LAP-BAND Patients-
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Everything posted by msknow
I haven't even had the surgery yet and I'm already concerned with the 2 weeks before and however long after I have to be on the protien drinks. I tried the Adkins, Cafe Au Late, and I nearly hurled at the smell. It didn't taste much better. Does anyone know of any that actually taste good? I have the nutrition class on Wednesday and will find out exactly what they mean by liquid protien diet, but I'm wondering if anyone had to do it. Was it three of these drinks a day and only that? Were you able to have any food at all? Water? How were you able to manage it? I'm thinking that if I can't stick to Weight Watcher's for two weeks, how do I do this. It's different when you have a stomach the size of a finger. I also noticed the price of the Adkins was about $8-$9 for four. Is that anyone else's experience? Laura
Does anyone know where I can get samples of unflavored protien? I'd like to try some, but don't want to buy a huge container until I know what kind I'd like. Is it ok to put this into soft foods or can I only use it in liquid? What consistancy does the powder make a liquid? Is it gritty or does it dissolve?
I had my esophageal motility test, which by the way was the worst thing I've ever experienced, and found out that my esophagus is so messed up that I can't have the lapband. I've pretty much been in shock for the last two days. I had determined, from the beginning that I would not have the bypass, under any circumstances and felt so good about that decision. The decision I have to make now is whether to have the bypass or not do anything at all. I think to do nothing is crazy, yet I had my heart set on the lapband. I've gone ahead with the rest of the tests and have the psychologist's appointment on Friday and will let her know what's happened. I feel so disappointed, yet I know that things happen for a reason and my prayer was that if I wasn't to have the lapband it would be abundantly clear. That is exactly what's happened. Now, my fear is that it isn't in the plan to have any surgery and that I'll be like this the rest of my life. I don't know........... I really appreciate all of your input and help and wish you all many blessings on your journeys. Laura
oopps Donali, I see your post now. Thanks! I'll check it out. I'm off to the psycologist now.
Sue, it's duodenal switch??
Sue, what is DS? I'd like to do some research on it before I see the doctor, in case it's something I'm interested in.
You people are hysterical!! I went to the class and the nutritionist said to try, but not to worry if I couldn't do it............that sounds like a little too much freedom for me! I'll try some of your suggestions for protien drinks. Thanks!
Thanks everyone for all the feedback. Sue, I'm really afraid that if I have the band done, I could be in constant pain, because I am now. It seems to be getting worse each day. If there's a 50-50 chance of me still having it after surgery or of me having it even worse, I'm not sure I want to take that chance. I think I'll go to another doctor just to be sure, but I'm thinking it's just not for me. I really appreciate your help and encouragement with this. :cool: Laura
I also forgot to say that the same doctor I'm seeing will do the bypass, if I choose to have it done. I don't have to find another.
I was diagnosed about 5 years ago with GERD and I clearly have it. I was on Prilosec until it went over the counter. I stopped taking it because of the expense and am now taking about 8-12 long lasting Tums per day. It's gotten considerably worse over the past couple of months. The doctor wanted to do the test because of that. The test measures the pressure in the esophagus at different places. It also makes sure there aren't any twists or abnormal anatomical features. When I had the original diagnosis, they said that the valve between my esophagus and stomach had relaxed quite a bit and was allowing food to reenter my esophagus, causing indigestion and heartburn. Apparently, the opening is even more pronounced and it's causing the food and acid to just sit in my esophagus, not moving at the rate it should. The doctor asked if I was having chest pains recently and yes, I have been. That's what it is. I don't have any doubt as to the doctor's assessment of the situation and his idea that the band isn't for me. He also suggested getting a second opinion, but I can't see how it would make a difference. The fact is that the band is known for causing acid reflux in people who don't have it to begin with. How much worse it would be for me who, not only has it, but has a really bad case of it?? As hard as it's been the last few days to accept that I won't be getting the band, not all hope is lost. I can still have the bypass and will have great success with that, I'm sure. It's just making the choice to do something that extreme.
Thanks for the reponses! My concern is the two weeks of liquid protien BEFORE the surgery. I'm sure I'll do fine after. I just am going to have a hard time drinking only with my stomach still the same as it is now. :cool:
DeLarla, you're a funny one!! I have a creepy friend, too. She's the girl who does my nails. She just loves a good, oozing pustule!!
Sue, I'm kind of stuck into it now. All of my appointments are set for next week and I assume I'll have a surgery date as soon as the test results are faxed over. I meet the actual doctor tomorrow and I'm sure it's not a problem, since the resident told me that he does lapbands for 50BMI. I feel pretty good about the choice of surgeon. We'll see if I feel the same tomorrow. Thanks for the input, Sue and everyone. I'll keep you updated. Laura
I went to my consultation yesterday and met, not with my doctor, but with one of the residents who will be assisting. I'm not sure why that was. In any case, she told me that the doctor I'd chosen doesn't do the lapband on anyone with a BMI over 45 (mine is 50), so I will be having the other surgeon at this practice do it. He only does them up to a BMI of 50, so I barely made it in with that. The resident discouraged me from having the lapband, as I knew would happen. I was prepared with all of my reasons for wanting to have the lapband and she said that I had obviously done my homework. She said she didn't see any problem with me having it done and that I needed to meet with the new surgeon. That is next Friday. I wanted to make all of my appointments for the tests needed yesterday, but I couldn't. Apparently, Humana wants to approve up front for them all. I'm thinking, even though I really wanted to get the appointments set, that this will work out fine. The insurance person said Humana is the quickest and easiest to get approval. So, that's good, I suppose. I'm wanting to have the surgery done in late June, because I'm a teacher and would like to be used to the lifestyle before returning to school in late July. Once school begins again, my life consists of working my 3 jobs, sleeping, and eating. I'll have to figure it all out. Thanks again to all of you for your support!
