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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by jennbrenna

  1. Hello I had revision 3 and half months ago and everything has been fine up until yesterday. I ate a meal and then drank about 40 minutes after and started to have some burning in my stomach area. It's not heartburn and I'm not sure how to explain it but it feels sort of stretching and burning feeling. Has anybody experienced this? if so what is it? I see my doctor next Friday. If it was a late leak, I would most likely know right? Thank you.
  2. jennbrenna

    3.5 months out and burning in stomach?

    Again, thank you all!
  3. jennbrenna

    3.5 months out and burning in stomach?

    I added Zantac on top of my nexium and it has been working. I'm also not hungry at all this week. I guess I will be taking this week by week! I had my revision on feb 11 and have lost 35 lbs. prior to that, I lost 97 lbs (since lap band in 09/2012) and kept it off. I had a lot of issues with the band rubbing my stomach raw and causing eating issues. Thank you all for the support and advice. I'm down a total of 132 lbs and weigh 133.
  4. I had revision almost 3 months ago and just recently moved to more dense protein. I run, cycle, and train a lot. Pre op sleeve I had lost 100 lbs with my lap band. Had complications and started my revision at 168. I now weigh anywhere between 134 and 138. I feel like I eat all day and I'm hungry all day. I average 800-1100 calories a day with 80-100 g of protein and low carbs. If I eat too late, when I wake up, I feel a stretching sensation/pain in my stomach. Does anyone feel this way? Does anyone feel like they eat all day? My portions are appropriate as I'm eating 2-4 oz at a time. I'm feeling lost, hungry, and like I just eat all the time. Please share your insights! Also I made the popcorn mistake by eating too mucch felt nasty and got rid of all popcorn in my house.
  5. jennbrenna

    Running and heartburn

    When I run I sometimes get heartburn. It is to the point where I want to stop. I can still drink water and eat after my run but I'm wondering if anybody else experiences this with the lap band? It is only happened about two or three times and I did eat something spicy today. Other than this, I don't ever have heartburn unless I eat something spicy or too much. I'm going to call my doctor tomorrow to see if I need An unfill, but I feel like I am in my green zone. TIA!
  6. Hello All, I was banded 9 months ago and have lost 74 lbs. I have no appendix or gallbladder so I know that those are not the culprit. I have been having severe sharp cramping on the right side of my stomach right below my ribcage. I can eat and drink just fine...just concerned. Anyone ever experience this type of pain?????
  7. YES! Although I am not sure I would choose to have the band again. I would probably opt for the sleeve just because it is not a foreign object in my body. My band does worked, do not get me wrong, it is just if I had to choose again that is what I would choose. I am starting to have some weird issues with my band but I will be A ok!
  8. I've lost 70 lbs since 09/12 and can now feel my band in my stomach, not my port. Is this normal?
  9. jennbrenna


    From the album: jennbrenna

  10. jennbrenna


  11. jennbrenna


    From the album: jennbrenna

  12. Hey guys I am seven months out of surgery and for the last month I have not felt very full at all. I have about 5.2 cc in a 10 cc band and have a fill scheduled for next week. It's a different kind of sensation though because I feel no restriction whatsoever. I haven't been sick I haven't vomited so I don't think my band has slipped, but I don't know. I've also hit a plateau but have increased my working out. I'm just really confused because I felt restriction and now I don't. Has anyone encountered this??? Thanks.
  13. jennbrenna

    Not full!?!?!?

    I have lost 65 lbs in the 7 months btw. I would love to lose 45 more though!
  14. Hi Everyone, I am 4 months out from Lap Band and have lost 45 pounds so far. Out of the 4-5 small meals I eat per day, at least twice something gets stuck and it HURTS. I have 5.5cc's in my band and was doing great until I got sick last week. The doctor said that I have bronchitis and laringytis. Can this effect my band? I know you guys are NOT doctors but I need some input here. I don't know how or why my band would have slipped, I really and honestly do not see how it even could have. I am fearful that something did happen and am wondering if anyone has every experienced anything like this. Please let me know and thanks in advance! Jenn
  15. jennbrenna

