All Of your comments have help me so much. I Thank everyone of you for telling me your stories and what it has helped you or maybe not in some cases... My first appointment for all this was Aug 17th 2012 and I haven't told hardly anyone at all so right now this is all I have to go to for support! I think this might be they only thing keeping me from having a nervous break down. I thank you all so much this means alot to me, This has been on my mind for a very long time, Part of me wants to tell more people just for some support, but I don't think I will have it, with my family. I do also live with skinny people and my husband is the only one that knows in this house and he don't even want to talk about it. I want to show him all the wonderful stories and process people have made and he just wants to shut down or just says ... yeah yeah that's nice. I am just a bit down I guess. Thanks again to all of you! Have a Wonderful Day!