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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by PhatKat1127

  1. I completely Agree Doll! I am desvestated that I tried so hard and saw such little weight loss. I wish I could go back.. I am hoping to have the sleeve this year.
  2. PhatKat1127

    grievance after being denied from BCBS

    Tonight I can't sleep!! As I research all avenues I really hope my New surgeon who removed my band (due to intolerance) has supported enough in the greivance process gets a BIG PHAT YES! I didn't do anything to deserve this! I followed the rules but apparently intolerance was my obstical... I pray to God I get approved for the conversion to the sleeve!
  3. Very inspirational indeed! Didn't take much you were handsome before
  4. I went to the mentioned site and it only references Care Credit. Is there another type of financing?
  5. My father had the gastric bypass 10 years ago he was 500lbs and is now 245 . Mind you he is 6'2 so he looks very slim. He was very successful! But not without struggle along the way. He was my partner in the lapband adventure I has no Clue my band would be deemed unsalvageable only 1 year later. I was diagnosed with cancer and had a mass removed near my spine mid year. I never wanted this to be a failure. I couldn't cheat if I tried! I had restriction DAY one. Which wasn't the issue so much. I got to the point where I was eating 1 time per day due to vomiting. And turns out my seizures were related to extreme dehydration according to my New surgeon.
  6. Only you can decide what's best for you. It's Unethical for a doctor to recommend one surgery over the other am Not fully disclose why they feel it's a better choice. But I wanted the sleeve day one! My lapband surgeon doesn't perform the sleeve or bypass. He told me often folks who have the sleeve gain it all back with in 2 yrs and it fails. My response... Only I can be the judge of my weight gain in the future. None the less My surgeon shouldn't have spoken ill of the Sleeve simply because was not his specialty. bottom line I never gained with the band but I never lost.. I sat steady at a 28 lb weight loss.. Even though I couldn't even swallow my own saliva. I regurgitated Water and vomited 3-4 times per week.
  7. PhatKat1127

    Feeling defeated

    No doubt I was eating sliders and soups (probably with high sodium) but that was due to the fact I couldn't keep anything down with the band.. Even when the band was Completely empty. Now that the band has been removed I am still eating like I had the band small portions, no drinking while eating, and trying to focus on just quality protein. I don't want to gain it all back.
  8. PhatKat1127

    grievance after being denied from BCBS

    I am so sorry for what you are going through! Out of the 7 yrs of research I had done on this, I never heard LAP BAND INTOLERANCE! I am left with 12 Scars no weight loss and even worse health conditions. But as I read about it I am seeing more and more people that are going through this.
  9. Just had mine removed just 1 yr after my surgery I had several complications with swallowing and keeping food down and NO weight loss. Aka lap band intolerance! I wish I would have had the sleeve now I am battling my surgeon and insurance company. What surgeons don't tell you is that you will spend up to 180 per month on fills and there is no Guarantee you will lose. I have never yoyo'd among 5 lbs until I had this surgery! Sleeve is one surgery and no follow up monthly cost! Do your won research bottom line!
  10. I have been on metformin for PCOS for 5 yrs it does keep my cycles current as without it I would have no menstrual cycle at all. You must take it with food or crackers it does in fact also lead to lactic acidosis! Very very painful craping I can describe the feeling like gut wrenching contractions. Don't miss a dose. Other symptoms can be diarrhea and lead to dehydration so no sugary drinks. PCOS causes erratic insulin but as we struggle with PCOS are not Diabetic so the benefit of Metformin is to stabilize the insulin.
  11. PhatKat1127

