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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by PhatKat1127

  1. PhatKat1127

    Problem-Need Advice ASAP

    So today is day 3 of my unfill and my stomach is still really bloated!!! Below my breast area. I am awaiting an endoscopy to be scheduled next week my doc is concerned it may have slipped. But he did a brief sonogram and left the room. Just tole me to drink 2 bottles of water wait 30 mins and make sure the water didnt regurgitate back up. But now I sit here and Im so uncomfortable. Is this common with an Unfill?
  2. PhatKat1127

    Wondering if I need an slight unfill

    So today is day 3 of my unfill and my stomach is still really bloated!!! Below my breast area. I am awaiting an endoscopy to be scheduled next week my doc is concerned it may have slipped. But he did a brief sonogram and left the room. Just tole me to drink 2 bottles of water wait 30 mins and make sure the water didnt regurgitate back up. But now I sit here and Im so uncomfortable. Is this common with an Unfill?
  3. PhatKat1127

    Problem-Need Advice ASAP

    My Doc said NO fruit the 1 st yr! I love frozen grapes they provide a crunch! But today is day 2 of my Fluid removal. ( not completely) I no longer regurgitate Water and I successfully ate a 4 oz steak w/out getting stuck.
  4. PhatKat1127

    Problem-Need Advice ASAP

    I just UNFILLED! Also banded Dec 2012. Noticed after 4th fill I would regurgitate water as well as vomit most protein. I am horrified to start gaining!! But I am only down a total of 44 lbs. and the 1st 20 came off in the 2 months following surgery. I hope this will show a really difference since I haven't seen any weight loss in 3 months just the same 3-5 yoyo pounds. I realize this is a tool and cant believe some of the (" I was banded 3 months ago and Im down 60+ lbs!") Stories on here. The same stories that surely influenced me to chose this surgery. Now with this unfill I am being scheduled for an endoscopy and we are talking possible slip.
  5. PhatKat1127

    For Anyone Debating To Convert To Sleeve

    Thanks for the encouraging kind words!! Ok soo Doc thinks there is a possible issue & has ordered an endoscopy next week. Meanwhile, removed some fluid and made me stay long enough to drink 2 bottles of water to see what happens. When I got home I must admit I have tremendous pressure below my ribcage. But I will say Today I had a 4 oz steak an didn't get stuck at ALL! And I am not belching as much even with Water. I feel content with my lil meal and I an not constantly burping. I hope this unfill is all I needed. Thinking of doing pouch test for weekend thru next week also!
  6. PhatKat1127

    Wondering if I need an slight unfill

    Ok soo Doc thinks possible issues has ordered an endoscopy next week. Meanwhile, removed some fluid and made me stay long enough to drink 2 bottles of water to see what happens. When I got home I must admit I have tremendous pressure under my ribcage. But I will say Today I had a 4 oz steak an didn't get stuck at ALL! And I am not belching as much even with Water.
  7. PhatKat1127

    Problem-Need Advice ASAP

    My Surgeon forbids cottage cheese and almost all fruits! Just today I said I had apple slice and strawberry and he basically told me I wont lose weight on this path. When I say egg I always make it in Omelet form. Since my 3rd and 4th fill no weight loss and I even belch and regurgitate with water. I feel so defeated
  8. PhatKat1127

    Wondering if I need an slight unfill

    I just UNFILLED! Also banded Dec 2012. Noticed after 4th fill I would regurgitate Water as well as vomit most Protein. I am horrified to start gaining!! But I am only down a total of 44 lbs. and the 1st 20 came off in the 2 months following surgery. I hope this will show a really difference since I haven't seen any weight loss in 3 months just the same 3-5 yoyo pounds. I realize this is a tool and cant believe some of the " I was banded 3 months ago and Im down 60+ lbs!" Stories on here. The stories that surely influenced me to chose this surgery. Now with this unfill I am being scheduled for an endoscopy and we are talking possible slip.
  9. PhatKat1127

