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Vicki Loichinger

LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Vicki Loichinger

  1. Vicki Loichinger

    Absorption of med

    I have notice that my ambien i take at night for sleep works a whole lot faster now post op. It used to take me two to three hours to get sleepy after taking it, now in less than an hour I can't hold my eyes open. I don't sleep for much more than six hours afterwards but I go to sleep fast. So something is different.
  2. Vicki Loichinger

    I'm almost done with therapy!

    I had to do three months of talking to the Counselor after my psych exam, And mine used one of those crazy tests too, I was devastated. I mean I was so upset and angry and depressed that someone would decided I needed to talk to someone for three months before I could even get insurance approval. I felt like someone had kicked me in the gut. But I mustered through it. Don't think it helped anything. Most the time we talked more about her then me. But it was a hoop and I jumped through them. And now I am on the other side over two weeks out. I will tell you one thing the two weeks after sure has been quicker then any of the two weeks before. Wishing you the best and that you can get through all the things they required. Good Luck on the liquid diet. It isn't that bad. And you will be really pleased with the pounds you will drop right before surgery and it will help your surgery and your recovery. Sending you the most positive of thoughts.
  3. Vicki Loichinger

    December 2012 Post Op Group

    Hope they get the nausea under control. glad the pain isn't too bad. Sending you prayers and healing thoughts. Please let you folks take good care of you when you get home and don't try to be the hostess with the mostness. Get your fluids in and walk when you can. You know the drill. Sometimes it is just easier said then done.
  4. Praying things improve for you and do so quickly. You have been through so much.
  5. Vicki Loichinger

    December 2012 Post Op Group

    So glad I have had a few not too many and would sure love to have a ''good'' one if you know what I mean. I used to think it was so funny when older people worried about their bowels. OH but it isn't funny at all. Pooping is important stuff. Doing a Happy Dance for you and hoping it helps me poop.
  6. Vicki Loichinger

    Worst comment you've heard so far

    Thank you I think i can use that card now
  7. Vicki Loichinger

    Worst comment you've heard so far

    seriously seriously that is just crazy. Can't wait till you do skype with them again they are going to drop their teeth,
  8. Vicki Loichinger

    Worst comment you've heard so far

    Cheated???? that is a good one. How in the world do people come up with this stuff. Speaking of Starbucks what can someone get that is safe. I got a 25 dollar gift card burning a hole in my purse.
  9. Glad you are doing better. I was worried about you. I know how that panic feeling can feel and you don't need that on top of the pain and gas and everything else. When you are awake try to make sure you drink cause you are right the pain meds do sometimes put you to sleep right away. But each day will get better and you will need less pain med and be able to get in more meals. Right now liquid is so very very important. Wishing you the best each hour.
  10. Vicki Loichinger

    Friday Weigh-In!

    HW 194 Day of surgery 166 one week post op 163.8 two week post op 157.4
  11. Vicki Loichinger

    Happy birthday to me...

    Happy Birthday and what a wonderful job you have done in the past 10 months. I hope your day is EXTRA special.
  12. Vicki Loichinger

    Last Dietition Appt in the am..

    Good Luck, hopefully this is your last HOOP to jump through before approval. What a great Christmas gift to hear soon after that you are approved. Wishing you the very best.
  13. Are you still in the hospital? or are you home? This is just anxiety. Take you pain meds that are ordered for you and rest. The hard part is about over. You made it through the surgery now you must do what you need to do to recover. Sip Walk and rest. so sleep is important. My thoughts and prayers are with you because I can sense the fear you are going through and it breaks my heart. I pray for comfort for you and peace and that this anxiety will go away. Gently Hugs
  14. Vicki Loichinger

    How do u know

    that is an awesome idea, I start puree tomorrow. I just may have to do something like that. I think planning ahead and being prepared with what we are going to eat could be key in this journey.
  15. Vicki Loichinger

    Looking forward to a whole new me

    Welcome Glad you found us. This place is a wealth of information and support. Wishing you the best.
  16. Vicki Loichinger

    Sharp burning pain

    Lisa I hope your Ct scan shows what is going on and it can be easily fixed. Let us know when you can. I pray the pain eases up.
  17. Vicki Loichinger

    Liquid Diet Support

    You rocked that optifast way to go, Thinking of you and praying for you today, Today is your day. I am so excited for you.
  18. Vicki Loichinger

    Anyone drink pop on a daily?

    I gave up diet pepsi eight years ago when I had the band. And I was the type that when I got a can I got two cause that is how fast I would drink them. Our home could have been out of a lot of things but not out of Diet Pepsi. I am still amazed to this day that I was able to just stop drinking it. But I did. I do believe that it would cause some discomfort if you drank it and that may be enough for you to want to avoid it.
  19. Vicki Loichinger

    still sad

    I can not imagine how disappointed you were. That was a big fear of mine that I would wake up and find they only took out the band and didn't do the RNY I have even dreamt of that happening before and after surgery. I pray your stomach heals so that you can have the RNY within six months. I know the waiting will be miserable. I wish I had a magic answer. It is just going to be tough. As hard as it is to hear things like this do happen for a reason. And your Doc deserves cudos for getting in there and seeing what was going on and making the call to let you heal from the band removal. There must have been some damage or he wouldn't have done that. So be thankful if you can that your Doc was so on top of it and that he doing this in two steps may prevent complications you would have had. Thinking of you.
  20. Vicki Loichinger

    Absorption of med

    I wonder about this a lot too. Wonder how many of the meds I am taking are getting absorbed or not. Interesting. And I agree most docs and pharmacists probably do not have a good understanding of it either. Hope you get some answers.
  21. Vicki Loichinger

    im home

    fantastic. praying for continued healing and to feeling better every day. Please take good care of yourself. sip walk rest. and repeat.
  22. Vicki Loichinger

    Any Surgeries For December

    Snow, praying for you and others having surgery today. I am so glad you day has come. When you are up to it let us know how you are doing. Hugs
  23. Vicki Loichinger

    December 2012 Post Op Group

    Praying for those having surgery today and tomorrow. And also praying for continued healing to those who have already had surgery. May God be with them throughout this process and those that are caring for them. Bless their families and give them the understanding that we need. Thinking of everyone today. Hugs to you all.
  24. Vicki Loichinger


    that is awesome. keep up the good work. you will be dropping sizes again soon.
  25. Vicki Loichinger

    Tomorrow is my day!

    Good Luck tomorrow. You will be in my prayers for an uneventful surgery and quick recovery.

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