    Feeling defeated

    Besides praying every night for a solution I will have to wait for the outcome from the Grievance filed on behalf of my Surgeons office to BCBS. I have incurred $thousands$ In medical debt due To having a cancer mass removed from my back an continuing treatment. I thought of financing it but I just can't believe I had 8 initial incisions and now I have 12 scars on my abdomen and no weight loss or health benefits I feel mutilated!
  12. PhatKat1127

    grievance after being denied from BCBS

    So I had my lapband on 12/7/12 with Anthem BCBS. I had no trouble getting approved in 2 weeks. Then after one year of constant vomiting fills and unfills. I was only able to get 4 cc total into my 14cc band. I started to have migraines, panic attacks an finally seizures. I was never diagnosed with epilepsy. I told my surgeon every month that I was having trouble an NO substantial weight loss Every time I went into office he paid no addy entomb to my concerns! Finally (at my 1 yr Mark )he completely removed all fluid from my band and stated clearly the band was causing more harm than help and I was suffering from Band intolerance. He said he would do what ever it took to seek the sleeve for me as it was medically necessary to have the band removed immediately! I got a call from my health advocate stating I was denied a conversion. Although the Removal was Approved. I asks the advocate what was in the letter. She stated my surgeon mad no mention of my issues.. No mention of intolerance! No mention of my seizures or the fact that I was on 200 mg of antiConvulsion meds along with Prozac and Xanax. Basically I was denied since My surgeon didn't supply enough info. WTH!!! I was livid! So I got a new surgeon since my primary failed me he lied! He also said it was going to be difficult that I was the 1st to have this issue or the band removed from his office (another lie) My new surgeon confirmed by band could not be salvaged. Also through the barium swallow discovered the band was too high and even if repaired would slip right back up due to an indention That was already created. My new surgeon stated he had no respect for my previous surgeon or his techniques as a matter of fact he had already removed 25 lap bands from (MY surgeons office) in the past year alone! So my new surgeon is attempting to help me file a Grievance and hopefully bcbs will reconsider my conversion to the sleeve!
  13. PhatKat1127

    Lap Band Removal Surgery

    I only had my band 1year 2 months. Just had my band removed on Feb 19 2014 Due to band intolerance. Something I was never told was even a risk. I am Sooo mad and trying to have the sleeve done but so far looks like my insurance isn't gonna budge. I had it removed by my new surgeon since I feel my primary surgeon really didn't give a damn about me. The surgery wasn't too bad I am still in pain can't lay on my sides and since my 1st surgeon used mesh my Current surgeon said it would be difficult removing the port. I still have pain in my port area. I feel soo empty and much like a failure. I only lost total 20 lbs since I just yoyo'd on the additional 20 I had lost.
  14. PhatKat1127

    Feeling defeated

    So now it's March 2, 2014 I no longer have the band. Due to band intolerance I was ONLY able to get in 4ccs in my 14 cc band and still had to fill and UNfill.. Repeatedly!! No weight loss!! Bottom line my primary surgeon stated that my band Needed to come out ASAP! I couldn't keep food down, vomited 3 - 4 times per week then I began to have seizures. All very strange and scared me. But I did find a second surgeon after realizing my primary surgeon had no interest in helping me. Just urged me to remove the band an wash his hands of Me! My 2nd opinion Surgeon agreed my band was Sitting TOO high and even with no fluid my esphogaus was the size of my pinky. I asked if he could move it down? He stated there is already an indention and it would just slip back up. He immediately confirmed my seizures were due to Dehydration.. Something I asked my primary surgeon about over an over and he paid no attention to my concerns.. My 2nd surgeon Made a report stating my band could not be Salvaged! It was removed 2/19/14. I gained weight rapidly after the UNfill due to the fact I was eating soups and sliders. Still couldn't tolerate protein. Starting weight 12/7/12 --224 Weight throughout the 1st year yoyo'd 196--205 Date Band fluid was removed 1/10/14 Weight 206 Date of band removal --weight 213 I am devastated! I now have 12 incisions and no weight loss results!!
  15. PhatKat1127

    Failed bandster planning for sleeve

    Thank you all or your kind words! I am so depressed I don't want to leave the house. I work from home thank God! But I did see a coworker who asked me did you ever get the lapband?.... ???? It is extremely evident That I still appear the same ????
  16. PhatKat1127