    Food Getting Stuck

    Thank you guys so much! I am going to call tomorrow and get an unfill before the weekend. I think that is the best decision to see if it makes me feel better, even if it is just a little bit. I do not want to risk slipping my band by continuing to get things stuck. It really hurts too. Have you ever went through this or known anyone that has gone through this type of situation?
  16. Just about 4 months out from surgery and am 40-43 lbs down, depending on the day I guess. Feeling extremely discouraged because I am stuck...some days I even gain weight. It is crazy because I don't eat extra or bad. I have tried eating more because the doctor thought I was not eating enough, I have increased my exercise, and nothing...I am feeling like a failure. Has anyone else experienced this? What did you do? I have 5.5cc in a 10cc band and I do feel restriction...I just do not understand what is going on. I love my band but I didn't have surgery to lose 40 lbs! Please help with ideas or past experiences. Thanks!
  17. I am a little over three months out from Lap Band and I have lost 40 lbs. Just recently I have started to have heartburn. I am not too full or need an unfill because I had one not too long ago from being stressed out. I can eat normal food and don't feel the need to throw up after or have heartburn right after I eat. I don't throw up at all nor do I feel sick. I just have had heartburn the past two nights to three nights. Last night I ate kind of late, which was new to me. Tonight I feel like I have a sore throat--like possibly a sinus and strep coming on. Could this be it? I will call my doctor on Monday and go in on Monday as well to go see him. I don't think this is an emergency and I don't really want them to take all of my fluid out in the ER. Has anyone had this happen to them? I had horrible heartburn all of the time before surgery and took Zantac on a daily basis. Should I start doing this again? Can anyone tell me their experiences or stories? I don't think it is a slipped band either...because I can eat and drink just fine. I also don't throw up or feel any pain in my stomach. I am SOOOO confused!
  18. jennbrenna


    Thanks guys, am going to give them a call this afternoon! I know everyone's progress is different, but how many months or years are you out and how much weight have you lost? Have you had an issue with motivation to work out? I was doing so great with my Zumba on the Xbox 6x a week for 30-40 minutes-nonstop cardio but fell off track this past week. I am 3 months and a week out and have lost 40 lbs. Does this seem right on track? I feel down because I cannot seem to keep my motivation up....grrrrr!!!!!
  19. Hey guys- I have lost 33 lbs and am 8.5 weeks out! I have been doing Zumba 6 times a week and been eating pretty healthy. I did two cheats instead of one last week and felt pretty bad about myself but learned my lesson...guess we are all human right? All of a sudden this morning my port site started to have a lot of pain. I don't know why so that is why I am asking all of you. I am confused as to why my port site would even have pain. I have had two fill so far and have 5.25 cc in a 10 cc band. I still feel a little bit hungry in between meals but am going to wait it out between another fill. Does anyone have any ideas as to why my port site hurts? Thanks!
  20. jennbrenna

    Port Pain

    Of course I know I am supposed to call my doctor and have a phone call in to them as of this morning! I post on this site to get some helpful tips from those who have experienced this or are experiencing these types of problems...hence why this website is here in the first place! Sometimes it is so much better to hear encouraging words, an 'it's okay', or anything else from someone who has been through this since there is so much negativity out there in regards to the band. Thanks for your help guys!!
  21. jennbrenna

    Port Pain

    6 times a week! Sorry for the typo!
  22. jennbrenna

    Port Pain

    6 times a week, sorry I had a major typo! I could never do it 6 times a day!
  23. jennbrenna

    Port Pain

    Okay I am sorry you guys...I meant I am doing Zumba 6 times a WEEK, not 6 times a day...OOPS major TYPO!!!!!!!! No way could I hang if I did it 6 times a day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  24. So I am extremely happy that in almost 7 weeks I have lost 28-29 lbs. I say 28-29 lbs because I go up and down each day. I also am stuck at this weight and have been for two weeks. I don't eat white carbs and actually try to stay away from carbs altogether. I am increasing my exercise but am confused as to why I am stuck at this weight...I was banded on 09/10/2012 and had a fill on 10/17/2012. I go in on 10/30/2012 and am going to ask for another fill. I am just worried that I will stay like this forever...please help! Has anyone else experienced this?!
  25. Thank you guys so much! BTW have yet another question! Just got a fill yesterday of 2.5 CC...had to immediately go back in before I left the office and get an unfill so she took out .75 CC. Today I was eating a leftover porkchop, a tiny piece, and it got stuck. It was the worst pain ever! The food got stuck and I somewhat threw up, well Water and some food came up but the throw up was not forceful at all. My son who was watching this whole event said it was more like a spitting up. After that, my stomach felt sore inside. Is this normal to feel sore? Should I be worried that my band slipped? I was able to eat and drink after...of course I took it very slow. I ate hours later and very soft food and then moved to something a bit more solid. Anyone have any ideas? Thanks.

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