    Problem-Need Advice ASAP

    Not losing! Tomorrow I am having Fluid removed from band since I cant seem to keep a scrambled egg down and I eat very little throughout the day and still no weight loss!!! Im down 44 lbs total but I lost the first 20 in the 1st 2-3 months! Now 10 months out I feel like I failed the band!
  10. PhatKat1127

    For Anyone Debating To Convert To Sleeve

    Sorry correction (Granted seems I lose the same 5 lbs)
  11. PhatKat1127

    For Anyone Debating To Convert To Sleeve

    Tomorrow I am having all Fluid removed from band. I will be 10 months out of surgery and still at the same weight loss as I was 4 months in. Granted these save 5 lbs lose. I only had a total of 4 fills. Hopefully this will determine if I am too tight or this just isn't working for me. I am still considering the sleeve since even drinking Water which I love and crave causes me to belch like a man! I am on 6 meds that can cause dry mouth dehydration and appetite loss. I just wanted to turn 30 healthier and now I am 1 month away from 31 and weigh almost the same!
  12. PhatKat1127

    For Anyone Debating To Convert To Sleeve

    Thanks Doll! I really want to change surgeons his bedside manner is awful! I told him I feel intimidated every time I go in and I came to him spending $1000's on assistance. You would think he would try to be more helpful and less insulting !
  13. PhatKat1127

    For Anyone Debating To Convert To Sleeve

    Yes I know the chart very well. I am almost to the point where I can go 6 hrs without eating. I only eat when my stomach growls and I am not a head hunger Gal. For instance, I do egg white in the morning 6am even that gets stuck. lunch usually due to work sched is 1 pm or so I attempt to eat 5 oz of chicken, fish , steak etc.. Takes me 30 or more mins to really eat and chew. dinner probably around 7 sometimes 8 pm ( cuz I am a Mom) and I genuinely don't snack (never been a snacker). I walk 4 nights a weak a have taken on zumba. Which my own surgeon told me to refrain from (causes increased hunger) he almost bragged about how successful he is at making those who Eat from the red section even lose. But me I just sustain and maintain! I started doing the weight watchers meals and he said he knows woman don't lose on those meals. I only resorted to those due to my work schedule. I appreciate the feedback and can only be as honest as possible. I was so hoping this would be a tool that would work for me. Maybe I failed the band..
  14. PhatKat1127

    For Anyone Debating To Convert To Sleeve

    I have considered that perhaps I am too tight.. I don't eat bread or carbs as an alternative. Meat,chicken all proteins are hard to swallow down.. But I always felt this way. I have only had 4 fills I have 7 cc. I am terrified if he unfills I will gain it all back!
  15. PhatKat1127

    For Anyone Debating To Convert To Sleeve

    @ Jean, Thanks for your kindness! I am upset that I lost the 1st 20lbs the 1st ( 2 months) after surgery. But I had my gallbladder removed 4 days before lap band and I couldn't keep anything down and had a bad reaction to anesthesia. So I don't even think it was related to the band but to my reaction.... I dont even leave the house since I am soo ashamed that I look the same! People are like You had lap band? How big were you before...,, crickets?
  16. PhatKat1127

    For Anyone Debating To Convert To Sleeve

    I too am on Metformin 1000 per day due to PCOS not diabetes. I am hoping To reduce the amount of pills I am taking. I just am not seeing the results that I was told could be scene. I am not secretly sitting under a table or in a closet eating an entire cake. I watch every bite and now have so much anxiety about what I put in my mouth!
  17. PhatKat1127

    For Anyone Debating To Convert To Sleeve

    I am sooo ready for the sleeve!!! I have ONLY lost 44 lbs and thats due to the fact that I dropped the 1st 20 right after surgery. I am 9 months out and I yoyo around 5 lbs. I have been told by my surgeon NOT to work out cuz it increases my hunger. Then scolded and accused of eating sugars and carbs. I feel like such a failure! I can hardly get food down some days and I get stuck! BELCH like a MAN! SHOULDER PAIN & the monthly costly fills are just something I no longer want to deal with! I am hoping my BCBS will help me convert since I cant seem to lose. I know I have completely reduced my calorie intake. I don't do carbonated drinks! Even drinking water causes an hour of belching! My primary doctor said, "IF I WANTED TO SEE MORE WEIGHT LOSS I SHOULD HAVE HAD THE SLEEVE!' & 45 for a women who started at 224 and is 5'1 is common. I cant even eat an egg in the morning without getting stuck! is this how its gonna be for life and still NO WEIGHT LOSS?
  18. PhatKat1127