    Failed bandster planning for sleeve

    Well it's official My new surgeon and 2nd opinion confirmed my am suffering from lapband intolerance and confirmed band was not salvageable and needed to Come out ASAP! He was appalled that I had 8 incisions when his practice is only 3. On feb 19 2014 my band was removed. I'm back at 213.. And don't see signs of this stoping. As I suffer with PCOS, metabolic disease, and throughout the 1st yr I had severe increase in migraines and began to have seizures. I feel like a complete failure.. I can't even lose weight with MAJOR SURGERY!!! Now I'm her with 12 incisions and no resolution! Body dismorphia has set in! I am sooooo miserable! And even more in debt than before! My 1st surgeon had his office send a request to convert to sleeve but I was denied instantly! Turns out my 1st surgeon made no real mention of my "lapband intolerance" Thus the reason for me leaving his office for good! I was never told about this intolerance issue would ever be a possibility! He said I was the 1st to have it removed from his office! Big lie! I did research I'm #25 in the year 2013 alone! I am appealing the decision with my New surgeon who agreed the band could not be salvaged! Now what!? Height 5'1 31 years old 12/7/12 224 starting weight surgery day 12/7/13 205 Day of LAPBAND REMOVAL surgery 2/19/14 Weight 207 Today 3/2/14 213
  17. I too was discouraged from having the sleeve and was told I wouldn't lose correctly and if I did I would gain it back. I had the lap band 1 yr ago and I only lost about 20 lbs total! that was the 1st 2 months out of surgery!! I have fill after fill then band loosened. I always felt Restriction! I measured Meals and never accomplished being able to eat protein. I vomited and slimmed everyday. Not to mention belched all the time with Water. Regurgitation Daily! I ended up with 8 scars and no real weight Loss! Now I have had all fluid removed since I still can't keep food down. (unless its broth) but I just lose the same 5 lbs. Per My surgeons Recommendation I am having Band removed and deemed Incompatible. I want the Sleeve but don't want to pay for it… I told Doctor I wish I could have lost the weight and seen if it came back.. let me be the Judge of that! but I never lost substantial enough weight to even want to get SPOILED! I am driven and I still want to lose it successfully…
  18. PhatKat1127

    Failed bandster planning for sleeve

    SO Here I am 1 yr out and only 20 lbs down TOTAL! with the Band.. I CANT keep anything down.. I just had all my Fluid removed.. can't eat solids ALWAYS felt restriction and vomited/slimed/coughed/belched almost daily and still NO significant weight loss. Mind you the 1st 20 LBS came off right after surgery. I can't eat meat! forget bread noodles Pasta of any kind! I don't try to cheat I am not a snacker. I just plateaued 2 months after tighten and loosened. My Surgeon sent me to have an endoscopy at a True Results center and I got slammed with a $17k facility fee and a $10k endoscopy fee. Which was more than the Lapband all together. I can't believe this. I wanted this "TOOL" to work and assist me. Today we discussed Revision to sleeve but My insurance will only cover 1 surgery for life of the plan. He wants to remove it ASAP stating I am just not compatible with the band. He is deeming it medically necessary to remove band.. But then what!?? No revision? Someone please tell me how this will work with my Insurance. Antem Bcbs said the Doc needs to send in a preDetermination Deemed Medically necessary for me to have revision. Anyone experience this?? Please Help!!
  19. Im less than 1 yr out and sched for endoscopy friday. Weight loss total 40lbs which was reached before my 6th month! Then no Weight loss at all. 4 fills total cant keep anything down, acid reflux is back after hiatal hernia repair in esophogaus to correct Gerd. Sudden increase in severe migraines and now seizures. Doctor is talking possible slip. I wish I would have gone with the sleeve. I look the Basically the Same & Feel worse! I did 7 yrs of research I guess I am the 2% failure rate... I pray all can be corrected!
  20. PhatKat1127

