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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by tracew

  1. tracew

    Chat Room?

    I think it would be coolies to chat one on one...or so...lol
  2. tracew

    I am 5'8" and 185lbs (40-45 lbs overweight)

    I would be SHOCKED if someone were to do Lapbanding on you. Not to say that people aren't able to make their own health decisions, but the band is simply a tool. You need to work within the tool like lots of other things available. Not to sound critical, I just think that you have such a tiny amount to lose in comparison to some, you need to really ask yourself Is the band right for me? I bet you look awesome already! Good luck POPT Tracey
  3. First off...deep breath and relax....first surgery for DH? Sometimes in my humble opinion, we get ourselves so upset that we can't relax enough to let the gas do its thing, to let the meds do their thing and let our bodies go...oh okay....this is what I need to do. You sound like a smart cookie and your hubby will be awesome tomorrow, its tough waking up from these things, we have had our bodies altered and someone has been digging around in our insides! Good rest for both of you...he is in good hands with the doc I am sure, and you need to relax or you aren't going to be any good for either of you. Its okay, its okay to worry too, but he is going to be fine, you were just through this, you know the drill, you also know that he is going to be great and so are you. Take a deep breath, thank god for you and him and know that everything will be okay tomorrow. Good luck Power of Positive Thought Tracey
  4. Hey there; Here are the pics that I said I would show you. Thanks for the support. First is current and second is late 2003 about a month before banding. Tracey
  5. Thanks everyone......
  6. Hey there; I am going for a Beltline Lipectomy consult. I think some of the questions you should ask are....What should I expect? How long is my recovery? Bloodloss? What is your weight going to change by? Have they dealt with high weight loss patients before (some PS's don't have a clue about dealing with the obese) Just a few hints....that I thought of! POPT Tracey
  7. tracew

    Will i ever be able to eat these things again?

    Hey there; I have trigger foods galore. Taco bell...is one of them. I have alot of things that I can't tolerate at certain times, other times I seem to have no problems. The things that we crave are generally the things that we shouldn't have been eating in the first place...at least for me anyways. So I say....thats okay....if its a trigger that doesn't make a good food choice to begin with...thats okay. Good luck...it gets better... POPT Tracey
  8. tracew

    No Child Left Behind? How about adults?

    I suppose that is one advantage to being Canadian....no presidents! But we have a few sketchy Prime Ministers!! hehehehe Tracey
  9. tracew


    I say you go girls. You will get there and it will all be worth it in the end. This isn't something that we did to ourselves overnight and we aren't going to fix it overnight either. Think that everyday you are in this battle its one day closer to having the tool that you are going to need to make a change in your life forever. You are a gorgeous person who needs this special tool to improve your life. You are going to get there and you are going to be happy for it. Good for you..and huge pat on the back for patience and perseverence in the big fight....take care of you and good luck. POPT Tracey
  10. tracew

    I want to eat

    I am with Jack...I was on complete fluids...anything you can see through for 2 weeks. Then "full fluids" for 2 weeks. This included scrambled eggs. Jello and things like that. I didn't have the urge to chew. I enjoyed the whole process and thought wow I am really going to do this thing. I say...if you want to chew....run, lift weights, exercise. Take your mind off the urge to consume calories. Its boredom not hunger. If you know the dynamics of the band you will realize that the signal of hunger is no longer sent to your brain due to the pressure on the outer part of your stomach. It tells the hypothalemus (sp) that you are always already full. Mind over matter sometimes I think....keep up the good fight. POPT Tracey
  11. tracew

    To be banded March 26

    Welcome you guys! I have been banded since January of 2004. My before and after pics are in the photo album. I have made this change a committment in my life. I use the band as a tool and exercise regularly. Its a new life and a new chance for change. The old friend of food becomes a new tool to change your lifestyle and your health. Good luck to you both. POPT Tracey
  12. I am consulting with a PS next week about a Beltline Lipectomy, I am a bad Keloid scarrer as well. The first PS that I consulted said that the keloid wasn't even a consideration, that he dealt with them all the time. I have had shoulder seperation repair and the scar is really wide and large, it concerns me that this would be the same..... Hey Gottabethin? I am having hysterectomy on the 18th an advice? I have 1000s of ????..can you private message me? POPT Tracey
  13. Hey Ryan I have a RL friend that just had a GB...she is an awesome person and I know that she would be willing to email you or your mom and tell the ins and outs of why and how she is doing. She had her GB about 8 weeks ago and I am thinking she is down around 50lbs. GB is a quicker loss I know that, but I also think that there is a higher regain average to go with it from what I understand. Good luck and I can set you up if you like. POPT Tracey
  14. Yeah Lea...i hear ya...what is it?
  15. tracew

    How much time???

