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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by MsChocolate

  1. I have a question off the subject , I have been having stomach pains for awhile and decided to go to the hospital , they ran all test and ct scan, and saw Fluid around the port . Has anyone had this problem and if so how did you handle it.Is this something that I need to be concern with immediately b/c my Dr.didn't schedule my appt until Monday 12/3. ~MsChoco1
  2. @Show ..I only weight when I go for my fill..once a month.. ~MsChoco1
  3. Don't feel guilty!! I dont know how much or if I gained any weight ,but you can rest to sure that we are not the only ones that ate more than we would normally eat. So no stressin and what I do is stay away from the scale until weight in ~MsChoco1
  4. MsChocolate

    Thanksgiving Dinner

    Happy Thanksgiving!! I've eating dinner already and boy I think I ate too much.. well put it this way .. I know I ate too much.. that means that I will not eat for the next few days.. (free day) ~MsChoco1
  5. MsChocolate

    How Much Can You Eat?

    I have a question.. after a fill,is it ok to eat although the Dr says not too.. I'm hungry ~MsChoco1
  6. MsChocolate

    Protein Smoothie Liquid Base...

    Thanks.. I kinda figured it..I was not one who drink sodas but sometimes I have a taste for a soda.. but oh well ~MsChoco1
  7. MsChocolate

    Protein Smoothie Liquid Base...

    Does anyone know if diet sodas are allowed ?? ~MsChoco1
  8. MsChocolate


    Check out bandwagon cookery .. written by own Jean Mcmillon(spell check). U can get it from amazon.com for cheap . Very helpful!! ~MsChoco1
  9. MsChocolate

    Coffee Creamer

    OMGoodness.. are you guys saying its ok to drink coffee.. I haven't had any in over a month ( banned 9/4/12) what abt sweet Tea from micky D's?? ~MsChoco1
  10. MsChocolate

    Hungry More Often

    I got my first fill on 10/3 .. and I'm noticing that I'm still hungry and not as satisfied as I should be after meals. Should I call my Dr for a early fill..if its such a thing ?? ~MsChoco1
  11. MsChocolate

    Still In Pain

    Thanks Elle.. that was another thing that I though of b/c I sleep on my side that the port is on.. uugg .. guess I have to be patient.. no pain no gain or in out case no pain no loss..lol.. 25lbs down Woohoo !! ~MsChoco1
  12. MsChocolate

    Still In Pain

    I was banned on 9/4/12 and I'm still having pain on the port site. It's not tenderness but more like pain.. I though the pain would've been gone by now. I went to the ER to make sure everything was ok and it checked out but I think I need to schedule an appt with the surgeon..just to be on the safe side.. ~MsChoco1
  13. MsChocolate

    My Wife's Surgery Day Hell!!!

    Wow.. So sorry to hear about your wife.. that is just unheard of.I hope she feel better real soon. I'm just thankful that I have an awesome Dr here in ATL..Keep us updated on her progress. Gods Blessing ~MsChoco1
  14. MsChocolate

    1St Fill

    Thanks Jim!! ~MsChoco1
  15. MsChocolate

    1St Fill

    I was banned on 9/4/12 and had my 1st fill today..Not what I expected!! I didn't eat before the fill and I'm now on liquids for 24hrs uugh!! My stomach is growling like crazy.. OMGoodness.But on a lighter note.. for weigh in I lost 19lbs and I feel great!! I can't wait till tomorrow so I can put some food in my belly. Any suggestions ??? ~MsChoco1
  16. MsChocolate

    1St Fill

    @Jim .. I didn't know if I could eat.. but now that I know .. I will make sure I get a bite before the fill.. that was the longest 24 hrs of my life ..lol.. By chance , does anyone have a guide on what a days meal would be.. I'm looking for something new so that I won't get bored with the current meals. Or a receipe(spell check ) book for banders.. ~MsChoco1
  17. MsChocolate

    1St Fill

    Thanks guys ~MsChoco1
  18. MsChocolate

    I Feel As No Band Is There.

    That is so weird! I got banned the same day and I get my fill the same as yours. I was just telling my friends that I feel hungry and my stomach growls from being so hungry .. I don't want to over eat so I mostly drink a lot of water before a meal. I'm ready for the fill so that I will feel full.. let's hang in there together
  19. 2 weeks post op!! I find that after meals , a few hours later I'm hungry ,stomach growling .. I have my 1st fill next Thursday..will this help with the hunger pains?

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