Thanks not2big and quakergirl. I definately feel right about the choice I've made. I have the appointment with the new doctor on Friday. Hopefully, he will agree. All the tests are being run next week and I should have a surgery date soon. I really felt strongly that, no matter which surgery I chose, it would be all about what I put into it. That's where my success will be. The lapband is for me!
Oh, ok. I thought they had to wait until I went to the bathroom and under pressure it wasn't going to happen. Now, I understand. I'm already very stressed out about having to pass gas after surgery in order to go home!! Hopefully, they will take my word for it. My friend said he wanted to be there if they won't take my word for it, just for laughs!!! :mad:
Has anyone had an espohageal motility test? How, exactly, does it work? I know it's something that goes down the nose and checks the esophagus for twists and anatomical obstructions, but what is the actual experience like? Also, I have to have a small bowel series. I've had the upper GI before, but what is the small bowel part of it. The scheduler at the clinic said I could be there anywhere from 1/2 hour to 3 hours, depending on something that we have to wait for. Does anyone know what it is that I'd be waiting for? Laura
I went in to see the doctor for the first time on Thursday, after going to the mandatory class. I was told, what I already knew, which was that I needed to make the appointments for all the tests that needed to be run, make sure the paperwork is in and sent to the insurance company and wait for an indefinate amount of time for them to give approval for surgery. Well, when I left the doctor's office, I stopped at the appointment desk, where I was told that Humana wouldn't let me make any appointments without prior approval. I left there frustrated knowing that it was only delaying the already long process. I immediately called the insurance person at Cleveland Clinic to get approval for the tests. She said that if she didn't get back with me by Monday, to call her. Well, she called me 24 hours later and said that Humana approved me. I said great and that I would make the appointments asap. She said she didn't think that I had understood her, that Humana had approved, not only the tests, but the surgery as well. I was reeling! So, I guess when my appointments are done, they will give me a date. I feel unbelievable blessed by the way all of this has come together for me and wanted to share this with you, who would understand more than anyone in my world how significant this is for me. Thanks again for a place to share. Laura
Why would you think that you're being selfish?? You're going to live and be happy. Yes, it will benefit you, but isn't part of your reasoning that you can have a better quality of life with your family? Won't they all reap the benefits of this surgery, as well? I'm so excited for you!!! Laura
Someone mentioned in an earlier post Mylicon liquid (I think babies take it for gas) and simethicone (I think it's a pure form of something that reduces gas. I don't know personally, since I haven't had the surgery yet. :mad: Good luck with it. Laura
Any chance it's gallstones??
The explanation I got was that the success rate with the band isn't as good as with the bypass. 50% excess weight off with the band as opposed to 78% excess weight off with the bypass. What I've found is that, if they looked at the data more than 2 years out from surgery, they would see that the success rate is really about the same. I don't know why they don't consider the long term important. I think it might be because gastric bypass is tried and true and the lapband is relatively new and they are afraid to make too many projections that sound like promises. The resident I spoke with sounded as though she knew that what I was saying about the success I've seen with the band was true, but it seemed as though her job was to discourage people my size from it. The bottom line is still that I have to change my life with either one. Though it's harder with the band in the first two years as opposed to bypass, in the long run it's really not. I know that with the bypass, once the insulin thing adjusts itself, the hunger returns. I'd rather have that from the beginning than have it happen after two years of it not happening. Then I'd go crazy. I know myself. I know that I'm making the right decision for me.
Does anyone know if the lap band can be done with an epidural instead of under a general anesthetic, since it's done laproscopically.
Thanks, guys. That's what I figured. I'm not sure I wouldn't even want it that way.......just wanted to know if it was even an option. I see the doctor in exactly 52 minutes!! It seems like it's been so long, just since I started looking into having the surgery. I know I've got tons of tests and appointments to go. I want to do it today!!
I have my consultation on Thursday with the surgeon. I went into all of this with the absolute conviction that the lap band is for me, but after having gone to the required class last week, I'm waivering on that conviction. The doctor who spoke said that the average weight loss with the lap band is only 50% of the excess weight and that they don't recommend it for anyone with a BMI 50 or above. I'm right at 50, actually 49.9. While I knew that before, I don't know what to do now. I don't want to have my anatomy changed that dramatically, nor do I want the malabsorption and dumping syndrome problems. On the other hand, if I'm going to do something drastic, like having surgery to help me lose weight, why not do it all the way. They said that the average weight loss with gastric bypass is 78% of the excess weight. I don't want to do anything that's only going to get me halfway to my goal. I don't know what to do????????