    I am a Canadian self pay and it was literally a fews weeks until I could be banded here. I only waited a short time about 2 weeks if I recall correctly before it was all said and done! Good luck Tracey
  16. Wow thanks guys....its a super booster when people notice the change,,even if you don't see it yourself.....thanks again you guys made my year! POPT Tracey
  17. I was and probably still am a Diet Coke addict. Not as bad as some and not as good as others. I stopped for over a year, not a drop. Never look back once you are off the stuff! I am back to a can or so a day. No worse for the wear I suppose, but I think I crave more sweets when I am on the old coker! Good luck......what is DH? POPT Tracey
  18. tracew

    Banding Costs

    Hi Sasha; I was self pay in Ontario, I was 15000, I am not sure if your fees include your fills though there in the US....I am kinda getting the feeling that your fills are a fee on top of the original surgery, but I may be wrong. I was in and out in less than 12 hours and back to norm in a week. 3 tiny holes for me is all there was, after the tummy tuck those will be gone too. Woo hoo! Good luck POPT Tracey
  19. Chin Up Girlie! Here is what I know...my GP signed off on the attempts that I had made over the years to lose weight. For example, Atkins, Redux, Slimfast on and on and on. I was a self pay however, so that is a different animal all together, but you still have to prove that this wasn't just a whim and that you had been in the past and would be again, serious about losing weight. I think that if your GP knows you, they should be able to help you out in the process of proving your weight loss attempts. I mean really, these insurance companys must be daft if they just think that we sit and don't try to change, they just want to be thorough. I say do whatever they are requesting now...just like the last post, just incase its the only way. Good Luck. POPT Tracey
  20. tracew

    Gallstones question

    Yepp...I totally agree, although my Gallbladder pain is different than that..and it can kinda sit in my back....it will only get worse with the weight loss....I think that you should consider what you are eating...and avoid those trigger foods, for instance, as long as I avoid chocolate at all costs..I am AOKAY! Good Luck Tracey
  21. tracew


    Hey there everyone! I am new to this group and am trying to find some support in life, let alone in lapband! I have been banded for 3+ years and have lost a total of 125 lbs. I do belong to another support forum as well, but I am finding that they are not as friendly as I would like. I am at the point in my weight loss that I am considering plastic surgery and am deeply investigating that possibility. I am hoping that I have found somewhere to come for friendship, for comfort and for answers. Well some easy answers anyways. Hi everyone and I hope to talk to you all soon. Tracey
  22. tracew

    Feel like a bulimic.....help?

    HI there; So, so sorry for your loss. I can totally relate to what you are going through, with the loss only mine was my dad, and taking care of the other parent. The stress alone of situations like this can be mind boggling and we don't know what its like until we walk the walk. I have had the bulimic reaction to stress in the past and its not so easy to conquer sometimes. I think you need to take a little time for you. Relax, take a day off of "Dadsitting" (not to be rude) and look after you. We are givers, you and I, I am the exact same way and I tend to look after others before I look after me. Its time to look after you. Relax, get back on track, go for a run, if thats your thing, or do something to make yourself happy. You deserve it, when you find that you are relaxed and regenerated you will be back on track in no time. Good luck in the next day or two and keep us up to date. I have been here...I am happy to try to help. POPT Tracey
  23. tracew

    100 lbs!!

    Awesome work and good for you...nice pants BTW.... Tracey
  24. tracew

    Tummy Tuck question

    Hey there Mirella; From my understanding you physically cannot stretch the resectioned tummy to accomodate a pregnancy, so in short yes you should wait to have your TT or the like after you have your children. And who wants to stretch out that newly tucked tummy anyways...have a nice tight tummy after the babes. I am having a TT or Beltline Lipostomy in the fall. I can hardly wait. The TT runs about 5600 here in Canada and the Beltline about 8500, but that takes legs and tummy at the same time. 2 birds and one stone kinda deal! Good Luck POPT Tracey

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