    funny feeling

    I had a hiatal hernia repair due to severe acid reflux Prior to lap band surgery. I haven't had reflux since However!!!... Lately, I have had a few moments like tightness in my chest (no slime, saliva, or regurgitation.) this is similar to the sensation of acid reflux that used to keep me up at Night and yes it can last throughout the day. I awake with a belch. This is not due to spicy, greasy foods but I am beginning to feel like its a sign that Im too Tight! I am my 4 th fill and cant keep egg down in the AM. So I too am kindly seeking insight...:/
  19. PhatKat1127

    Feeling defeated

    So I told my doc that I was doing WW meals for portion control and on the go with my hectic work schedule since I refuse to do fast food. He got mad at me and said woman who do WW fail! I am not liking my surgeon anymore! He gave me my 4th fill an said lets hope its the last! What? Im only down 40 in 9 months. I am tight know this! So if I go back and tell him to remove some fluid will I gain it all back? I feel like a failure!!!!!!
  20. PhatKat1127

    Feeling defeated

    I am a fellow Soul Cyster (PCOS that is.)I am 9 months out and just hit 40 lb mark. I feel the same as you girl. As though I am losing the same 5 lbs. I feel restriction. I can go hours without hunger and I am NOT a snacker! As a matter of fact today I had a one egg omelet with low fat cheese and got stuck for 30 mins eventually threw up. I measure my meals.. Stay away from sugar, sodas, carbs etc. 40lbs sounds great mind you my 1st 20lbs came off in the first 2 months after surgery. I have had 4 fills and I am going for my next fill next week. I know myself and I know how severely I have improved my eating habits. I just feel like maybe I could have done this without the band. I was hoping to lose 80 lbs and wish I would have had the sleeve. I just read soo many good reviews about PCOS being reversed with this surgery. So far I am still on 1000 mg of metformin daily.
  21. PhatKat1127

    Weight not moving....

    This is still the healing period and common
  22. I actually had it out with my surgeon since I was tired of feeling like the target of failure. He literally told me it doesn't matter if I ate 3000 calories! It's my sugar intake that is causing me not to lose. Im Not a diabetic! Nor do I consume carbs or sugars. Im not even really a sweets person. I started working out more vigorously and he said I should stop cause it makes me more hungry. I did years of research on this surgery and felt so confident. I follow as much as possible and I don't over eat cuz frankly I cant! I get stuck or vomit with one extra bit or chew too fast. I know I didn't have 100's to lose but I did want to lose 75lbs to try to be healthier and reduce my high blood pressure and eliminate the acid reflux. Which has improved. Could having my gallbladder removed be reducing my weight loss?
  23. Yes I agree he is wrong. But when I know I am watching every bite and personally know I have overcome a lot of my food issues. I am very sad about being 8 months out and maintaining same weight for 6 months or losing what seemed to be the same 5 lbs. my friend had the sleeve and she just hit 135 she was 229lbs when I had surgery. She had it a month after me. I wont give up but hope my doc was serious about this being my last fill. I didn't pay thousands to lose 30 lbs.
  24. Im on my 4th fill doc says I have about 7 cc. Im officially feeling restriction and can only get in 2 small meals since my fill. Now Im down 38 lbs total HOWEVER!! I am 8 months out and 1st 20lbs came off in 1st 2 months. My surgeon seemed very upset with me. He said he hopes this is my last fill! What??? Isn't this for tool for life? My general doc said 35 seems about all I should have expected and If I wanted to lose more I should have had the sleeve. Im very down and feeling regretful. Especially when I am trying to stay under 800 calories and cut out almost all carbs and sugars. Highest weight 224 12/09/12 Current 186 Height 5'1
  25. PhatKat1127

    My success

    You look amazing! I finally hit 40 lb mark this week and Im 7 months out but You are an Inspiration!

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