple of weeks. I hope when I get back to get things into full swing, surgery wise. We are going to the Georgia Mountains, Rving. Woo Hooo, cant wait to smeel the smells of the woods, burning campfires, all of it. Hikes as much as I can! Woo Hoo again

  8. Back to basics! Any writer with writers block or artist with artists block, sportsman with a block, ALL OF THEM HAVE THIS IN COMMON: When they get in a rut, they go back to the basics, and begin again, from fresh. good luck, bite the collective bullet! Sandy
  9. Woo HOOOOOOooooooooooo! Keep it up, great job! Sandy
  10. SandyC2


    I dont know bout you, but I dont particularly like water. I do however like flavored water. I tend to drink A LOT MORE of it if there is some sort of flavoring in it. AT Walmart they have a "Great Value" which is walmarts brand of drink flavoring.Its primarily for water and is Sugar Free.Its also very reasonably priced. They have a ton of different flavors. I LOVE the "cranberry" flavored. I swear you cant tell the difference between the flavoring and cranberry juice. Same thing with the "apple" flavor and apple juice, etc, and so on and so forth,LOL! Anyhoo, if you are using water to feel fuller, this makes it far more palatable and not so bad on the wallet as some of these flavorings that give me sticker shock. I swear I hate goin to the Grocer anymore, STICKER SHOCK, AHHHH! h well, GOOD LUCK! Sandy
  11. SandyC2

    All Bunged Up??

    mineral oil, cheap, effective!
  12. Oh and for your knees, optimally after you have lost the weight, there is a cutting edge procedure that is now covered by many insurance companies, but few know about it that Im aware of. Its called "platelet rich plasma (PRP) injections" and my neurologist does them. Many famous sports figures have had these shots and they literally encourage your body to repair itself in the area where the shot is administered. When and if I can isolate EXACTLY where the shot will give me the most benefit, I myself plan on getting them. It usually takes one or two shots at the most to completely cure the injured area. I encourage anyone to do research that has ligament, joint and muscular pain from injury or disease. The cost is high, but when insurance helps, its not so much. Its well worth it, I cant say enough good things about these shots as they have literally saved live/careers! Sincerely, Sandy
  13. Go for a walk with yer kids, bike with them whatever. THATS what thye need and want from Mom, wih a FEW presents! Mine doent even remember what he got as a kid and he was spoiled rotten with presents. BIG IMPRESSION! NOT!
  14. With your health I just think its not a frivoulous. You can work two jobs later to m,ake it up. I view xmas preents as frivolous. Jesus is the reason for the season. DO THIS FOR YOURSELF. I Have heard that down the road lap band can have unforseen co,plications, as opposed to some other procedures that are a little more expensive. Im just considering way down the road for ya. Good luck on whatever you decide. Dont fell guilty. Its a medical decision, and No denial is not a river in Egypt. I know exactly what Im saying and its just my opinion! Sandy
  15. thers always Mexico, hers a post I saw: My surgery is scheduled for nov 12th with Dr. Almanza. Was wondering if any of u have had surgery recently with dr.Almanza?? How was your experience and any tips for me?? Little nervous about going to Mexico but I'm self pay so... Like This Quote MultiQuote Report #2 whitedobe Member Joined: Aug 9, 2012 Posts: 24 posts Topics: 7 Gender: Female My Surgeon:Dr. Mario Almanza-reyes Patient Info:View my profile Posted Today, 2:00 PM I had my surgery with him Aug. 30. He doesn't speak much English, and we didn't have a whole lot of conversation. He asked me if I liked the Angels, and I said I was more of a Chargers/football fan. I was the first one in the group to be taken for surgery, and the only one getting lapband. The next thing I knew, I woke up feeling great and it was all over. The only thing to be prepared for, though, is that they really don't have that many people that speak English. Oh, I was all done by about 11:30 a.m., and just kicked back the rest of the day. Good luck! Laura
  16. SandyC2

    Banded October 39Th

    OH! Dont forget to tape measue stomach. Bet you are losin more than you think there. I say that because I think soad pop causes folk to gain right in the stomach, particularly DIET soda. JMO sandy
  17. SandyC2

    Banded October 39Th

    of course! Maybe FIRST (like really soon), but if yer worried, exercise that area more than any other, and it will naturally lose there quicker, and ya wont have the sag or as much.GREAT WEIGHT LOSS, and BARELY STARTED! WOO HOO!Good luck Gal! Hang tough! IM PERSONALLY PULLIN FOR YA!!! Sandy
  18. SandyC2


    Dont cry over spilt milk, BIT DONT HAVE ANYMORE CAKE WITH IT EITHER!!! Yes, get it iut the house till you can deal w/out consuming! teehee. Good Luck. I Mean it IS BIRTHDAY CAKE. I see your dilemma, as well! Sandy
  19. SandyC2

    Favorite Articles/books

    amazon has a ton, very reasonable.
  20. SandyC2

    Bathroom Issues

    What a BEAUTIFUL wedding picture! I wish you all the best! Sandy
  21. dinnertime is late round here, but DIIINNNNEEERRRR TIIMMMEEE!!!!!!!!! cya!
  22. lol! Hoot Hoot! Your too funny!
  23. When and if I get the surgery you are on. You should start a bootcamp, and get our fat lazy asses out da chair. Whh Whoooooo! Sandy GRIN

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