    Problem-Need Advice ASAP

    @ Donna, Thanks Doll, I hope so too I am very passionate about this and my goals. I don't want to be seen as a quitter looking for easy way out. Everyone is so kind and encouraging I value that!!
  21. PhatKat1127

    Problem-Need Advice ASAP

    I exercise, I focus on protein and I am not a snacker! I don't make a lot of money and as a single Mom who comes from obesity in my family I don't keep the chips,sodas,or easy to grab snacks in the home. So I can force myself to prepare and cook! Nor can I afford to splurge. If we eat out we share a plate and I am trying to teach her about the choices I am making and why. She is 11 yrs old. Im 5'1 she is 4'11 & she weighs 140. Thats what I weighed when I got pregnant with her. Mind you my daughter looks 13 and has the mature body of a woman...she is just like Me! I've never been able to give her a sibling due to PCOS (infertility) and my obesity. I'll be damned if all I have invested is wasted! I am hoping that I am not the F&@ing 2% failure rate I learned about in the meetings!!!!
  22. PhatKat1127

    For Anyone Debating To Convert To Sleeve

    I should have the endoscopy this week. Just got letter from Insurance company approving it as medically necessary.
  23. PhatKat1127

    For Anyone Debating To Convert To Sleeve

    I only had 4 fills total which my 4th fill was 3 months ago. I thought the restriction I felt was normal. Indeed I track all my calories. I stay away from carbs simply because I can even get bread down! I try to stick to protein but even that was soo hard 2 -3 bites and I would begin to slime. My Dad was 500lbs and he lives with me since surgery he too had Gastric bypass years back and he lost 300lbs. He is my advocate. He also is a professional chef and taught me how to cook band friendly. I went to my surgeon and nut and they put me on 900 calories. I need metformin to stabilize my insulin which seems to be erratic in my system so apparently my body turns everything to sugar. So my surgeon said no fruit for the 1st yr just protein and basically all Atkins friendly foods. He joked one day and said YOU could eat 5000 calories Dear..Its high glycemic foods you must avoid. The upkeep seems more and more expensive and Im not seeing the results nor the connection from my surgeon I have invested in.
  24. PhatKat1127

    For Anyone Debating To Convert To Sleeve

    I am beginning to feel very upset with the band! I suffer from PCOS, high blood pressure, severe acid reflux, which led to a hiatal hernia. I had my gallbladder removed prior to surgery. Now I am finding all my COSTLY follow up visits and Still no weight loss and now reflux is back! I belch like a man constantly even when I take my vitamins. I cant go to dinner with friends cuz Im embarrassed to get stuck in public and now that i am 10 months out of surgery and my friends as how much have you lost? I am humiliated that I turned to drastic weight loss surgery and look the same!! So I avoid going out all together. My friend had the sleeve same comorbidities as I, and she lost 70 lbs and really doesn't require much out of pocket follow up! And this is for Life????? Since surgery I had 2 seizures (which I never had before) Adding Anti Anxiety meds and anti siezure meds to my list of meds including 1000ml metformin and migraine meds.
  25. PhatKat1127

    Problem-Need Advice ASAP

    Awaiting scheduling on the endo this week. After the slight fluid removal (unfill) Last thursday I am still bloated under my breast area. I dont know why.... I saw a 2 lb weight reduction over the weekend which make me feel hopeful but I often see a fluctuation around 2-3 lbs but seem like the SAME darn pounds! I researched a new doctor to specializes in both band and sleeve maybe I will just see someone new an keep the band. I was always good at shedding 20 lbs on fad diets ,weightloss pills , etc... But I went to the band for more of a lifestyle change with significant results And 20 lbs off the 1st (2 months) and the following 20lbs took 8 months to come off. I know my lifestyle has changed and I'm following the rules. So much so I can't eat with out my mouth filling with slime or getting stuck.

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