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About maxeen29b

  • Rank
  • Birthday 04/12/1983

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About Me

  • Biography
    My name is Maxeene. I have 1 dog and 1 cat. Born in Tampa, but currently living in an apartment in Illinois.
  • Gender
  • Interests
    Pets, walking my dog (and carrying my cat while walking my dog), movies, music and such.
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  1. Happy 30th Birthday maxeen29b!

  2. maxeen29b

    Why Do Women Hide There Inner Freak?

    Yeap, I agree with this. While I was never the subject of that term, I do understand why most women prefer to remain ladies in public. When men "let out their inner freak," all people will usually say is, "eh, typical guy." But when a woman does basically the exact, same thing, people are so quick to call her "a ****." You only ever hear "eh, typical woman" when a woman gives you the cold shoulder, or she's all naggy and such. Come on, just think about it. Even as young teenagers, it's always so "cool" when the boys talk about women's you-know-whats. You almost never hear a girl talk about guys' whatevers. It's really just how society is. As for that book, I agree with Mjv013. I wanted to see what all the fuss was about. Truth be told, yes, I did sort of enjoy the content...but the writing gave me a headache. It felt like I was reading an entire book filled with YouTube comments! lol
  3. maxeen29b

    Explain It To Me!

    Haha! I agree with the others, I think (1) maybe he's expecting too much too soon, or (2) you're just misinterpreting him (e.g. it's just his way of supporting you jokingly). If it's the former, the above quote is warranted. If it's the latter, it's still warranted because at least you're both messing with each other.
  4. maxeen29b

    Unsupportive Wife

    While you can go through the procedure on your own, like Ric, I agree with most everyone on here. Your wife needs to know what you're about to go through. It sounds like you're already doing the ground work on that, so keep it up! You will need her support, and as someone else has already pointed out, you will need someone to drive you to and from surgery. Plus, even if she doesn't understand at first and "judges" you for your decision, AT LEAST try to bring her to one of your meetings with your doc. Who knows, she might "get" it after hearing it from a doc? This journey is for the sake of your health, I'm sure she'll end up giving you her full support. Usually, when people are "against" things, it's due to ignorance -- they don't fully understand what it is, so their default response is to reject it. This applies to many things. That's how I see it anyway. As for the "keeping it a secret" part. Just tell your wife straight up that you don't like it when she tells her family about your business. Explain to her why you need her, even just this once, to keep this between the two of you. Stress can take a toll on your emotional health, and you certainly don't need that while going through this journey. I wish you luck on your future surgery.. And I hope you find a way to get your wife on board.
  5. maxeen29b

    Just Found Out

    I'll pray for you as well, hun!
  6. maxeen29b


    Aww, I'm so sorry to hear that. We hear ya. But I'm so glad to hear that your husband is so supportive! Give him a pat on the pack, he deserves it.

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